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JazzFest 2003



  • The Team
  • Lodgings
  • Transportation
  • Food
  • The Fest
  • "The Moment"
  • Beverage Logistics


    It began the moment we arrived at Reagan National Airport in Washington D.C. It was a Wednesday night, and we were headed to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, via Houston, with a final destination of New Orleans. We were not really headed to New Orleans though; we were headed for Jazz Fest. And Jazz Fest is not a location, it is not a concert, it is a State of Mind. A state of mind that, when captured, can provide months of free therapy and contagious grins. As is often the case when vacationing, even the most mundane aspects of life seem enjoyable. The technical term for this “vacation effect” was identified by Herr Docktor Manfield, a late disciple of Freud’s in 1936. The “Jazzfest Effect” is a particularly acute version of the vacation effect and is typically contagious in late April in the southern region of the United States. Common symptoms of The Jazzfest Effect include enjoyment of the laborious boarding process, the middle seat and even the food seemed enjoyable, or could that have been the bourbon talking?

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