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Real Name: Dan McGregor

Purpose: being a bad drummer, writing lyrics, practice space, food, providing an audience and equipment, stupid comments, undying love and hugs

Favorite bands: Too many to count.....but I'll try.....Black Flag, Discordance Axis, Capitalist Casualties, Assuck, Neurosis, Minor Threat, Operation Ivy/Rancid, NOFX, Propagandhi, Circle Jerks, Big Black, Spazz, Discharge, Choking Victim/Leftover Crack, Converge, Anal Cunt, Cryptopsy, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch, The Misfits, The Subhumans, Crass, The Descendents, Indian Summer, NWA, Gauze, SOB, Isis, Glassjaw, His Hero is Gone/Tragedy, The Nihilistics, Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, Darkthrone, Napalm Death, Disrupt, Daybreak, Bastard, Less Than Jake, Public Enemy, Luddite Clone, the Refused, Youth of Today,  Bad Religion, Against All Authority, Orthrelm, Combat Wounded Veteran, Hassan I Sabbah, Pg. 99,  Employer Employee, Gordon Solie Motherfuckers, Crispus Attucks, Repulsion, Carcass, Seige, Get Up Kids, Boy Sets Fire, Shank, Massona, Cripple Bastards, Agathocles, Swans, Sham 69, Oi Polloi, The Angry Neighbors, Last Days of Humanity, The Unseen, Doom, World, A//Political, Cluster Bomb Unit, F-Minus, Rotten Sound, Extreme Noise Terror, Charles Bronson, Larm, Uncurbed, Jawbreaker, the Sex Pistols, The Ramones, Millencollin, Gonkulator, Eyehategod, Plutocracy, Catasexual Urge Motivation, Gornibard, Pigsty, Gore Beyond Necropsy, the Brainbombs, Rites of Spring, Rorschach, Man is the Bastard, Crossed Out, HHH, the Dedication, Scholastic Death, Brother Inferior, Today is the Day, The Specials, Enemy Soil, Beherit, Venom, Dead Kennedys, Human Remains, Heroin, Defiance.....I am a dork....

Favorite drummers: Dave Witte, Rob Procter, Hirax Max, Matt, Tezz, Derrick Hans, Randy Odierno, Tim Latona, Mick Harris, Kevin Talley, Ben Koller, Smelly, Bob Rafanelli, Bill Stevenson, Flo Mouriner,             Dave Lombardo, Pete Sandoval, Connel, Brad Elrod

Favorite Movies: Fight Club, 2001: A Space Oddesy, A Clockwork Orange, Pi, Requiem for a Dream, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Princess Mononoke, Kung Pow, Ninja Scroll, Gangs of New York, SLC Punk,             Scary Movie, American History X, Lawrence of Arabia, A Beautiful Mind, Conspiracy Theory, most things by Alfred Hitchcock......

Hobbies: Being a record nerd.....hanging out with friends....making a "racket"......wasting time.....

Goals in life: self-annihilation

Comments: I'm always on the lookout for any Japanese hardcore/grindcore, anything by Septic Death, and any dirty, stinky, filthy crust material (Prophecy of Doom, Axegrinder, Deceiving Society, Hellbastard, Scumbrigade, Deviated Instinct, Disclose, Filth of Mankind). If you've got anything of that nature, please contact me. If you hold out, I'll find out and mug you.


Run Back to the dead

Run Home to mommy!