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The Cross In The Distance
Amanda Patricia Hale

I sat down on my bed that day,
And looked out on the hill.
A cross out in the distance said,
“The Lord is near, be still.”

My thoughts wondered back upon that week,
And the things that had happened.
I had worried a lot about myself,
And not the things that mattered.

I prayed, “Lord, forgive me,
For I know not what to do.
Please show me to see the way,
And help me this week through.”

The cross in the distance
Was placed there for me.
The cross in the distance
Is there for all to see.

September 1993

More of Amanda's Poetry


Just Plain Old Me!

The Sun On Earth

Thanks God!

The Vessel of My Life

Summary of Death....A Life Lived!

A True Friend

Listen To God

I Just Don't Understand
