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Brant Bulldogs

Hey guys..... so cleaning my room and a Saturday afternoon... decided to make a bulldogs photo gallery... have fun, enjoy - your Don - Paula

Here I am, your Don (doing my favorite activity! yay for nose picking.... i mean.. uh. I'll stop now!)

Here we are the first day gang! Yay! Isn't it exciting? I love this picture 'cause it's like, that's what you looked like when we first met! Grrrreat (if you ask me!)

Here are some of you guys at PJ Rock and Bowl! Love the PJ's guys!... what PJ's???

Awww.. here we are at RAC on the Tower... this picutre is really fuzzy! (oh poo.. it would have been good!)

The Human Knot: we kicked this knots butt eh guys? ha ha ha

Oooh, the mummy wrap: Stairwell 17 vs. 18.. I think stairwell 17 won... but whatever. we know which stairwell is the best, eh guys?

Grease that pig Carly and Tim!

Another angle of the knot.. here it looks as though we might have gotten it! ha ha ha.

Confusion as to what we do with the pig once it gets to the back... oy!

Twister Twister! Way to go Jas and Tim for hanging in the longest.. though for Tim it wasn't that bad of a ride, eh? Oh so dirty.

Everyone's having fun at Twister!

Now we're not having so much fun... I think i was in pain at this point!

And here's the gang.. way to pick your noses guys... well... maybe just me, Brenda and Georgia.... but i love this picture! Yay Bulldogs!

How about just chillin? One of the most important parts of O'Week if you ask me... Way to play the guitar Tim!

Hmmm... but maybe not one of the most important parts of O'Week.. climbing the wall??? Jas.. what ARE you UP to? ha ha ha ha ha ha... I'm so funny (did you get it?)

Here I am going for the run.. i look like a loser running.. but whatever.... Love that Don shirt.. it brings a tear to my eye!

OOOH, the aftermath! Don't worry about your Don guys.. it didn't hurt!

Carly takes a shot at it.. what a good angle!

Carly! you're caught in the act of messing up the lounge.. that's a level 9!

Here I am in my Tommy H. dress, the bulldog line of course... and who is this guy standing beside me... isn't he creepy looking! ha ha ha.. but he was nice.. he played black jack at my table!

Here is my full gown shot... notice the oh so stylish "Pro star" shoes... that's right, they're not even the real shoes.. man, am I fashionable or what?

Garrett, the house milk man, sets off on his 3L in 30 minutes journey... the saga begins with the posing....

So here he is taking a drink... it goes down so smoothly to start eh?

So then he thinks.. yeah, I can go for another glass... no problem... but.....

Oh no.... this does NOT look good for Garrett!

And there she blows! This picture is so funny.. what an action shot! I love Gord in the background with the leg up... disgusted! ha ha ha! That's so great.

And the final bits fall... the end of the milk saga.... and I was back up to the lounge after taking the garbage out at 11:48.... oh dis!

Look at this pretty lady getting ready for Isaacs?!

So the most important part about getting ready for Isaacs is making sure that your.... what am I saying?! Dirty pop Paula! ha ha ha ha.. i love this picture... so much fun!

Dancing Queens Martina, me and Amy... look at us go! And Andrew the Don of the house that beat us at the tug of war on the side... grr bulldogs grrr!

Ahhh... how much do roommates love each other? Just ask Annie and Carly, hanging together in the lounge.

Georgia and Jen want to be like Annie? How else to do this but get in STYLE with Annies shoes!!!

A better picture of the annie shoe madness.. look at those puppies!

Woah! Macho macho man! Ryan wants to be a macho man! Look out girls... we've got hotties in the house!

Wait at first you're like... that's just Jas being Jas.. but this is the picture of his infamous tongue bee sting! Could this happen to anyone but Jas?

What's this...... oh, it's just Matt after he's had some stuff to drink... how many Matt??? Don't worry, i won't write it here so that everyone can know that you got drunk off two drinks... i wouldn't tell anyone. tee hee hee

What can Carly be doing? Recouperating? Couldn't be! (p.s. I can't spell!)

The gang at the Hockey game.. that brenda terrorized!

Laura as the midget... ha ha ha... i love the music at the Fun House... who wants to polka?

Jas?! What are you doing? you could break your neck like that! Yipes!

And here's our mascot guys! Isn't he the cutest thing ever? Anyway, I hope you like the photo album so far, and believe me, there is sooo much more to come! Every event... yeah! Thanks for the memories so far, and for the ones to come! Love ya'll - Paula Simon