Why GreekToMe?

Consider for a moment everything you have ever heard or read. That includes every sermon, television show, commercial, magazine, book, newspaper article, billboard, brochure, web page, e-mail, and every conversation. That's a lot of input! Some of it was true, and some of it wasn't. Why should you care?

Here is why. There are principles at work every moment of your life and the choices you make during your stay on earth will either lead toward a better life experience or a worse life experience.

People make choices based on what they believe will lead toward a better life. But if what they believe is not based on what is true, it will not lead toward a better life in the end. Believing what is true enables you to discern which choices in life really lead toward a better life.

Suppose a man needs money. Drawing upon the vast input he has received since birth he decides that his very best option — the thing he believes will lead toward a better life experience — is to rob a bank. Most people would think, "That is a dumb idea!" Sadly, because his beliefs are messed up, it isn't a dumb idea to him. He either doesn't know or doesn't believe the principles that lead to a better life.

I used GreekToMe to search the New Testament for the word "steal" and it found a verse about stealing:

Matthew 19:18 He said to him, "Which ones?" And Jesus said, "Do not commit murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, (LEB)

There it is! Jesus, quoting the Old Testament, says, "Do not steal." Maybe the guy doesn't know that God says not to steal? No, I'm sure he's known that since childhood! What he probably doesn't understand is that the reason that God says not to steal is because there is a principle that stealing does not lead toward a better life.

Here is another verse GreekToMe found with the word "steal":

Ephesians 4:28 The one who steals must steal no longer, but instead must labor, working with his own hands what is good, so that he may have something to share with the one who has need. (LEB)

Instead of stealing, God (through Paul) says he should get a job! That makes sense! But that's not all. Notice how God deals with the heart: He should get a job so he has something to share with the one who has need. God wants this person to decide to change from being a thief to being someone who is generous! It starts by choosing the way that leads to a better life.

Don't be afraid to ask yourself, "Why do I believe that?" Or, "Is my belief that _______ really resulting in a better life?" Be brutally honest with yourself. If a belief is based upon what is true then it will help you make choices that really lead toward a better life with no regrets. If you're not 100% sure whether a belief is true then you should study to find out! If there are people in this world who believe that stealing will lead toward a better life, surely there are many other things people believe that also won't result in a better life. Don't follow their example; be willing to change for the better. Don't let anything or anyone prevent you from experiencing God's best.

GreekToMe is simply a software tool that helps you navigate the New Testament. It's not about do's and don'ts. It's all about discovering and walking in the principles that lead toward a better life experience. You can join millions of people in this world whose ambition in life is to understand and walk according to the principles of the New Testament (and also the Old Testament). GreekToMe allows you to study the New Testament in its original language, but you don't have to know any Greek to use the program.

This age seeks enlightenment. My experience is that nothing compares to the enlightenment that is available through a personal relationship with Jesus the Son of God. When you invite Jesus to come into your life, He personally helps you to understand and walk in the principles that lead to your very best life experience. Without that personal relationship, the term "Kingdom of God" is just a theological term and not a reality. Religion is for those who are spiritually dead; Jesus is for those who are spiritually alive. Even if you doubt that God exists, I challenge you to discover and walk in the principles of the New Testament. Prove to yourself that the words of the New Testament are inspired. Discover and experience God's love.

Chuck King