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At Dusk-The Summer of Promises Kept


Lets start off with something positive:  I’ll give you a list of the things some people will like about this disk.  At Dusk are at the forefront of the math-rock revival.  Every riff sounds like its trajectory had to be precisely calculated with a slide rule.  This is post-something of the highest order and a perfect reflection of some corners of the indie scene at present.  Stick Connor posters definitely line the floors of these boys and Sunday is for attending the Church of Tortoise.  Evrythings in the right place, and fans of snappy piccolo sounding snare drums will love this one.  One of the top five best self-releases I’ve heard this year.


These fuckers have heard the Stooges and Velvets (maybe all their records), but they sure don’t get ‘um.  They think the Stones are overrated and have never heard of Brian Jones (probly not even BJM).  Is the goal of these guys to bore the hell out of us?  I just don’t see the point.  There are no hooks on this record, and it isn’t bracing or mind-blowing either.  I think it should be a requirement for any group to put one of its snare hits as the first track of any LP.  That would save poor bastards like me a lot of time.