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Zeppelin III


9:01 AM

Zeppelin III

Woo! Zeppelin! Much to my chagrin, my boyfriend has managed to turn me into a Classic Rock fiend. And I love me some Led Zeppelin. And that's what this design is, a split-up rehash of the band's Zeppelin III. It's not my favourite album, but it's definitely my favourite cover.

When I was in Grade 10, I had this guy named Merkle in my class. Well, that was his last name, but we all called him that. He looked like Wayne Campbell had a child with Garth Algar. And he was a huge Zeppelin fanatic. I barely knew who they were, but we had this album's cover at home, though the record was long lost. I brought it in one day and sold it to him for $2.00. This saddens me know, when I would have loved to actually cut it up and made a scannable collage instead of reverting to Photoshop. Oh well, this is cleaner.

I've also rehauled my 'base CSS' quite a bit, and added a lot of list and definition structure. So read the following little HTML tutorial for some ways you can format your text for a bit more oomph:

Valid XHTML 1.0!

<b>Bold</b>, <i>italic</i>, and <u>underlined</u> text has been defined, and so have the following advanced snippets:

Definition List
This is what a definition list looks like.
Code for Definition List
This is what your blockquote looks like. You can acheive the same effect by wrapping text between a <blockquote> and </blockquote> tag.
  1. This is what your ordered list looks like.
  2. You can acheive the same effect this way:
  3. <ol>
        <li>information here</li>
  • This is what your unordered list looks like.
  • You can acheive the same effect this way:
  • <ul>
        <li>information here</li>

If you/the visitor has Silkscreen installed on their computer, they'll see the lovely small sans serif font for the links in your right hand column. If not, they'll get a tiny but uppercase Arial, which is equally fetching. Well, nothing's as fetching as Silkscreen, available at

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Zeppelin III