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School is over. One year left for me until college. I'm seriously freaking out over this fact. I mean it's exciting, but I don't feel ready to go off to college. Hopefully this will have changed by next June. How will I figure out which college I want to go to? I mean you can't go to a college just because your favorite band went there. Or because you know you'll run into someone all the time....Regardless, the next ten months will be crazy. Just wait and see.

The world turned on it's head this past month. We'll leave it at that. I head up north this weekend to experience the musical stylings of Guy Fox and Mantra. Hooray for the escape from my family! Details later. Look around, something's bound to have been updated.....

I really don't like this weather. Granted it did cancel school, which was a plus, but it cancelled my YAC Meeting which I'd been looking forward to for a month. *grumble, grumble* Somewhere on my site (I've forgotten where) I've put a link to my page with all my poetry. So feel free to go there. Hope you're all inside keeping dry.

Hrm. It would appear that I have been slacking in my webpage. Well excuuuuuuse me for having a life. Hahahaha. Just kidding. Not that I don't, because I do, I really do, it's just Christmas was busy among other things. What is there to say? I don't really know. Except go to the links section and be whisked away via the internet to the magnificent world of the be-yew-ti-fully talented Northern New Hampshire Band..... :::drumroll please:::: Guy Fox!!!! There will be more updates one of these days....hehehehe.

Last weekend I went to a party in the Northern Part of New Hampshire, and while I was there I had the privalege of meeting some of the greatest people on earth (you guys know who you are!!!) Hopefully some pics of people from that party and this coming weekend's will be up soon. Look for those on the site in the days to come. Luckilly for you all there are some recent updates. I added new poems in the poetry section. Go check them out!!! On a final note...if you live in Northern New Hampshire.... I beg you, come rescue me from the boredom of the Southern Country.... :-D

What I want to know is, why do we celebrate a man who thought he discovered the West Indies, and in the process began the eventual downfall of the socio, economical, and political systems of the Natives of these lands? It's crazy, but why should I complain, right? means a day off from school. Cheers.

It's Saturday!!! I've been waiting all week for today. Why? So I could work on my webpage of course! Only kidding. More like so I could sleep in. Nevertheless I am working on my webpage so go check out the nifty new stuff I've added. i.e. new favorite poems......

Erm, well. It certainly has been a long time since I've updated. My birthday has come and gone. I'm seventeen. It was the same day as the Terrorist Attacks so needless to say it wasn't very happy. Everyone I know in New York City is fine and I hope all of you were as lucky. If not my deepest sympathies. I've added one or two new favorite poems of mine so feel free to check those out. On a final note......never trust people who have cheated before. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, then it doesn't apply to you. If you do then you are the person or you heard my story.

I added a new section today. Click here to go see what it is. (Though if your observant, when you were on the main page you probably saw what it is.) No matter. Just GO!

6 days till school starts, but who's counting? Not me. Yes, sadly summer is rapidly drawing to a close. My AP U.S. History Book reports that I've put off all this summer are now in dire need of finishing. I'm sure the rest of you are experiencing this, and I sympathize. Enough already though, I added a new section the Links section. So now you all have a way of escaping my site........You can thank me later. On a final note I must say that I do NOT like the Post Office nor snail mail. Give me e-mail any day. Enjoy the rest of your summer everyone.

ONE MONTH UNTIL I TURN SEVENTEEN! Woo-hoo! :::jumps up and down several times:::: Now that I've got that out of my system and everyone has been most duly reminded of that important fact, on to things of a less important matter. :-) There really aren't any new updates on the website per say. Field hockey season is approaching so, to all my friends I'm going to say, "Come cheer us on this season (we'll need it) and mourn all nine seniors we lost this year. I'll probably put more favorite poems up soon. Updates will be fewer as Field Hockey and School begin to get into swing. I'll leave you with a most hilarious quote provided by Don.

"Now they show you how detergents take out bloodstains, a pretty violent image there. I think if you've got a T-shirt with a bloodstain all over it, maybe laundry isn't your biggest problem. Maybe you should get rid of the body before you do the wash."- Jerry Seinfeld.

I added four more favorite poems of mine to the Writings section of the site. Check them out. I should be adding a links section sooner or later, so that people can have a way of escaping from my site to a better one. :-) It's a sweltering 90 degrees outside and I'm camped out in front of the fan. Let's hope this heat wave doesn't last much longer.

I just added this section today. That way people can be informed of any new updates to my site. Also you may hear me vent from time to time. I was away at TI for a week. Anyone from TI reading this I say, "I miss you all SO much!" Anywho I took down my picture on the My Info part due to some "complaints" that it was a bad picture of me. :::rolls eyes:::: I can't help it if my computer distorts things when it turns it into jpg and gif formats. I also added an e.e. cummings poem, two Sylvia Plath poems and a newer one I wrote the other day called Foresight. To see them click here
