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#1 Slashing:Simply take runs on your target and shoot it with your primary and secondary weapons on each pass.Using the autopilot can help with this so you can make sure you will hit it.

#2 Holding postion:This is very easy to do.Simply wait until your enemy makes a pass on you and blast it with your weapons.It is easy to get killed with this one because if the enemy has homing weapons you are screwed.

#3 Homing attack:Run far away from your enemy and shoot off all your weapons from a distance.(Tordedoes are the best for this strategy)You can waste your enemy easily but the ammo usually costs a lot.This strategy is best used when you are low on life or can afford to lose the battle.

#4 Up close and personal:Simply stay right by it and blast it with your Turrets,Javelins and guns.You can take a lot of damage doing this though so it isn't the best strategy for taking out multiple enemies.

#5 The Monty Python manuever:Well this is hard to do but extremely effective against all ships.After your target has used up all of it's homing and longe range weapons wait until it is just in your range then match it's speed turn towards it and shoot it up with your guns and turrets while you are flying backwards. Here's an animation of the maneuver.