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Added 3 pictures to the Aaron Pics page, that is all



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Last Updated 22nd December 2006

Aaron Pics

Mullet - Born: 13/9/03 - 30/7/04 may you forever rest in pieces on the hairdresser floor

Aaron's 17th, 18th & 19th Birthday Parties
Went from 4 people in 2003 to near 40 in 2004 & 2005... guess I made an extra friend or 2
Ash's 17th Birthday
What more would you expect from 3 guys staying in a small room with a projector?

Ash's Movie Night
There's no denying it... Muzz loves the stick and he knows it. Dirty boy he is
Bicheno Diving Trip 2001
Diving? I went diving once, hated it, it scared me too much. Snorkelling all the way I say
Drunk Pics
That's right after a half month absence the Drunk Pics of AJ are back... only cause I got drunk again

Goth Party
Aaron, Alyd & Kristen's 20th Birthday Party. Lots of makeup, lots of black, and lots of mess on the carpet

Launceston College & Riverside High Pics
I'm finding some really bad excuses just to make new pages on this site... this page is not one of them
Mainland Trip 2002
Now the mainland of Australia can see how charismatic and brilliant I really am
NIDA Workshop 2004
It gets really annoying when people ask who our tutor was but they have no idea who Peter Mochrie is
SVPA 2005
From Verve to our 1st Year show to the millions of after parties this was certainly one heck of a year

SVPA 2006
The 2nd Year Theatre Students took the 18th Century by storm. We'll miss you Bob
Terminal Murder
The strap on the left for Vic and the strap on the right for Toohey. How could no one notice? VicToohey!

Picture of the Moment


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