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Peach Bowl, Atlanta, GA

The marching band took a trip to the Chick-fil-A peach bowl in Atlanta, GA. We didn't want to go especially 'cause it meant spending X-mas break with Van Sickle, but we made the most of it. Clemson lost which was a big disappointment.

Fuji, Erin, Erin, and Leslie pose on the bus on the way to the Peach Bowl.

Erin Honnold and Erin Kinzer pose by the Ben Hur poster. Mr. Boyll would be so proud.

Erin and Fuji pose with Mr. T at Planet Hollywood.

Leslie, Erin, and Erin point at the rainbow decorations on the bus. Look Tanya, more rainbows!

Hannah tries to steal Mr.T away from Sarah on the way to Stone Mountain.

Chick-fil-A cows were everywhere.

Leslie posed in the shower.

She also posed like Liz from Attack of the Giant Leeches.

I got a chance to pose with the Clemson Tiger.

Erin and I got balloon hats at the Fan Fest before the game.