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:: punchdrunk/lovesick ::

here's a fist to forward your fucking evolution.
:: things :: me | guestbook [view] [sign] | contact ::
april 2004.
march 2004.
february 2004.
january 2004.
december 2003.
november 2003.
october 2003.
september 2003.
august 2003.
july 2003.

[::..the cool kids..::]
parking lot love.
this is me for you.
the lizzie.
passive affections.
riot clone.
hey alex.
punk rock academy.
the onion.
mc escher.
geek america.
exploding dog.
have some hats.
abc no rio.
whcs 590 am.

[::..por los oidos..::]
alkaline trio.
against me!
the weakerthans.
the lawrence arms.
submission hold.
every time i die.
the halo jump.
avenger of awry.
thumbs up!
the flaming tsunamis.
call it arson.
hawk's nest.
just another scene?
more... [>]

FastCounter by bCentral
Donate Weapons of Mass Destruction

:: 5.17.2004 ::

listen: sleater-kinney "you're no rock 'n' roll fun" this is dead.

:: mel p.'s genius at 14:56 [+] ::

:: 5.15.2004 ::
listen: onelinedrawing "livin' small"

haha. i saw rider strong (of boy meets world fame) walking up second avenue this afternoon while on my way to the theatre. i had to stifle my giggling the rest of the way there. it was great. and then i had vegan chicken nuggets and fucked up the sound cues. my life is awesome.

that puts my "celebrity sightings while living in new york" count up to a whopping three: john waters, tony danza (on rollerblades!), and mr. strong. how disappointing. ryan adams had better trip over me on the sidewalk sometime soon, or someone's in trouble.

:: mel p.'s genius at 02:41 [+] ::

:: 5.13.2004 ::
listen: aesop rock "kill the messenger"

i am so not wearing pants right now.

and i just got the stupidest myspace message. it ends with, "your body looks dope, so what's up?" people are the best.

i have been enjoying my trips to the language lab, despite all the convincing it takes me to get myself out of bed and to school for them. the other day i watched bread and tulips (pane e tulippi), about a woman on vacation with her family who gets left behind at a rest stop and runs away for a while. she moves in with the waiter she meets on the first night in venice and works for an elderly anarchist florist with a broken arm.

bedtime for new best friends.
love, p.

:: mel p.'s genius at 02:27 [+] ::

:: 5.11.2004 ::
listen: desaparecidos "$$$$"

today i spent the entire afternoon in excruciating abdominal pain from, surprisingly, trying to be more healthy. i decided to try one of those odwalla 'superfood' juice things, figuring that way i wouldn't have to buy expensive bad food at school during my long day and still be well fed. i only drank a little bit of it because it tasted funny. but for the rest of the day i ran back and forth to the bathroom every few minutes, thinking i was going to be sick. not too super, if you ask me.

i honestly cannot remember much else that happened in the past week. i declared myself an art major finally. i had a disappointing ice cream date (mike didn't even get ice cream). malena lives in my room now. she's about to buzz all the hair off her head in the living room. why in the living room? why is this room so completely full of useless stuff that i can't get rid of or someone will have a hissy fit and slam some doors?

maybe the simpsons can assuage my worries.

:: mel p.'s genius at 23:16 [+] ::

:: 5.5.2004 ::
listen: the fiction "don't just do what i tell you to"

i don't know what i did last night. it started with a harmless trip to an art gallery with my drawing class. we got there and stood around uncomfortably for a little while, while andrea and john chatted it up with all of the drunk art fucks. one by one everyone got bored and left, until it was just ian, amy, and me. john bought two overpriced ballantine 40s for himself and ian, and andrea bought coronas for everyone else. we hung out for a while and explored the space: past the two tiny rooms of the show, the rest of the place was massive with crazy paintings and things all over it. i think there was a stage and a bar or two in the back. ian and i agreed that we should live there and he could skateboard around the house instead of walking.

later, when the gallery closed, everyone went to a little mexican restaurant down the street. ian and i went and bullshitted about school and art and life, and john bought us more drinks. he has a rich boyfriend.

ian and i took the f back into the city and somehow made it to our respective homes, although there was a little fiasco with him peeing between train cars as we pulled into 14th street. then i got home, there was no food, and we watched donnie darko and squeaked about jake gyllenhaal a lot.

today is such a waste. i can't keep everything i wanted to do today straight. the art department is never open, and i have to be in the city again later for a run-through of victoria's play to make sure all the cues are right. then poppy and colin are supposed to be here so i have to meet them somewhere. it had better not fucking rain.

i need a backrub and really good vegan food.

:: mel p.'s genius at 15:00 [+] ::

:: 4.30.2004 ::
listen: alkaline trio "one hundred stories"

funny, funny.

i spent the entire day in fucking queens today trying to find sheets for my bed. i really wanted to go to target because they have all that cute shit with the dots or stripes or something, so i did that. it only took about four hours. i ended up with dark blue t-shirt sheets (which i don't really want anymore so i have to go back to queens and return them). then i wasn't satisfied so i went to k-mart on astor and wandered around their martha stewart selection. i bought some sheets there too and will now spend way too long trying to decide which ones i really want to keep. oh, the trials and tribulations of the unemployed.

then, not having eaten anything all day except toast, i realized that it was 6:00 and raced over to the theatre for the new city to co-run sound with lizxnn for the opening night of her friend's play. we got champagne at the end, which skipped my empty stomach almost completely and went straight to my head, and then lizxnn and vicki went to some sex workers' party downtown and i hopped the 4 home. on the train i met a band from detroit drinking beer out of very large mcdonald's cups. then there was a crazy man asking for lincoln navigators as charity.

something smells like toothpaste and feet. i don't like it. good night.

:: mel p.'s genius at 01:51 [+] ::

:: 4.26.2004 ::
listen: death cab for cutie "new year"

hanging out with vegan straight-edge kids for 36 hours straight is tiring, let me tell you. nelson and mike stole me after the strike anywhere/from ashes rise show (which was after the yaphet kotto/ed gein/anodyne/mannequin show at no rio) and we went to foodswings, an amazing vegan "fast-food" place on grand st. then we went back into the city for ice cream, which we never accomplished, but we found some kids at tompkins and stood around being cold with them for a while. on sunday attempted to have a bbq and volleyball get-together, but the rain defeated us, so we went back to foodswings and met some more people. indoor fun ensued, with board games at justin's house. mike and i lost horribly at cranium, though. that night it was another round of foodswings and meeting more vegan-edge-bike kids, followed by nelson's car trying to kill us and mike, nelson, and i passing out watching mr. deeds. breathe.

time for absolutely nothing, and i deserve it.

:: mel p.'s genius at 18:02 [+] ::

:: 4.23.2004 ::
listen: weezer "paperface"

i thought i'd bring to everyone's attention the subject line of an email i just received from "lorraine": while a crusty bag would be excellent.

good night.

:: mel p.'s genius at 00:18 [+] ::

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