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Welcome to my Online Fashion Boutique!

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Welcome to my site where I showcase my designs, concepts and ideas for future fashions.

I have decided to set up this site, as I have a passion for fashion;planning to study Fashion Design at the London College of Fashion, after I complete my A-levels,so I wanted to display some of my work.

My work is often very bold and striking, and the main colours I use in my designs are probably pinks, purples, reds and black. The clothes are usually quite eyecatching, as my range is generally designed for people who like to stand out, and make a statement through what they wear.I really admire people who make a statement through the way they dress, as it shows strong character,which I find encouraging in people.My range could be described as a mixture of goth,punky and glamour girl; a weird combination borne of a love for mixing different textures and styles.

I hope you enjoy browsing through many of my designs(and no stealing any ideas),and would be grateful if you could sign my guestbook with any feedback, about what you think of my designs, and how I can improve them.That way I will be able to identify problems, and improve my designs.