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Energy Weapons

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Laser Cannon:The standard energy weapon.Powerful,but Protons are better.I do use them instead of Protons when I am in a small ship because they weigh less.Good range and rate of fire.
Proton Cannon:A good choice.Has good range and hitting power but the rate of fire is slow.Takes up more space than lasers so in a small ships you will have less of them.
Neutron Blaster:The Neutron Blaster is a powerful energy weapon but it takes up too much space I think.And they are only really effective when you have a lot of them.I would buy a Mass Driver instead because they weigh only 5 tons more and do the same damage to sheilds and more to armor.
Laser Turret:The laser turret is pretty useful overall.It dosn't weigh much-which is a good thing but if you have a ship that can carry enough turrets to make a difference you will probably have enough space for Proton ones.If you want space on your warship for more homing weapons use these instead of Proton turrets.
Proton Turret:Weighs alot but very useful.Has good range and good accuracy.Not much else to say but read the Laser turret description.