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...because any idea is better with pirates!

~ H O M E ~



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Yearnings for Spring

Feb 6, 2005

Spent most of the weekend glad I was out doing stuff but still wishing I was home getting things really -done-. I have a sneaking suspicion that my wallet is in our front closet, but that will have to be investigated further at a later date. Currently the weather has improved, which means my SADD isn't flaring up and I'm actually happy again.
But anyway, we went to T.G.I.Friday's for dinner yesterday. Shouldn't have started the meal off with a gigantic margarita. I was in so much pain by the time the food came out. I guess I should probably have some sort of breakfast beforehand... that might have helped... In any event they have the best Jack Daniels steak ever and there wasn't much of a wait at all. Joe and I ventured through a few stores, including Best Buy (who isn't cool like the one in Springfield with a DDR pad set up for customer glee).
Well, now that I've invaded the family room with illegal street signs and dorky violin medals, it's time for... *dun dun duuuun* The bookshelf! I wonder if my roommate even knows what books are... all she reads is sports magazines. Such a sad, sad sight. After a spree of decorating and cleaning I might even summon up the courage to ask the nice landlords to remove the broken and bug-filled light fixture from my room. I'm afraid to get it down because it's all cracked and I would freak out if it broke and my bed was showered with centuries-old decaying bug dust. (Well, it's not really dust, per se... I can see the shadow of a big pile of them in the bottom of the dish... like a dark spot on mars that's really a signal to armageddon... looming over me... the suspense is sickening.)
I tried to sing along with the TV today. It stems from karaoke night that I went to on Wednesday. Now, I will admit that I had a little to drink (those of you who have seen me drink: it was totally not like that) so I let Keli talk me in to singing. We sang a Spice Girls song. Why? Because it was the only thing we both knew AND nobody had sang yet. We had fun, but we got booed a lot. And I couldn't sing it worth shit. Fastforward to today, and I'm checking my pitch with a little bit of Maroon 5 (It's a love/hate thing with them.) I sucked something awful. I feel like I'm losing my pitch, which scares me a lot. (Joe, I love you, but you are tone-deaf and someday I may kill you for it.) So I got mad and turned off the TV and did my Tae Kwon Do forms. That didn't really help much cause my hips kept popping and I kept tripping on rugs inbetween kicks. So I hit the TV and went back to dancing around and singing. I feel kinda sorry for the neighbors, but it felt good. If they complain I'll just say "Hey, if you had knocked on my goddamned door and said Hi-we-were-thinking-about-moving-in-upstairs-do-you-have-any-advice? I would have said I-am-very-loud-at-all-times-of-the-night-and-scream-obscene-things-don't-move-in-go-away" and then we wouldn't even have a potential problem. But no. I sorta miss the loud scary middle eastern guys, cause they were loud too... so I didn't feel so bad when I left my computer on TIMS TECHNO DANCE MIX OF BASS AND DECIBLE DOOM when I fell asleep.
And now for something... completely different.
Meet Nathan, Rachel, and Jezabel. Eventually I'm going to have avatars for these characters, but for the time being they are all in my head. Stemming from a reflective evening I spent with Maggie, I have decided that my personality is a combination of three different personas, who each have their own goals, values, and sets of traits. We decided that it was probable that the number of distinct characters most people could be divided into was three. I will explain the different ideas later, but suffice to say that I am most certainly a three. I think I will begin some art exchanges to see if I can get some designs out in the open. Unfortunately the first and best of my artwork was lost. It was a sketch of Jezabel, done by Maggie. It was really a character sketch for the Sin Wars game that Joe ran, but I built her into the game. I even dressed like her on occasion. (I'm sure someone out there remembers the lip ring.) Anyway, think of this as an introduction into them. I will be using them a lot in my journals once I get the photos worked out (in my diary I sketch them out during their interactions, but I am so bad I dare not post it).
I could go into more detail, but quite honestly my butt is sore from this gawdawful chair and I'm sleepy. So off to dreamland I go.
PS-Yes, I will have a Messageboard and Chat up, just because I'm so used to having one. But now that Angelfire sucks ass I have to find a different host. I will get them eventually. Promise.

Prudish woman: You should be arrested. To hang such a thing on your wall! Look at this woman. She is undressing, with a man looking on! Disgusting!
Henri: Forgive me, madame, the lady is not undressing, she is dressing. The gentleman happens to be her husband. They are celebrating their twenty-seventh wedding anniversary. They are going to have dinner with their oldest son. He is a taxidermist. I am appalled that you should thus malign these good people. It goes to prove what I have always maintained, that evil exists only in the eye of the beholder. I will thank you to stop looking at my pictures.

-Moulin Rouge 1952

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