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*The mood was dark to say the least in the Stecchino household. The dad was drunk again, and him and the mother had been fighting. Tony was nowhere to be found. Chenzo sat in his room quietly, doing nothing but thinking. This was nothing new to Chenzo though. It was actually quickly becoming the story of his life. Recently his father had lost his job, and gained a new habit. He had become a raging alcoholic. When he decided to come home, his breath stunk of whiskey, and he would go on very violent rants. Tony was older than Chenzo, and more involved in his own social activities to come home. He ran the streets from dusk to dawn, and couldn't care less about what was going on at home. The mother had no choice but to deal with what went on at the house. She couldn't leave, she had nowhere to go. She had no job herself. She was stuck. And then there was Chenzo. Chenzo had no choice but to sit back and observe. He had alot of time to take things in. He was so envious of his older brother Tony, and so resentful of his father. He had dreams of being a powerful man, nothing like his own father. With these surroundings, Chenzo had nothing to do but search for a way out.*

Kid: Hey Chenzo, you ever wonder where Tony is? I mean he's never home no more. Don't you wanna know where he is?

Chenzo: I wonder sometimes, but I don't know what to think. Sometimes I wanna be like him. But he'd kill me if I did the things he did. I know he would.

Kid: What things? What are you talkin' about Chenzo?

Chenzo: Nothin' Billy. Just forget about it. Let's go to the arcade.

*Chenzo and Billy had been friends for awhile. Their families were friends, and they both seemed to share the same ambitions. Both Billy and Chenzo wanted something more out of life. they wanted to people to know their names...fear their names even. But Chenzo knew that Tony would have consequences if he turned out like him. Tony was quickly working his way up the ranks towards being a made guy. This was pretty impressive seeing how young he was. Chenzo knew that's why Tony was never home. the streets talk, and Chenzo had always been a good listener. But he was tired of listening, he wanted to be listened to for once. Chenzo was cut out for the work. he had already been selling test answers and other contrband in school. He had ambition. It was only a matter of time before he stepped up.*

*Later on that day Chenzo and Billy were on their way to the arcade. They were talking along the way, mostly about nothing. Then something happened that changed the both of them. They heard commotion in the alley. Both of them turned to look, and seen a group of guys beating on another guy. Quickly they took cover behind a dumpster and watched. The beating continued for a couple of minutes. They guys were shouting at the victim, random things neither Chenzo or Billy could make out. What caught Chenzo's eye is when one of the guys turned to the side. he seen that it was his brother Tony. Chenzo wasn't surprised, but at the same time he was. As they watched on, Tony pulled a silver plated .45 from his pants and pointed it down at the victim. A few more words were muttered, and then the blast went off, and before Chenzo's mind could register what had just happened, the group of guys, including Tony, had scattered. Chenzo and Billy were shocked. Chenzo stared at the body as he walked closer to it. He examined it, looking back and forth between Billy and the body. The sound of sirens could be heard moments later. Chenzo and Billy took off in the same direction that Tony had fled earlier. While running, Chenzo's foot kicked something across the ground. He stopped to look. It was the Silver .45. Chenzo quickly picked up the gun and hid it in his jacket. Him and Billy then continued running.*

*They had run all the way back to Chenzo's house. They sat out back on the porch, not speaking a word to eachother. Chenzo sat with his back to Billy, with his head in his hands. He kept running the moment through his head over and over again. As horrifying as it was, he couldn't help but be fascinated. Scared for his older brother of course, but fascinated by the principal. Just a normal walk to the arcade had turned into such a huge event in Chenzo's life. Chenzo took it as a sign. He believed that he had witnessed all of this for a reason.*


Chenzo: What?

Billy: I don't really know what to say about tha...

Chenzo: So just don't say anything! Do you hear me!? Don't say a word Billy.

Billy: Fair enough.

*At that moment, Tony had jumped the fence into the backyard. His facial expression clearly showed distress, but he tried to play it off like a champ. As he approached the boys, Chenzo just stared at him. He replayed the shooting again in his head. He then thought about his ambitions, and how he looked up to his brother. He knew that it was now or never. This was his chance.*

Chenzo: Hey Tony.

Tony: What's up Chenzo?

Chenzo: Nothin. Where you been?

Tony: Don't worry about it. Mom or Dad home?

Chenzo: No. They went somewhere earlier. You stayin' long?

Tony: I don't know what I'm doing yet.

Chenzo: I gotta talk to you about something. It's pretty important. Come in the house.

Tony: Come'on Chenzo I don't got time for no bull.

Chenzo: It's not bull, just come in the house I said I have to talk to you.

*Tony waved for Chenzo to follow him into the house. When Billy tried to follow, Chenzo pushed him back. Billy just nodded and sat back down on the porch. Tony sat down at the kitchen table. Chenzo stood in the corner of the kitchen. Tony took the time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, before asking Chenzo what he wanted.*

Tony: Alright Chenzo what do you want?

Chenzo: You know already. I know what goes on with you Tony, I'm not stupid. I want in.

Tony: Shut your mouth you don't even know what you're talkin' about. I told you I didn't have time for this bull.

*Chenzo moved closer to Tony, and the look on his face got more serious. Finally Chenzo sat down in a chair across from Tony. They had stared at eachother for a couple of moments before speaking again.*

Chenzo: No Tony, I know exactly what I'm talkin' about. Now you need to accept it. I'm not gonna turn out like dad. Unsteady jobs that don't pay nothin anyway. Forget about it. One way or the other Tony, you know how the story goes.

Chenzo: You threatining me Chenzo? I told you forget about it. This shit ain't for you. Hear me? You have no idea what this is all about! Just forget it!

*Chenzo pulls the .45 from his jacket and slides it across the table to Tony. Tony looks astounded. He looks across the table at Chenzo, who is staring right back, almost looking through Tony. Tony's face shows rage, as he slides the .45 back across the table and stands up.*

Chenzo: Don't get up we ain't finished here.

Tony: Where the hell did you get that!? You been followin' me Chenzo. I swear to God!

Chenzo: You swear what!? What Tony? I told way or the other. I didn't follow you nowhere. But I did happen to see. Look, I just want a chance. A chance that's all.

Tony: A chance huh?

*Tony walks over to Chenzo and grabs him by the shirt. The two start to fight in the kitchen. Tony has the upper-hand, punching Chenzo in his face over and over again. Chenzo shows alot of heart fighting back with his older brother, connecting with an array of punches himself. The two fall into the wall, still swinging as if they were worst enemies. Pictures begin to fall and break, and Billy can hear the commotion from outside. He runs into the house and sees the two fighting, but knows better that to get in the middle of it. After minutes of fist fighting Tony gets off a punch that sends Chenzo to the ground. Tony kicks him a couple of times and then takes a few steps back. He wipes the drips of blood from his lip, and stares down at Chenzo. He then goes to the counter and grabs a piece of paper and a pen. Tony writes down something while Chenzo lay on the floor in pain.*

Tony: You see what you do to yourself Chenzo? Billy get the fuck outta here. Now!

Chenzo: Fuck you Tony!

*Billy leaves the house, and Tony walks closer to Chenzo. He kicks Chenzo in the stomach again, and then drop the now crumbled up piece of paper down onto Chenzo. Tony then proceeds to leave the house himself. Chenzo lay on the floor for a little while longer. Once he recovers, he stands up and sits back down at the table. He uncrumbles the piece of paper, to reveal a message and a number. "Prove yourself, and I'll see what I can do...555-5454. Call later tonight." Chenzo stuffed the paper down into his pocket. He then grabbed the .45 from off the table and stared at it. He stood up and stuffed the gun back into his jacket. Chenzo then walked out the back door, leaving behind the mess him and his bother had left. What will Chenzo do next?*