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Chapter 8....

About a week had past and Joel didn’t try to contact me once. It was sort of heart breaking. I loved Joel more than anyone in this world. But after all that had happened, could I really be so stupid as to take him back?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

I sat at my desk at work and tried to concentrate on what was in front of me. Instead, I kept thinking about Joel, and Chad.

n!” Jimmy said, making me jump. I looked up from what I was doing, and simply blinked a few times.

“What?” I asked as I regained my train of thought.

“What’s been up with you lately? You’re acting so weird.” he said as he sat on the corner of the desk. I shook my head and stood up.

“Nothing...I just...well.” I sighed as I tried to find the words. “You remember that guy I was dating before I started working here? I know I told you about him a few times.” I began. Jimmy nodded and let me finish.

“Well, he came back into town, again...and all of my old feelings for him have resurfaced.”

“But what about Chad?” he asked.

“I’m getting to that.” I paused. “Well I didn’t want to hurt Chad, but I really didn’t think much would come of me and Joel hanging out again. And now suddenly he tells me that he’s in love with me again. And I’m left to choose between my first true love and the guy who I’m with now.” I finished.

“Well...looks like you’ve got a dilema.” Jimmy said, as he stood up and walked out of my office.

“Yeah thanks.” I mumbled sitting back down. I looked around my office and noticed that I wasn’t getting any work done.

“Screw this!” I said to no one in particular, grabbing my messenger bag and leaving.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - That Evening - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I walked into the living room where Meghan was sitting, watching one of her many Elvis movies.

“Which one is this?” I asked as sat down in the reclining chair we had.

“G.I. Blues” she replied, not looking away from the screen. I should have known that, it was my favorite Elvis movie. I pulled one of our shag pillows into my arms and buried my face into it.

“What’s the matter?” Meg asked, finally looking away from the movie. I shook my head, my face still buried in the pillow.

“I don’t know what to do.” I confessed.

“About what?”

“Joel and Chad. I mean. Gah I don’t know! I’m still so in love with Joel..but I can’t do that to Chad. Plus, Joel probably hates me now, since I left him in the restraunt.” I explained, wiping the tears that had fallen down my face.

“I think you need to figure out your priorities. Who makes you happier? Who makes you feel more loved or more like you matter. Who can you see spending the rest of your life with? But I think you already know the answer to all of those.” Meghan stated before turning her attention back to the t.v. I looked quizically at Meghan for a moment before thinking about what she had said. I thought about things that had happened with both of them.


“Sorry about bringing you here, I’m really broke, I even borrowed money from Benj.” Joel explained as we sat in the McDonalds parking lot. I smiled happily. “I don’t care where we are, as long as we’re together.” I said. Joel leaned over slowly and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced, granted I was only 16, still.

**End Flashback**

Joel and mine’s first date was at McDonalds. Chad had tried too hard to impress me and took me to some restraunt where I couldn’t even tell you what language the menu was in. That date was the worst date of my life. Where as my first date with Joel was probably the best. I stood up and walked back to my room. I pulled out a box of pictures from under my bed that not many people knew where there. I began to go through them all. I pulled out one picture of Joel and I at the Warped Tour a few years before. Both of us were sunburned, and we both looked like hell, but we looked happy. The thing about Joel was that he always made me happy, no matter what. I found another picture of Joel and I asleep in the back of the van, Benji was also sleeping next to us, as well as Meghan. There was a picture of me and Paul from the shack, having a wrestling match, then the following picture was Joel tackling me. I threw the pictures back in the box and grabbed my phone. I nervously dialed the numbers and brought the phone to my ear.

“‘Ello?” a voice answered.

“Uh, Joel around?” I asked.

“Yeah. And he looks like ass! How come you haven’t called?” Benji asked angrily.

“He didn’t call me either!” I said back, equally as angry.

“Well you should see him. He won’t even get dressed, he just lays around all day. He’s like a fucking lost dog.” Benji explained.

“Can I talk to him please?” I asked, getting a little short with Benji.

“Yeah. Hang on.” I heard some mumbling and some shuffling and then I heard a door shut.

“Hello?” Joel’s voice asked quietly on the other end.

“Hi.” was all I could say. I didn’t know what to say to him. There was a long silence on the line until I broke it.

“Hey can we meet up somewhere and talk?” I asked.

“Yeah. Uhm just give me, 30 minutes ok?!” he replied.

“Sure thing. See ya in a bit.” I said before hanging up.

I quickly threw on a different pair of jeans and an old Minor Threat hoodie. I re-spiked my hair and freshened my makeup and was out the door. Hopefully this was going to go right.