
jobomber16: is camp co closed?
STARerev: not til 3
STARerev: under warren
jobomber16: wanna tap that poo?
STARerev: hahaha
STARerev: no
jobomber16: rejeection
STARerev: yeah
STARerev: mark rejected me
jobomber16: in what way
jobomber16: sexual conduct?
STARerev: yeah
STARerev: i told him i had a crush
jobomber16: on who
STARerev: him
jobomber16: how easily i could tell
jobomber16: when did you ask
STARerev: about an hour ago
STARerev: he said i'm not his type
jobomber16: shucks motherfucks
jobomber16: lets talk about this on the way to camp co!
jobomber16: puhleeaase
STARerev: no i dont wanna go
STARerev: i'm heartbroken
jobomber16: hmmm
jobomber16: how come you didnt tell me earlier
STARerev: i didnt know how to tell you
STARerev: why doesnt he want to go out with me/????
jobomber16: didnt he explain it to you?
STARerev: no
STARerev: what?
STARerev: do you know?
jobomber16: i dunno
jobomber16: i thought he explained it to you because you said he told you that he isnt your type
STARerev: he said i'm ugly. maybe thats why.
jobomber16: when did he say that
jobomber16: he was probably in the jokey mode
STARerev: when i told him
jobomber16: oh yeah?
STARerev: how would he know what my type is??
jobomber16: his type
jobomber16: not your type
STARerev: aw why not
jobomber16: didnt he tell you?
jobomber16: im confused
STARerev: all he said was no you're not my type
STARerev: and you're ugly
jobomber16: why would he say youre ugly?
STARerev: i dont know!!!
STARerev: do you think i'm ugly?
jobomber16: motherfucker
jobomber16: i dont count in this situation
jobomber16: so my judgment is not connected with this
STARerev: what do you mean????
STARerev: you think i'm ugly too? :-(
jobomber16: what the fuuuck?
jobomber16: no
jobomber16: did i say anything
jobomber16: lets not jump to conclusions here
STARerev: on a scale of 1 to 10..
STARerev: ?
jobomber16: man.. dont be superficial
STARerev: no i'm serous
STARerev: i need to know
jobomber16: you dont
jobomber16: this is for people on
STARerev: fine
STARerev: why do you think mark doesnt like me
jobomber16: forget how you look. if you look good .. fine... if you look bad.. fine
jobomber16: it doesnt MATTER
STARerev: yes it does
jobomber16: his personal choice.. and i dont know what he thinks
jobomber16: well to americans it does
jobomber16: its all inside
STARerev: so i'm ugly INSIDE??
jobomber16: hahaha no no no no
jobomber16: dont assume things
jobomber16: youre a great person
STARerev: but not good enough for mark...
jobomber16: why do you think people like mark jeff and i like hanging around with you
jobomber16: mark isnt too good for you
STARerev: no he's perfect for me
STARerev: you dont even know
STARerev: we have so much in common
STARerev: i like his bed
jobomber16: haha
STARerev: what is he then
STARerev: if he's not good enough
STARerev: ???
STARerev: why isnt he good enough?
STARerev: tell me
STARerev: i need to know
STARerev: where are you??
jobomber16: here
jobomber16: i was gonna come down
jobomber16: but yeah
STARerev: well then
STARerev: so why isnt mark good?
jobomber16: why?
jobomber16: hes got some flaws
jobomber16: hes a flirt
STARerev: so
STARerev: what else
jobomber16: so? it means every chick will go for him
STARerev: so?
STARerev: what else/
STARerev: you arent convincing me he's not worth it
jobomber16: im attempting to
jobomber16: hes the type that would be your best friend
jobomber16: but not the type youd date
STARerev: why not
STARerev: does he have intimacy issues?
jobomber16: we re not dating material
jobomber16: seriously.. i know him
jobomber16: we re alike in many ways too
STARerev: does he cheat/
STARerev: ?
jobomber16: we re immature, not dating material
jobomber16: nope
STARerev: immature?
STARerev: i think mark is really mature for his age
jobomber16: hahaha.. oh no
STARerev: at least like a 20 year old
jobomber16: oh yeah.. what did you talk about
STARerev: i forget
STARerev: but i like him
STARerev: i think i'm falling really hard
STARerev: and this is so sad
STARerev: of course my wallet got stolen
STARerev: and now i'm being rejected
jobomber16: we all fall.. its just a matter of how fast we get up
jobomber16: dont tie those in
jobomber16: come on danielle
jobomber16: you have to be strong mentally
jobomber16: its not over yet
STARerev: you mean he might like me?
jobomber16: you still have 3 more years.. hes not
going anywhere
jobomber16: yeah you never know
STARerev: 3 years..
STARerev: i cant wait that long
jobomber16: plus hes moving in with me next year
STARerev: i can never see him again
jobomber16: HUH?
jobomber16: DOUBLE U TEE EFF
jobomber16: now youre pushing it
STARerev: i'm too hurt
STARerev: you know what really hurts though?
jobomber16: you will.. if you see him once
jobomber16: then you cant talk things over
jobomber16: then obviously youll see him again
jobomber16: and be great pals
jobomber16: what?
STARerev: i dont want to be friends
STARerev: only more
jobomber16: why not? i think friendship is great
STARerev: it really hurts when people play practical jokes on me, thats what hurts alex.
jobomber16: liiike?
STARerev: like this
jobomber16: hmm
jobomber16: what?
STARerev: what
jobomber16: what are you talking about?
STARerev: what do you think
jobomber16: your wallet?
jobomber16: dude.. why the fuck would i do that
STARerev: you dont seem to understand
jobomber16: explain
STARerev: its all a joke
jobomber16: um.. sorry danielle.. no it isnt
STARerev: what the fuck are you talking about
jobomber16: dude.. what are you talking about
STARerev: what do you think
STARerev: you're so dense
jobomber16: um?
jobomber16: seriously fuck you
STARerev: hahhaha
jobomber16: die mother fucking whore
jobomber16: you wasted 30 minutes of my time
STARerev: are you mad'
jobomber16: no not really
jobomber16: im cracking up
jobomber16: now i cant fucking study
jobomber16: im so getting you two back
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