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Waiting on photos, stars are cool 'til then.

With only a few days to record "Prince of Thorns" and get everything together for the webpages, it's been alot of stuff that should have been done already getting done all at once. But here we are...

Profile:Tommy Lourdes Appearances:CT, NY CD: "Prince of Thorns" Lyrics, Audio ~Feedback,Opinons~

About the project...

"I want to get across this chasm, without falling in."

This is my page and these are my words. This project, to me is a validation that I still have a chance to make a part of that old dream come to life.

I have kids who might enjoy telling thier friends that they have a dad who got signed. I also have a dad who would like to tell his friends his kid got signed. I owe them something, I owe myself something too. I owe my wife, who has been through the rock star wife's life without the fringe benefits. I owe the memory of my sister, who after seeing me onstage with RATT, really thought I was about to be some huge star. I owe my mom, because to her, I always was one.

Thanks for your time, I won't waste it

♠ Tommy

Let's get to it. Special thanks to Far Cry Fly Studios, once more...

all material © 2005