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His Majesty’s 4th Royal Veteran Battalion, whereof General LOUTHER is Colonel.

(there follows a handwritten date - 18:2:17)
These are to certify, that Richard Jacques Sgt in Capt Jno S***es Company in 
the Regiment aforesaid; born in the Parish of Chippenham or the town of
Chippenham in the County of Wilts Hath served in the said Regiment for the 
space of Four Years and One Hundred and thirty three days, as likewise in other Corps,
according to the following statement, but in consepquence of 
The battalion being ordered to be disbanded, also having been wounded in the 
head in action at St Domingo**** West Indies, in the month of September, 1793  by Sabre 
Is considered unfit for further service Abroad, and is proposed to be discharged;
and has been ordered to the Army Depot Chatham, that his case may be finally determined on,
having first received all just Demands of Pay,
Clothing, etc from his Entry into the said regiment, to the date of this
discharge, as appears by the receipt on the back hereof, and that he had no
claim whatever on the 4th Royal Veteran Battalion.

And to prevent any improper use being made of this discharge, by its falling
into other Hands, the following is a description of the said Richard Jacques.
He is about fifty eight years of age, is Five feet Five inches in height, Sandy
hair, Blue Eyes, Fair Complexion, by Trade a Scribbler.

(then follows a chart showing his years of service)

61st Foot	6th Feb 1786-31st Oct 1787      Total 1yr 248 days (as a Private)

49th Foot	9th Nov 1787-24th May 1812      Total 28yrs 206 days
		5+ yrs as Private; 
                3 yrs as Corporal; 
                15+ yrs as Serjeant 
                (including 8yrs and 2 days in the East or West Indies)

4th RVB	        25th May 1812-24th Sep 1815	Total 4yrs 125 days (as a Serjeant)

TOTALS:- 	Private		7 years & 13 days
		Corporal	3 years
		Serjeant	20 years & 18 days

Given under my Hand and Seal of this regiment at Quebec this twentieth Day of September 1816.

I certify that the above mentioned Richd Jacques is unfit for further service.
In consequence of the above Richd Jacques is hereby discharged.
4th Day of February 1817				(various signatures)

I, Richard Jacques, Serjeant, do acknowledge that I have received all my Clothing,
Pay, Arrears of Pay, and all just demands whatsoever, from the Time of my enlisting
in the Regiment mentioned on the other side , to this (date is illegible).
As witness my Hand this **** Day of ******1816

I do hereby certify that the Cause which has rendered it necessary to discharge
the within mentioned Serjeant Richard Jacques as stated on the opposite side,
has not arisen from Vice or Misconduct, and that he is not to my knowledge incapacitated
by the Sentence of a General Court Martial from receiving his Pension.

(Richard Jacques signs the paper with a "X".

All the handwritten part that follows is too faint to read from this rather poor quality photo copy) In transcribing this I have tried to keep to the original spelling, use of capitals etc and where I am unable to read the words or letter I have entered *****. The handwritten parts I have transcribed in italics.
Marion Hornby March 2003