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world  of  MEDICINE



Medicine is among the most ancient of human occupations. Evidences of the practice of ritual healing, combining religion and primitive science, are found in the earliest traces of communal living. Until the period of the Enlightenment, medical science and technology advanced at a relatively slow and steady rate in the world's major cultures. With the birth of modern science and the onset of the Industrial Revolution, the progress of medicine also began to accelerate. In spite of the breathtaking rapidity of modern developments, however, the history of medicine is all of a piece. Hippocrates would quickly have appreciated that contemporary practices are founded on principles similar to medicine in his day.


The greatest fears of man are those of pain, disease and death. His foremost desires are for happiness, contentment and good health. The expansion of medical knowledge in recent times has been truly staggering. More has been learned in the past about the human body and the diseases which afflict it than in all of previous human history.


Primitive human beings, even the first living creatures used their instincts in natural events such as the changes of climate, winds, floods, earthquakes and in the cases of diseases or injuries. But instincts of men developed by passing from various metaphysical, mystical, religious and empirical stages and they reached for modern medicine of today.                             


No history of any art can be more dramatic than that of medicine, for there is hardly an aspect of life and of society upon which it does not touch. The medicine counts certainly among the oldest achievements of the human culture and science. Through millennia it has served the humanity, its way through the history accompanies, thereby changed, changes and renews always. The already so old medicine will be always young, as long as the people need it. As long as there are human beings, there will be medicine. Therefore the medicine, which was created by the humanity for the people, is the answer on an elementary being of the people, with whom it was confronted always already and it will be also in future. We call it to be ill....