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YBF- The Blue And Gray Strike Back
  ///Your Biggest Fan/// rawkin' 4 da kidz since 2002

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Your Biggest Fan is Joe of A Simple Life's side project. I guess it's kinda like what Chris (formely of FSF) did with Dashboard Confessional. It's just acoustic rock that talks about trials and all kinds of things in life that we all go through at one time or another. The whole purpose of YBF is just letting you know that you aren't alone when you go through all these messes and stuff in life. There many more people out there that have been where you have and made it through and maybe you'll find strength to carry on and not give up hope...tomorrow's a brighter day.


The way to enjoy music is to find music that interests you and listen to it. By listening repeatedly to music, you become familiar with the way composers and performers use music to communicate with an audience. If the music says nothing to you at first, try again, until you think you understand it. It is possible to enjoy music without understanding it fully. But the greatest enjoyment comes with the greatest understanding.

After listening to music, try to make some music yourself. You may want to play the piano, the violin, the clarinet, or some other instrument. If you cannot play sing-either alone or with others. Even if you don't want anyone to hear the results, you may find pleasure in making music. You may discover that making music is a natural way to express yourself.


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In The News...

(7/14/02)-Well not much at all to say. I just put up the new page and think it looks great. I know it looks a lot better than the other one. I'd also like to thank everyone who came out to Spirit Filled Worship Center last month for "28 Deep 4 Jesus" and supported The Joshua Project and the other bands, Pipedown and 7,000 Years. You really helped make it a big success and they are planning another for the near future. Thanks everybody. Aight guyz...take care.


(9/11/01)- Today one year ago our nation took a major blow at the hands of terroist. It had an impact on people not only in New York City, Washington DC and Shanksville, PA but all of us all of the United States and even people in other nations around the globe. We ask ourselves why things like this happen. Things like terroism and school shootings etc and we try to blame it on all kinds of things. I'm gonna quote Reese from Five Iron Frenzy on this one in that "Man kind is dark." But I know we are a strong nation and we will survive and stand up and fight for our freedom, united. God bless you all.



Umm...well...I've finished my three songs for a split ep with Madly Missin' Maria. The songs are "Your Last Surrender", "Watch Me" and "Twice A Week." So as soon as Mike records his three songs and we balance and master the whole thing it'll be out and available at YBF and MMM shows. So other than that everything is cool.

Everyone please keep my friend Jaimie in your prayers. She was hit by a car last week and is feeling pretty bad, appreciate it bunches. Thanx!



Hey guys sorry I havent kept this up to date. Well a lot more songs are posted now if you'd like to check them out. And umm well Im moving to Santa Rosa, Ca in several months soo...yeah. Wellt hat's all for now. Take care.














