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My Life

Me and my crazy world

Born and raised in New York...moved to flushing ny. I went to st. michaels elementary when i was a kid. Graduated and headed out to St. Johns Prep where my life changed...


All throughout high school it was a struggle trying to find out who I was. I finally realized that for most of high school I was lost. Senior year came around and I was introduced to the love of my life...You. Jazmin was the type of girl you would walk by in the hallways and not be able to notice until you sat down in class and noticed something peculiar about that one person who passed by.

You would walk by in complete stealth mode but as you would pass your eyes would pierce through my mind even if I didnt see you. If not you would touch my shirt without me noticing. Everything about you was soo gentle, cute, and beautiful at the same time. This little package of love eventually made it to my life. The funny part about it was I was soo used to going unnoticed or just "out of it" that It would not kick in that this girl was actually attracted to me.

It all started when Baramee(I owe you soo much for this man) told me that there was this girl named jazmin who liked me and that I should "go up to her" lol. As soon as he said that my face became the color of a tomato. Jazmin was soo sexy, small, and goddamn what a body. The fun all started at your lunch table. wow you were serious(or at least seemed like it lol). I tried for 2 days straight opening up with you and TRYING to make you laugh. Well...I made no progress, so the 2nd day I laid back said "fuck this" and in frustration thinking I wasnt going to make an impression on you, I grabbed a straw and made a spit ball and Fired straight at Ethel's(Ethel Methyl Ether lol)face. All of a sudden I noticed this little "serious" woman was dying laughing. When I realized her type of humor I found myself soo attracted. I fell in love with the little mischievous side of you.

We began the "talking" process and it lasted for a WHILE! All of a sudden it was the end of the year and it was prom time and I still havent declared my feelings for this little lady. I felt bad because I wasnt able to take you because of seating problems and short notice. I remember I was on a quest to remember your locker number and combination because I had a plan. LOL i remember you had said "aww i'm gonna miss you on your prom i wont get to see you". That was my oppurtunity. So on the day of prom which the seniors didnt have classes, I grabbed my friend Lillian and dragged her and made her accompany me while I pulled this little Heist lol. I wrote you a letter asking you out, had a graduation picture, and I bought a red rose and a white one(converting from friendship to love). I taped the roses in a cross and put the letter in the middle with the picture showing. so when you would get out of class you would notice the roses and I would be well on my way home getting ready and dressed for prom and thats how it all began....

My first year with you had it's ups and also had it's downs. It was only 2 months into the relationship that I told you I love you. I knew that this girl was going to be the one I wanted to keep and mature with. In the beginning I was immature and didnt take my relationship seriously. Then the second year came around and oh my god. I couldnt get enough of you. 1st year anniversary was the greatest May 5th 2001 your prom day. You had given me the best anniversary present as soon as my eyes found you. You looked amazing. Till this day I remember how shocked i was to see you. Jazmin you looked soo good that even your pops was a bit uneasy about me getting close to you for the picture lol.

2nd year went by so quickly but it was well worth it. I found myself and matured soo much with You. Now we were working on our third year. I loved you incredibly. I regret not showing how much I loved you. At this point I was at the point in our relationship that I would think about how much I love you and I would gasp. The force I had and still have for you is soo intense. We had beautiful images and pictures in our minds as to what our children would look like lol(yes they were fly). We had dreams of getting married. Video games was the beginning of my plummet down to the most unsatisfactory treatment I ever gave you. But do understand that everything we had was official, genuine, and non-bs. I let my carelessness drag us down.

And that leaves me where I am now... This is the beginning to a battle to regain what I lost. I wasnt the greatest boyfriend but it's time for a change. I will prove you and myself wrong in thinking i wasnt worth it. I never knew shit could change so drastically and quickly. I became careless, and I messed up badly. I understand the pain I caused you. I wish there was something I could do. But i have to face the fact that the damage was done. It is up to you to think about what we had, what we could be, and to have faith. I know this is really tough for the both of us but I understand the decision is yours. Let love play it's part and let it heal your pain. Jazmin I believed you when you said we were soul mates....I still believe. I've realized when you lose something you love and it is soo have to fight for it even against all odds. No longer go by my words but by the actions to come. I apologize this all had to turn out the way it did. But it will all change, wounds will heal, and hopefully(I am praying hard) WE will still be ONE. I will be praying. Baby I love you and I always have with the bottom of my heart!

Joaquin, Bubba


Jazmin drawing 1 of 3

Jazmin Drawing 2 of 3...coulda been better.

Jazmin tired from walking on prom shoes

Soooo Beautiful

Oh My God SEXY!!!

The Last Of The Mohicans

My Collage...I look like i'm singing the song lol.



Valentines Day
