Just Push Play by Aerosmith hits the arena. The crowd begin to boo because they know that "The Phenomenal One" Xavier Clarke interfered in the X-Division title match up and cost Tony Thomas the X-Title. Xavier Clarke heads out as the pyro goes off.

He gets in the ring and grabs the mic.

Xavier Clarke: Now I know alot of you have the shits with me because I cost Tony Thomas the X-Title. Frankly, I don't care! Next week on Oblivion, I am in the main event against Booker T! I'm not exactly focusing on that because as you all heard earlier, I am one of the participants in the guts for glory tag match at New Revolution.  Now  that will be the start of a New Revolution.  It will be the start of my rain as X-Division champion! Because there is not a man in that match that can stop me!

Tony Thomas' music hits the arena.


Tony Thomas: You have alot of things to learn newbie. At New Revolution, I will be the new X-Division Champion. Last night you screwed me out of MY X-Title and at the PPV  I will get my revenge!

Before Tony Thomas can say anything else, Xavier Clarke runs and does a moonsault planca to Tony Thomas.


Xavier Clarke gets up and rolls Tony Thomas back into the ring. He starts to kick him. Tony Thomas grabs Xavier Clarke's leg and takes him down. He then gives him a swinging neckbreaker. Tony rolls outside and grabs a chair. He rolls back in, but as he try's to hit Xavier, "The Phenomenal One" ducks and dropkicks the chair into the face of Tony Thomas. He then gives Tony a kick to the mid section, positions the chair under him, THE CLASH!


Xavier walks back to the locker room and the scene fades.
-scene ends-

Scene returns with the camera on JR and King.

Good Ole' JR: Welcome back to the sold out savemart centre.
The King Jerry Lawler: Well, what have we just saw JR? Tony Thomas was carried out on a stretcher after that devastating finishing move, The Clash, ON A CHAIR by "The Phenomenal One" Xavier Clarke.
Good Ole' JR: Well speak of the devil, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas is with "The Phenomenal One" Xavier Clarke.

-scene goes backstage-

    "The Franchise" Shane Douglas: Well thank you JR. I am with Xavier Clarke. Well, Xavier, In your first match you are in the main event!

Xavier Clarke: That's right Franchise, and I am a main eventer,  unlike my opponent, Booker T. Now, when Shane O'Mac told me I was in the main event, I wasn't surprised, but when he told me who I was versing, I was surprised. I mean, sure, Booker T can wrestle, but he I not up to my standards! 

"The Franchise Shane Douglas: Well, Phenomenal One, that may be true, I guess we will find out next week. But why did you attack Tony Thomas last night, thus costing him the WWCF X-Division Title?

Xavier Clarke: Well Franchise, there is no guess, you WILL see me beat Booker T next week, no doubt about it! Second of all, if it isn't obvious already, I will tell you. I attacked him because he doubted me, he would not even think of giving me a X-Title shot, but, attacking him was the best thing that I ever did because, Douglas, I now have my shot to win the X-Division title at New Revolution! 

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas: Well it is the first ever guts for glory tag match and the X-Division title is on the line, you have to take on 5 other men and to of them are on your team! Who do you think will be your biggest challenge?

Xavier Clarke: No one in that match can beat me, but I have to say one thing, Keep your friends close, But keep your enemies closer! So Brandon Michaels, Kieran Knight and Tony Thomas, I will be watching you, but Jamie Noble and Brian James, I will be watching you even closer!
-Cuts to Commercial-

A promo for adrenaline comes on.

Watch Spike Thursday Night for 
WWCF Adrenaline, Thursday night on Spike.
-end of rp-