Rebecca's Private Place

What's on here, then?

Becky's Writings
About Me
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Random Page

22 AUGUST, 2003-- Welcome, bienvenue, wilkommen to my website.
I haven't updated for a while-- be due to the fact that I couldn't remember my bloody password for the site. D'oh!
Anyway, there have been various updates, and more material finding its way from my computer onto the site, as well as various travel thingys and reviews and comments from this year's Edinburgh Fringe festival.
I also really don't like this wallpaper, but am rather crap at this whole website thingy.

I will be putting up a links page next week, so if anyone wants me to link my site to them, or vice versa, give me a shout.


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22 August 2003-
Added Pirates of the Caribbean page, various writings, the Random page.

21 August 2003-
Fiddled around a bit. Revamped some pages. Barely.

2003- opened site
