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The Sexy Pink Angel!


[08:48] * Sol-BadGuy ( has joined #freedom

[08:48] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Sol-BadGuy

[08:48] <Piper> hi

[08:48] <+Sol-BadGuy> hey piper

[08:48] * Piper is now known as Sexy-Pink-Angel

[08:48] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o

[08:48] <+Sol-BadGuy> wow....

[08:49] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> eh?

[08:49] <+Sol-BadGuy> u is a sexy pink angel

[08:49] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o

[08:50] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> yes, i is.

[08:50] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> XD

[08:50] <+Sol-BadGuy> *stares*

[08:50] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o

[08:50] <+Sol-BadGuy> XD j/k

[08:50] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> it was a name given to me XD

[08:50] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> evil people

[08:50] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> hahaha

[08:50] <+Sol-BadGuy> lol

[08:50] <+Sol-BadGuy> im so confused tho -_-

[08:50] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> pink is just so - pinkish

[08:50] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that's too bad.

[08:50] <+Sol-BadGuy> yea...

[08:51] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> maybe i should stick some cheerleaders on you XD

[08:51] <+Sol-BadGuy> maybe ^_______________________^

[08:51] <+Sol-BadGuy> <_<

[08:51] <+Sol-BadGuy> >_>

[08:51] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> =)

[08:51] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that would be so funny ^^ i'd video tape it all XD

[08:51] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> ahh

[08:52] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that reminds me o.o i missed the football game -_- evil alarm clock ><

[08:52] <+Sol-BadGuy> XD

[08:52] <+Sol-BadGuy> awww

[08:52] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> oh well

[08:52] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> ^_^

[08:52] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> i hate watching those guys play anyways XD

[08:52] <+Sol-BadGuy> XD

[08:52] * OmegaPSA ( has joined #freedom

[08:52] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> hiya

[08:52] <+Sol-BadGuy> hi

[08:53] * OmegaPSA is now known as Anuibis

[08:53] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> play: tuna salad - line: if a guy looks at you... and spanks your @$$ atleast once everyday... and licks his lips when he looks at you.. You're definitly going to get into the bedroom on the first date.

[08:53] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> o.o

[08:53] * Anuibis is now known as Anubis

[08:53] * Anubis ( has left #freedom

[08:53] <+Sol-BadGuy> XD

[08:53] <+Sol-BadGuy> is that so sexy pink angel?

[08:53] * Anubis ( has joined #freedom

[08:53] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> yes, it is so XD

[08:53] <+Sol-BadGuy> XD wb

[08:53] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> i have to say that in a play =D

[08:53] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> welcome back ^^l

[08:53] <+Sol-BadGuy> lol

[08:53] <Anubis> trillian 2.0 has some bugs to fix on irc

[08:54] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> o.o

[08:54] <Anubis> got disconnected

[08:54] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o

[08:54] <+Sol-BadGuy> ic

[08:54] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> i

[08:54] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> don't see

[08:54] <+Sol-BadGuy> XD

[08:54] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> because i don't use trillian ^^;

[08:54] <Anubis> they released a new one on the 20th of this month

[08:54] <+Sol-BadGuy> is that like a script?

[08:54] <Anubis> it's actually a program

[08:55] <+Sol-BadGuy> oh ok

[08:55] <Anubis> it let's you use all messenger programs into one app

[08:55] <+Sol-BadGuy> awesome

[08:55] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> niiice o.o

[08:55] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that reminds me

[08:57] * Broken ( has joined #freedom

[08:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Broken

[08:58] <+Broken> hi

[08:58] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> heylo

[08:59] <+Sol-BadGuy> hi broken

[08:59] <+Broken> hisa sol

[09:01] <+Sol-BadGuy> wassup?

[09:01] <+Broken> nothin..

[09:02] <+Broken> just bored.

[09:02] * Sexy-Pink-Angel wins

[09:03] <+Broken> o.o..

[09:03] * Sexy-Pink-Angel pours out tequila

[09:03] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> anyone WANT some o_o

[09:03] <+Broken> o_o the hell..

[09:04] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that saying is so chocolate =P

[09:04] <+Broken> o.o..

[09:04] <+Broken> ur name scares me..

[09:04] * +Broken backs away..

[09:04] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> i'm the sexy pink angel =P

[09:04] <+Broken> ur pink..

[09:04] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> i'm pink

[09:04] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> yes.

[09:04] * +Broken backs away more..

[09:05] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> like, you're acting really chocolate.

[09:05] <+Broken> o.o..

[09:05] <+Broken> are acting really..

[09:05] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> Like, Oh ME, garsh!!

[09:05] * +Broken hides behind sol..

[09:05] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> whatever

[09:05] <+Broken> she's acting..girlie...and its scaring me..

[09:06] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> hahaha

[09:06] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> I talk like a valleygirl =) great. isn't this perfect o_O

[09:06] <+Broken> o.o..

[09:06] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> but that's like.. okay...

[09:06] <+Broken> do i know you..

[09:07] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o;;;

[09:07] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> because thats like, so vanilla!

[09:07] <+Broken> .....

[09:07] <+Sol-BadGuy> .....

[09:07] <+Sol-BadGuy> -_-

[09:07] <+Broken> because ur like..fucked up..

[09:07] <+Sol-BadGuy> XD

[09:07] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> I KNOW

[09:07] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> but that's like.. okay =)

[09:07] <+Broken> thats like..scary

[09:07] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> like, duh!

[09:07] <+Broken> and i'm scaring myself..

[09:07] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o;;;

[09:07] <+Broken> o.o like..totally..?

[09:07] <+Sol-BadGuy> O_O

[09:07] <+Broken> ok..i'm not good at this

[09:07] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that's too vanilla!

[09:07] <+Broken> x.x..

[09:07] <+Sol-BadGuy> BROKEN!

[09:07] <+Sol-BadGuy> O_O;;;

[09:08] <+Broken> o.o what..

[09:08] <+Sol-BadGuy> i am apualed!

[09:08] <+Broken> o_o

[09:08] <+Sol-BadGuy> apauled*

[09:08] <+Sol-BadGuy> O_O

[09:08] <+Broken> what the..

[09:08] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> o.O

[09:08] <+Broken> x.x; eh..

[09:08] <+Broken> O.o

[09:08] <+Sol-BadGuy> u girls...are all...preppy like...

[09:08] <+Sol-BadGuy> at least acting..

[09:08] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that's okay though. =)

[09:08] <+Broken> x__________x

[09:08] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o;;;

[09:08] <+Broken> NUUUUUUU

[09:08] * +Broken hits herself

[09:08] <+Broken> x.x;

[09:09] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> hahahhaha

[09:09] <+Sol-BadGuy> *huggles broken* but i no u never be preppy ^_^

[09:09] <+Broken> x.X;

[09:09] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o;;;

[09:09] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> o.O

[09:09] <+Broken> that wwas scary..

[09:09] <+Broken> was*

[09:09] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> preps are shallow..

[09:09] <+Sol-BadGuy> unless u want to be....o_o;;;

[09:09] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> and i'm like, not shallow o_O

[09:09] <+Broken> i cant believe i said like..

[09:09] <+Broken> x_x totally..

[09:09] <+Sol-BadGuy> XD

[09:09] <+Sol-BadGuy> again! O_O

[09:09] <+Broken> o_O

[09:09] <+Broken> shit! >.<

[09:10] * +Broken hits her head on her door

[09:10] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> oo

[09:10] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> ...

[09:10] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o;;;

[09:10] <+Broken> Oo son of a bitch..

[09:10] <+Broken> x.x eh..

[09:10] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that's like.. totally strawberry o.o

[09:10] <+Broken> oo

[09:10] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o;;;

[09:10] <+Broken> STOP

[09:10] <+Broken> *runs*

[09:10] <+Broken> x.x

[09:10] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> o.O

[09:10] <+Sol-BadGuy> stop and run...are kinda contradicting, no?

[09:10] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> someone has issues o.o

[09:10] <+Broken> i dont have issues

[09:11] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> major..

[09:11] <+Sol-BadGuy> major?

[09:11] <+Sol-BadGuy> wtf?

[09:11] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> but that's okay =)

[09:11] <+Broken> o.O ur the pink girlie one, i think u have issues..

[09:11] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> no. i have originality =)

[09:11] <+Sol-BadGuy> girlie girls are very hot sometimes....

[09:11] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o;;;;

[09:11] <+Broken> o.o...

[09:11] <+Broken> - -;

[09:11] <+Broken> girlies girls can bite my ass

[09:11] <+Sol-BadGuy> i knew i shouldnt have said that >_<

[09:11] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> o_O

[09:11] <+Broken> girlie*

[09:11] <+Sol-BadGuy> *hits his head*

[09:12] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that's so chocolate

[09:12] <+Broken> ...

[09:12] <+Broken> - -;...

[09:12] <+Broken> scary..

[09:13] * +Broken dies. x.x;...((yay))...

[09:13] <+Sol-BadGuy> o_o;;;

[09:13] * +Sol-BadGuy revives even tho hes guna get hsi ass kicked

[09:13] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> that's chocolate too o.o

[09:13] <+Sol-BadGuy> his*

[09:13] <+Broken> nuuu..

[09:13] <+Sol-BadGuy> see?!?

[09:13] <+Sol-BadGuy> any time i revive someone they hate it...

[09:13] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> =(

[09:13] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> aww

[09:13] <+Broken> i dont hate it..

[09:13] <+Sol-BadGuy> but wen someone like...someone else its like "YAY IMG U R THE BEST!!!"

[09:14] <+Broken> i just didnt think it would matter

[09:14] <+Sol-BadGuy> omg*

[09:14] <+Broken> *Hugs sol*..

[09:14] <+Sol-BadGuy> *hugs back*?

[09:14] <+Broken> i didnt mean to sound like i hated u for reviving me

[09:14] <+Sol-BadGuy> no no

[09:14] <+Broken> o.o..sowwie.

[09:15] <+Sol-BadGuy> its ok ^_^ i dont take it too offensivly..

[09:15] <+Broken> u.u...meh..

[09:15] <+Broken> brb..

[09:15] <+Sol-BadGuy> ok

[09:15] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> o_o

[09:15] <Sexy-Pink-Angel> ok

[09:15] <+Sol-BadGuy> i g2g ill be on aim and msn if u gors it

[09:15] <+Sol-BadGuy> gots* fucking typos >_<

[09:15] * Sol-BadGuy ( Quit (QUIT: »¡« Scøøp Script 2003 »!« With Self clearing virus System! Download it at )