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The Shields Family






  1. Jerry
  2. Carol Lally
  3. Jerry Francis
  4. Patrick Wilburn
  5. Billy Bob
  6. Maggie Mae
  7. John (Dinger) Fendell
  8. Charlotte Nellie
  9. Mary Rose
  10. Sally Spot
  11. Pugsy
  12. Hamid
  13. Chris
  14. John Pernock

Cee Jay (coming soon on video)

  1. Haverford Pictures

  2. The Catholic Church and George Orwell's 1984: Compared and Contrasted

  3. Science vs. Religion: The problem with Inductive Reasoning

Jerry A. Shields, MD

Jerry A. Shields is the father of the Shields family. His affect is curiously clement, gregarious almost to the point of intolerability. Contrary to one's expectations, this overacquiescence is not in the least alimentary. He is simply bereft of irascibility. This causes desultoriness rather than fulminations to surface, and the ego is disrupted where there is no id. Esoteric indulgences such as his work, which admittedly proves his ken is erudite, are makeshift escapes but his main fallibility, that of excessive to the point of submissive jocundity, defeats even the most nuanced latent self-prompted maneuvers. If only he were capable of rectifying, ameliorating his superfluousness; however, he is far from succor. Mind you, not in the workplace, where he lies at the higher end of his quorum, but in the afternoon place where his quondam vacillations are usurped and obtruded upon. Quite the wanton's victim! Floccinaucinihilipilification he is devoid of.
This guy is an

His Websites
Website 1 Website 2

Carol L. Shields, MD

Carol L. Shields is the mother of the Shields family. Indubitably one of the literati, notably, no, remarkably succinct, she also verbigerate much. Although she usually prefers médaillons over McDonalds, being quite the attribute, there exist a latent macroseism within. This venenose celerity cancels ca' canny but allows for efficiency. This is not the type that is in the least sapid, however. Askew with zealotry, namely, the hesitance to linger even momentarily, never capable of losing even the most minor tiff; these, alas, are accredited to her character.

Jerry F. Shields

Patrick Shields

Maggie Mae

John Fendell Shields

Nellie Shields

Mary Rose Shields

See Rosie Sad

Sally Spot Shields

Pugsy Shields


Hamid once told me, "I have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia! I have thought it over, and in conclusion through a floccinaucinihilipilification have deemed sesquipedalians otiose. By jove, existence is in itself otiose, considering that my pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis has now spread to my hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies. Furthermore, my pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is rampant. I might as well use on myself a trinitrophenylmethylnitramine. Well, on a second thought, that choice contains little honorificabilitudinitatibus. I am no profligate—my antidisestablishmentarianism is evident and tied to my morality. Injecting myself with paradimethylaminobenzaldehyde was my other thought, but now of course is nullified. Perhaps my fear that I alluded to in my first sentence can be fixed by an era of good feelings, with a tad of internationalization. But what then of my transubstantiationalism? Would it be converted into antitransubstantiationalism because of this propensity to globalize? Why, I would liken that to acquiring anhydrohydroxyprogesterone. I would rather, in fact, gain CYSTOURETEROPYELONEPHRITIS and break my LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS ALAEQUE NASI. No no, this is quite ANTICONSTITUCIONALMENTE and the constituition is quite irrefutable. Even the most renowned ELECTROENCEFALOGRAFISTAS could not penetrate the revered documents that I live by. Well, enough of that train of reverie. Now, as of late, I have realized that I am a NEBEPASIKISKIAKOPUSTELIAUJANCIUOSIUOSE. American society has permitted this comfort. We were wrong in our assumptions about foreign responses to our opulence. 'IRAPUSATINKAATSEMPOKITASANOIGAVETAPAAKEMPAROROKARITYO,' we said. On the contrary, they have retained their misgivings! I remember when our science was primordial. MENYETIDAKNYAHCASDIVERSIFIKASIELEKTROSTATIKKAN was unheard of. Well, I will leave you with the longest word yet, being 120 letters, and a definition to follow. Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitaensfrauenverbandsvorsitzendenaufwandsentschaedigungsrahmenordnungsrichtlinienen is German for 'The Danube Steam Navigation Company's Captain's wives federation for basic remuneration expenditure guidelines.' [Yes, he actually read his sources to me, as if I was about to question him.] I couldn't think of even a remote way to include this one. I am Hamid Ali, and this is an account of my hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia." Hamid did well on SAT's in 7th grade.


John Pernock

Thanks for the visit
Remember, Iraq may seem a gotterdammerung at the moment, but wait until year 2050. The argument redux will seem superfluous; it will be obvious that the seemingly ineffective quondam rigamorale proposing occupation will be known to have been anything but brummagem.
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