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Deep Sea Creature 9-17-00 Peter Nevland

Deep calls unto Deep.
I weep on the steep banks of a ravine
Overlooking the scene of a surging, torrent waterfall
Beating on drums in my ears, globs of tears
Flow from the churning ointment in my chest.
People surround the glass shores of its pools,
Reposing in the sun, dipping chubby toes in pure waters,
Wading to their ankles with plodding feet,
Soak like a bath of epsom salt, a hypnotically somnambulent picture of life.
The surface is still, but my passion kills complacency.
I am thirsty, weary, bursting nearly to the threshold of solid, gas, and liquid interface.
Collision of three worlds,
Firm, impenetrable and supporting,
Weightless vapor, tasteless, thin, light, and unable to be grasped,
Flowing slippery soft clothing, cool, wet, and refreshing.
I am drinking in the third world of matter,
Falling on my knees as face meets pleasing draughts, laughter bubbling,
Washing my briared throat, filling the moat around my heart castle.
Deep calls unto Deep.
Asleep to the heap of curious, fat stares
Gazing from comfortable chairs on my thin, lithe body.
Beating of drums from my inner kingdom
Yearns for more water, hotter the potter’s hands on tottering clay.
Who cares what they say!
I rush to the fray and leap, for a moment suspended in flight until…
Plunging like a released arrow into the heart of the pool,
Piercing into depths, my breath is failing,
Expiring as sweet moisture presses in my flaring nostrils.
My eyes are wide with terror…and joy,
Open to this new universe of wonder.
Legs kick, arms flail, straight for the boiling center.
The pounding pulse from above, love from the heavens
Pins me on the bottom, purging hard billows
Urging release of my densely layered onion.
I am undone, blunt hammers, tenderizing clamor on my soul.
I want the whole deal.
Peel me open, water.
Gush into my castle walls.
Fall my vulnerability to your delight.
I cannot be content tonight under thin sheets of rest,
Returning from this blessed place, pulse racing through dream mountains.
Deep calls unto Deep.
Creeping to peep out my window glass,
Floating the walls I pass through matter boundaries that held me before,
Soaring into liquid skies, my disguise is gone.
Fly under Your love waterfall pounding, resounding my resonant frequency.
Decency is lost in sea waves.
Unreason waves goodbye to standard days.
I cannot stay away, pray, play, lay to rest my hunger,
Growing younger, more childlike and eager.
Grow the size of Your faucet.
Pour the star brightness.
Cause it to fill my receptacle, a spectacle of transformation into a deep sea creature.
Reach your unmeasured, pressured heights and length and width and depths.
You are heaving in my chest.
Walls of my heart have fallen, ruins.
I am Your meadow.
Run through me.
You are free without gates, every locked place is open.
Delve in this swamp,
Stagnant water become a fresh spring fountain that swirls and furls
Beating streams, redeemed and united with your heart’s cry.
Deep calls unto Deep.