Pineapples & Kiwis

Hiya! My name is brie, and I'm a self-published writer who's currently working on a zine titled "Pineapples & Kiwis". That's not all I do though, I'm also a kick-back chica who likes to have fun and do wild crazy things. Yup, but let's cut to the chase. If you're a writer, an artist, or a noble cartoonist, a vender, a sender or a rambunctious constitutionalist, send me your work! Really, I'm looking for all kinds of submissions so I hope to hear from you! A Short List of Do's and Don'ts

Some of my work!

I Think I found Love!
A Run On One Way Train of Thought
She Hates Me!

You are a Rickmaniac.
Rickmaniac - You are of a dreaded breed -
the ones they call 'Rickmaniacs'. You eat,
sleep, breathe, and live Rickman. This quiz was
probably a complete breeze for you, and you
probably could have done it five times
blindfolded, while standing on one foot.

How Much of an Alan Rickman Fan Are You?
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