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Matt Hagarty
One of the founding members of TBA, matt enjoys making fun of people less fortunate than him.

Favorite Bands: Thursday, The Weakerthans, The Ataris, North of America, Descendants/ALL, New Found Glory, MxPx, Belvedere, Supersift, and BLiND.
Favorite Food: Black Diamond cheese strings
Guilty Pleasure: listening to Blink 182
Gear: Squier Affinity Fat Strat, Marshall AVT 275, Dunlop .60 pics
Favorite Song(s): Pamphleteer - The Weakerthans, None of the Above - Weakerthans, Something Bad is Going To Happen - Fenix Tx, Understanding In A Car Crash - Thursday, This Place Sucks - Descendants, PS. The Scene is Dead - The Ataris
Favorite Album: Left and Leaving - Weakerthans, Full Collapse - Thursday, Sing Sing Death House - The Distillers
Favorite Movie: SLC Punk, Stand By Me, Hard Core Logo, Tron
Favorite Other Stuff: The Woody, The AlphaMecha Woody, camping, starting to wear things and having everyone copying me...oh wait...i hate that