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One to Help

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Have you ever thought about the impact you make on others?
I am what I like to think of as a helper, if you have a need, I am there! Now I rarely have money, or financial means to speak of, but if there is a way to help, I am there.
Unfortunately, six years ago, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and life as I knew it changed. My financial outlook is and has been dismal to say the least.
However, this year in particular has been incredibly rough. You know how it is, when you somehow write more checks than you have money? Overdraft protection is a wonderful thing, until you somehow have exceeded that protection.
One thing leads to another and now every check you deposit, is gone, the minute you deposit it, overdraft fees eat what your overdraft amounts don't. It is a never ending spiral of despair, frustration and it is especially hard on those who love to help others, only to find they cannot even help themselves.
So, added to my Christian belief that God's children will not beg for bread, is the frustration and knowledge that I am out of bread and don't know what to do. I have decided to wait upon the Lord, and let him renew my strength, and show me a way out of the predicament I am in.
I have no one to blame, but myself. When in pain, I tend to procrastinate, and the more frustrated I become, the less I pay attention, and of course that has led me to my current predicament.
Now, I question if I put the check in the bank, then the fees and overdraft eat it and I can't pay my bills. So, the helper needs help. And while I look for answers, and a job I can work around pain and extreme fatigue, I had an idea.
There are so many people in this world, who do not struggle with pain, or finances, and so while I will not beg for your money, I will express my need, install a donation button and pray that the right individual will see a need that they can fill.
One dollar here, one dollar there, and who knows what would happen. In the mean time I am not giving up. God will make a way. He always does.
Thank you, if you are one of those who feel led to help,and either way I appreciate any and all prayers and offers of encouragement. God bless each person who has found this page, and let them as well be uplifted, encouraged and inspired.

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