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Chapter 2 -------- - - - - - - - That Night- - - - - - -

I woke up around 9:pm to the shrill ring of the phone.

"Hello?" I answered yawning into the phone.

"Hey Erin! How's it going?" the voice on the other end asked. A smile spread across my face.

"Hey Billy. It's going good. What's up?" I asked. I could hear commotion and yelling in the background.

"Will you guys shit the hell up? I can't hear her!" Billy yelled. I could barely hear what was said in the background, but it sounded like someone asked 'is that Erin?'. I heard Billy say yes, and then bring the phone back to his mouth.

"Anyways. So are you two up for going out tonight?" he asked. I was about to answer when I remembered that Meghan was going to be working late.

"Yeah. I am, but Meghan had to work late. I don't know when she'll be home." I said looking at the digital clock next to my bed.

"Well. How about you come with us and then Meghan can meet us up there when she gets home from work?!" Billy suggested. It seemed like a good enough plan to me. So I agreed. After Billy and I hung up, I called Meghan to give her the message. The phone rang 7 times before the voice mail picked up.

"I just wanna be with you but there's no way now. You know I have to leave I'll be back any day now::beep::" the song "Any day Now" played on Meghan's voicemail. She had a different song each week.

"Hey Meg. Uh the guys are home and they want to go out. I'm gonna go with them, so just meet us at Rock Rest when you get off. Bye." I said quickly. I plugged my phone into it's charger and hopped in the shower.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The guys arrived at our apartment right around 10pm. I had just finished getting ready when they knocked on the door. Only, they didn't wait for me to open the door, they let themselves in. Nice huh?

"Oh hey. Uh let yourselves in?!" I laughed. I grabbed my phone and keys and looked at them, as they all stood with excited looks on their faces.

"Ok. What's up with you guys?" I asked, confused. Paul smiled and threw his arm around my neck.

"God it's just so good to be home. That's all." He said happily. I giggled at the way he had said it then hugged him.

"It's great to have you guys home! I missed you." I glanced at Joel, who was studying a picture of myself and Chad on the counter.

"Well. Let's go! I'm hungry." Benji said patting his stomach. We all headed out the door and piled into Billy's car. I was stuck in the back in the middle between Benji and Joel. How uncomfortable was I? Not just because I was squished, but because I hadn't talked to Joel in nearly a year. This was awkward. Benji started chuckling out of nowhere. Causing us all to look at him a bit funny.

"What's so funny dude?" Joel asked, looking irritated. Benji just smiled and shook his head.

"Ah. It's nothing really. I was just thinking, Erin is a twin sandwich!" he said, making himself laugh harder. Poor Benji. He just wasn't funny. [A/N: I really do think Benji is funny, but I just wanted that in there.] I rolled my eyes and caught Joel smiling out of the corner of my eye. Hmm. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. I leaned my head back and looked up at the roof of the car. Just then, we sped around a corner causing me to land in Joel's lap. I looked up at him with my eyes wide.

"Uh sorry about that Joel." I said, half smiling. He smirked.

"It's alright." he replied. I sat back up normally, and looked out of Benji's window. We arrived at the Rock Rest about ten minutes later. We all piled out of the car and walked into the building. We sat ourselves at a table and waited for a waiter or waitress. While we were waiting, Meghan walked in.

"Hey there's Meg." Benji said, waving her over to our table. She spotted Benji and headed over to us. She sat next to him at the table and sighed heavily.

"What's wrong babe?" Benji asked wrapping his arm around her neck. She shook her head.

"Nothing. I'm just worn out." she replied, smiling. Benji kissed her quickly on the lips and then they both turned their attention back to the rest of us. The rest of the night went pretty slowly. We ate, and talked, before the point where bordem overcame all of us.

"So what should we do now?" Paul asked, with his chin resting in his hand. He stirred his drink with the straw slowly as we all thought.

"There is a local show tonight. It's a band that we've been working with at the label. They're called `Nothing Short'. We could check that out." I said, finally figuring out something. Everyone agreed and we headed out for the show. We arrived at "Nations" at about 11:45. Luckily the show was a midnite show. In fact, a lot of local shows were midnight shows.
--------Inside Nations--------
I was leaning against the rail, half watching the band, half watching Benji and Meghan slam dance in the pit. I laughed as Benji fell over and Meghan fall on top of him trying to help him up. I swear they were drunk.

"Hey!" I heard a voice from behind me say. I whirled around to come face to face with Joel. 2 years ago, I would've made out with him right there, in fact, I still had to urge to, but I knew I couldn't.

"Hey." I smiled. Joel leaned on the rail next to me and looked out. I saw a smile form on his face, right before he started laughing.

"What the hell are those two doing?" he asked, referring to Meghan and Benji.

"I think they're slam dancing." I answered, giggling myself. Joel shook his head.

"I still can't believe after all these years, they're still as in love as they were in high school." he said, staring down at the two.

"Well, some people never change. Some people fall in love in high school and stay together until the day they die. It's sort of like a fairy-tale. It's pretty rare that it happens too I'm sure. But I'm happy for them." I stated as I looked over at Joel.

"Oh don't get me wrong." Joel started. "I'm happy for them too. Maybe even a little jealous. It's just hard for me to believe." he finished. Wait? Jealous? Did he say he was jealous? Why would he be jealous?[A/N: I just noticed, that Chad hasn't been in the story yet. Hmm] I looked at him for a minute, and then turned my attention back to the band.

"Uh Hey! I just wanted to make a quick shout-out to `Social Disaster Records' for signing us. They're a pretty brave label. And I saw Erin when I walked in, so I want to say WHAT'S UP to her!" Mike, the lead singer of `Nothing Short' said into the mic.

"WOOOOOO! YEAH" I shouted from my spot, laughing. I could see Joel smiling at me. And he was doing one of those `I love you and I want you' smiles. Ugh. It was that smile that made me fall in love with him. Oh no! Shield your eyes. I think I'm falling..I..oh no.