Finally, here it is; the review of cARDbOaRD DEaD bOY!!! In case anyone doesn't know, CDB is ME!!! And because of this I can't really review my own CD, so below is the review from Vanity Project fanzine:

"Described by the man himself as "Industrial Ambient Lounge", this comes across like an unholy ruck between Kid 606 & Alec Empire! What you get are 7 tracks that infuse elements of drum 'n' bass, samples, industrial barracking, blips, glitches & cinematic soundscapes. Largely without vocals, one can only begin to imagine how the CDB mind works, wonderful titles like 'This Corpse Is Delicious' & 'I'm In Love With Daytime TV' provide some hints as to the insanity involved behind this! Overall 'Famous When Dead' is a complete headf**k of a release, email the man himself at he was giving it away free, go on be brave!" *** CDB website ***

Well, I can't tell you how chuffed I am. I've been creating music, in bands and on computer, for a number of years now, and CDB is the first time I've sent something off to be reviewed. To see what's wrote above, and have it relating to me is ace! Makes me all warm inside! Anyway, I'm making an album as we speak, so hopefully that will be ready soon! If you would like a copy of FAMOUS WHEN DEAD, please don't hesitate to contact me! If any of you are bothered, here's some links to other musical gubbins I'm involved with at the moment:

fanatics of xerox

Jazz Beat Generation

Kid Destructo!