Deal With Your Anger

What I Wish to Achieve

I know how it is to feel angry. I know how it is to feel alone in the world. I'm hoping that this site will help you to overcome your feelings of rage and lonliness. Nobody deserves to feel like they've not a friend in the world. My story is simple...I'm angry. I get mad just like everyone else and I'm made to feel as if I'm wrong in feeling this way. No one makes you feel the way you do, but I know it's not always easy to stop. Everyone has that one experience that pushed them over the edge. I, for one, have many. They come at you from all angles in your life and no one will understand that better than I. I'm no doctor, so if you have a problem you really can't get rid of, GO SEE ONE! I know they don't help as much as they say they will, but it'll most likely help more than I will. Now, I grew up a fairly fucked up child. I had anger management problems up the wazoo! I know what it is to truly feel rage, to have it surge through your veins like HIV through a whore. Although I know there is a time and place for this anger, it doesn't seem to think so. It seems to think that it can just show up whenever it feels like it. WELL! that doesn't go over well with me....not that it matters, right? Here's the thing... I'm here to give you suggestions, not to diagnose you or lecture you. If you're happy with being mad, be mad. If it's taking over your whole life and putting you into a depressive state, give my methods a try. It's your choice to continue afterwards. All I want to do is help people like me. There's no easy fix for our problem. We will be faced with bullshit all our lives, there's no getting around it. If they work for you, great. If not, move on to something else. I'll see you on the other side of the rainbow (smoking the "pot"...heh....the pot at the end of the rainbow, get it?). Okay, I'm done. : )

Your Potential Road to Freedom

My own story
Coping method suggestions
Revenge of the Bitch Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6