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Battle of the Line

Captain John Phillips of the Rebel Battleship R. S. S. Defiant surveyed the area of space he and two Union Peregrine Cruisers were tasked to inspect. An area where civilian, Union, and Rebel ships had been disappearing on great numbers recently. The Rebellion knew the Aliens, called the Krytosians, had returned, and had brought back a similar race, the Trelenkians, as allies. They also knew the Confederation and their allies, the Protectorates, also knew, but that they seemed obsessed with destroying freedom and justice in the galaxy.

Suddenly the sensor officer spoke up, derailing John's train of thought.

"Sir, unknown ships entering the system. Resemble reports of Trelenkian and Krytosian warships."

"Acknowledged. Launch Mantas, target them with our turrets, and order the Peregrines to launch the Wasps and target the ships as well. Give us full power to the engines as so-"

"They're launching fighters!! Sensors report weapons locking on!"

Phillips looked out at the mottled red and black warships. They even looked slightly similar to the ones used in the Great War. He looked over and saw the brown Dragon-like Peregrines launching their equally Dragon-like Wasp Attack Fighters. God, he loved the look of sheer power the Union warships possesed. He wondered how the Union could build such powerful warships in such large numbers with almost no resources to speak of. There were rumors that their hulls were actually a plastic the Union manufactured in their labs, but that wasn't proven. He looked again to the three Krytosian cruisers and three Trelenkian cruisers and the fighters they were launching. This was going to be one heck of a battle. The enemy cruisers fired their main weapons, ravaging the Defiant's shields and blasting out hull plates on one of the Peregrines.

"Return fire! If we're going down, we're taking at least one of them with us! Order all fighters to open fire!" The proton turrets on the Defiant spoke, tearing several Trelenkian Killercraft apart and tearing a gaping hole in one of the Krytosian cruisers.

"YES!" Yelled Phillips. "Keep firing!"

Suddenly all the Krytosian cruisers launched four seeker drones each, all of them heading right for the Defiant. Phillips closed his eyes and waited for the destruction of his beloved warship. But it never happened. With a roar that was somehow audible in the vacuum of space, six Rebel Black Dragons exited hyperspace. With the huge number of fighters each Dragon carried, the battle was soon over.

Later, when Phillips arrived back at Palshife, was told the Rebel High Commander himself wanted to see him. Phillips arrived at the Commander's office and saluted smartly. The Commander returned the saulte, then motioned for him to sit down, then began the conversation.

"Captain, I have one question for you: How did the Aliens arrive in THX-1138 without coming through Satori first?"

"Sir..I don't know sir.."

"Just wanted to give you something to think about..Dismissed.."

Phillips saluted, then walked out, comtemplating this new threat to the Rebellion...