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Yes, YOU!title> </head> <p> <center><img src="/nc/fooeyonastick/images/tayfinger.JPG"></center> <p> <center>Yes, YOU!</center> <center> <h2><FONT face="Courier New">the hilarity is unbearable.</font></h2> <hr> So, everything's gone, huh? Yeah... I know it sucks... But I'm going to make this a Hanson fansite again, I suppose. I have webspace on my membership... but angelfire has always been "home" to me... I'm really used to it. <p> I have a new LJ <a href="">HERE</a> <br> Hopefully this one doesn't get me in trouble... <p> I have a lot of editing and updating to do before this site is up and running again. I missed having a website... :( oh well! Since my love for Hanson has come back full force, it won't be too hard to make a new, more creative fan site than the one I had six years ago! Until then, hold tight... It'll be up soon! <p> ~KT~ <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> </body> </html>