Fresh out of high school Michelle started taking classes at the junior college. She had the brains for a four-year school, but she had an undecided major so she didn’t want to waste her money right away. She was like most 18 year olds just trying to make it in the real world. The difference with Michelle was her weight. She was close to 300 pounds. This caused her to have very low self-esteem, and the way the kids picked on her through out high school only added to it. She had a very pretty though chubby face. Her sandy blonde hair flowed down to just below her shoulders and she had pretty green eyes. None of this mattered when it came to dating. Michelle never had a boyfriend or was with anyone sexually other then the masturbation if that even counts. Right around the time that the fall semester started she was offered a position with a local loan company to be an aide in the cash management department. They paid decent and were more then willing to work around her school schedule so she decided to take the position and get her foot in the door.

A few years had gone by and Michelle found herself working harder and learning more then she ever imagined she would. She was enrolled in less and less courses over time and at 24 years old was still working on graduating from junior college. After getting a small promotion she could afford to go out on her own so she rented an apartment. Right around this same time she made a decision to drop out of school and focus on having a career. It was a hard decision to say the least, but she convinced herself that it was the right one by saying over and over again that she could always go back to school.

Her boss was a typical thirty something boss that had more power then he knew how to handle. He was intimidating to say the least. Michelle having very low self-esteem found him to be more intimidating then most. He was a pleasant man if you kept your distance, rarely went into his office, and never made mistakes. If you did make a mistake not only would he let you know about it but also he had a way of making the rest of the office know about it so that you would be embarrassed. Michelle was a good worker over the years that never made too many mistakes though here and there she made a few minor ones that resulted in her being embarrassed in front of everyone. Overall though she felt she learned a lot and after they moved her up in the company, however small of a move it may have been, she figured this could be a possible career for her where she would be able to excel at her job.

Then came the day that she won’t soon forgot. Michelle made a pretty costly mistake that resulted in a loss of money and that morning she found herself at the mercy of her boss. He sent a memo via email to all employees to meet at 10:30 that morning in the conference room. Michelle had an uneasy feeling about the meeting and rightfully so. She knew she had screwed up. In front of every employee he scolded Michelle, telling her how much money she had cost the company. She felt like she was 6 years old again the way he scolded her. Her mistake didn’t cost the company much, but it was enough to out rage her boss. After he finished reaming her and her cheeks turned a bright shade of red from embarrassment, he humiliated her again. He told her in front of everyone that a girl that looks like her couldn’t possibly have a date or any plans for Friday night so she would have to stay late tonight. Michelle fought back the tears in her eyes, as she knew he was right. She never had plans on Friday nights. She told herself not to cry because that’s what he wanted. It was an power trip for him if she did, so instead she got a hold of herself said she understood and walked back to her desk and went back to work. Though in the back of her head, Michelle knew she was being punished and the boss was showing his authority, she also knew that staying until 5:30 or so wasn’t such a bad thing because she had a lot of work that she could do and she was the best worker there.

Around 4:30 most of the office left. Some made stops by Michelle’s desk to say have a good weekend, while others, just like in high school came by to sarcastically tell her to have a good night. 5:00 was the normal time for Michelle to leave. It came and went and she kept working as she looked at the clock on her computer. By the time 5:30 had rolled around only she and the boss were left in the office. It was like a ghost town. She kept finding things to do to keep herself occupied and looking busy as she had finished up all of her work 15 minutes before 6. She saw her boss approaching her desk right around 6PM so she began to shuffle papers making herself look busier then she actually was. He told her that he wanted to see her in his office and then walked away. She shut down her computer, grabbed her coat and went to his office. From his window you could see that the sun was still out but disappearing quickly. Michelle sat in one of the chairs in his office as he explained to her just why the mistake was so crucial and why he did what he did to her in front of everybody. Michelle sat in silence not really understanding how he could be so nice and explain things when no one is around, but when people are there he treats people like shit.

After a few moments of silence he told Michelle to go over to the coat rack and hang back up her coat. She had a confused look on her face that he noticed.

“I have more for you to do,” he told her.

The look he had in his eyes frightened Michelle a bit not really knowing what he meant by his comment since the two of them were alone. She hung her coat in the closet, went back to her desk and turned the computer back on. About 10 minutes later the boss was approaching her desk with a two-wheeler full of copier paper boxes. He told her she wouldn’t need her computer and she needs to turn it off to save energy. He explained to her that the copier paper boxes were full of papers that needed to be filed before she went home.

“All of the companies already have file folders in the cabinet so it shouldn’t be too bad,” he said, “but none of the papers in the boxes are in any sort of order.”

Michelle knew this was going to take a while. She sighed and rolled her eyes a bit. Then he pulled out a key and handed it to her. She again looked confused.

“Lock the door on the way out. It’s Friday night and I have plans.”

With that being said Michelle watched as he began to leave the building. He stopped and looked back just to remind her that he would be back in the office on Monday morning before anyone else, so he will know if this wasn’t completed, and then he exited. It never even dawned on her but he was right. He would be in before anyone else. She wasn’t too comfortable with being left alone in the office especially since it wasn’t in the greatest part of town. Michelle went to his office and looked out the window making sure he was gone and then for the first time began to sob. She was very scared to be alone in the office. She also knew that by the time she would be done it would be dark outside. She went back to her desk and wiped the tears from her eyes and did her best to organize the papers in the boxes.

She was working hard, trying to get all of the filing done. She wanted nothing more then to just go home. This wasn’t something that couldn’t have waited until Monday, this was just work to keep her busy and to show his authority. She cursed her boss under her breath as she worked. She began to work up a sweat working as hard as she did and lost all track of time. When she had completed the filing, she took a deep breath and wiped her sweaty face on her t-shirt. It was quarter past midnight. She took the empty boxes into the supply room and stacked them up in the back corner. She double-checked all of her work just to make sure she didn’t miss something. She locked up the file cabinet and was finally ready to go home. She was really tired and wanted nothing more then to just go home and take a warm bath, maybe have a drink or two, and go to bed. She turned out the lights as she exited the office.

The office was on the second floor of the two-story building. In the daytime it was very pretty. The windows overlooked the river, but at night it was the seedy part of town. Michelle could see out the windows on the front of the building that her car was the only one left in the parking lot and because she started a half hour or so later then most of the people in the building, her car was on the other side of the lot. The mandatory lights in the parking lot weren’t very good to begin with. If they weren’t broken then most of them were burned out leaving little if any light at all and this late at night and being alone Michelle was a little more then scared. As she reached the bottom of the stairs and exited, she pulled on the door handle to make sure that the lock was secure. When satisfied that it was she began to walk to her car. She walked briskly, only looking down. She was moving fast, but she was cold. Her arms had goose bumps on them when it hit her that she had forgotten her coat. She stop and contemplated for a moment before deciding that it was her only coat and she had to go back and get it.

She walked back to the office with a brisk walk and her head-down. She fished around her jean pocket for the key to the door as she walked and with her head down never noticed the three thug looking males that had moved towards the door. She reached the door and held out the key when one of the males grabbed her wrist and startled her. She dropped the keys to the ground and noticed the other two guys and began to cry. She made an attempt to get away, but the three quickly surrounded her not leaving her anywhere to go. The thug that was the apparent leader let go of her wrist when he saw that his men had moved into position and she had no escape route. She stood frozen in one spot and noticed that one of the men had a duffle bag. Her crying now turned to a sob. Her tears streamed down her face and she began to zone out not really believing this was happening to her. She snapped back into reality when the leader told her to pick up the keys. She begged and pleaded with them and even offered them money if they would let her go but to no avail. The thugs just stood there and laughed at her. The third guy ran his fingers through her sandy blonde hair and smelled it. He told her he loved the way a girls’ hair smelled. She feared rape as most people would. She had heard about rapes on the news, and even read some erotic rape stories on the net to get off, but she never thought that those stories could be truthful.

“Pick up the mother fucking keys, bitch” the leader snapped.

Michelle wiped the tears from her eyes and squatted down much like a catcher in baseball would so she could get the keys. The leader kicked the keys further away from her.

“Not like that you dumb bitch,” and in an effort to humiliate her he said “bend over at your waist so we can see your wide ass as you do what we say.”

The leader knew full well that due to her weight and the size of her stomach bending over at the waist and reaching down to her feet was not an option for her. She didn’t want them to hurt her so she figured it was probably best to do what they said so she made the attempt knowing she had to look ridiculous. She started to bend forward at the waist to try and grab the keys when the leader slapped her ass as hard as he could. Michelle was in shock and stumbled forward into the arms of the third thug. He pushed her back to the middle of the circle. She stood there sobbing.

“Get the keys,” the leader said to the guy holding the duffle bag.

He picked the keys up off the ground. Michelle had no idea what they would do with her, but she feared that if she tried to run it was going to be much worse. The thug popped open the door and went in first while the other two pushed Michelle forward through the door. The leader kicked her in her ass and told her to get moving. She figured that if she did whatever they said to do she would make it out alive. She proceeded up the stairs with one thug in front while the other two stood behind her effectively blocking any escape route she may have had.

When they reached the office Michelle reached toward the lights to turn them on, but the leader slapped her hand away from the switch.

“If you turn on all of the lights, that will look suspicious bitch.”

The leader pushed Michelle forward into the middle of the office. She watched as the thug with the duffle bag walked towards her boss’s office and pushed open the door. She begged them not to go into the boss’s office and she was met with a backhand to the face from the leader.

“We will do whatever we feel like you bitch. Get on your knees.”

She did as she was told and kneeled in the middle of the office floor watching the thug in the boss’s office close the blinds on the windows after carefully checking to make sure no one would be able to see them in that office. He told the leader it was good and no one would see them in there. The leader grabbed Michelle by her hair, pulled her to her feet and dragged her into the bosses office never letting go of her hair until she was in the middle of the office. The leader shut the door and pushed the bosses leather couch in front of it and all three of the guys took a seat on it basically making the bosses office her personal prison cell. Michelle stood between the couch and desk facing the three of them and trembling with fear.

“What do you want with me,” she asked.

No one answered. They just looked at her for a few minutes. Then they started to whisper to each other. Michelle asked again what they wanted with her. This seemed to irritate the leader. He told her to shut up while they figure that out. Michelle stood in the middle of the room staring at them. Her t-shirt untucked from her jeans and the top button of her jeans not buttoned. She was a mess from this whole ordeal and feared that it was far from over. They noticed that she seemed more afraid when they left her standing there in silence so that’s what they did. They just sat there for a few minutes staring at her trembling chest, watching as tears swelled up in her eyes. After about ten minutes of watching her in fear the leader stood up and walked over to her. Leaving the other two on the couch. He looked her up and down. Walked around the backside and front and then shook his head up and down as if he was in approval.

“You see bitch, me and my friends like big women. We love them. Especially when they are so fat they have low self-esteem. I think you are one of those kind of girls,” the leader paused, “well are you bitch?”

What could Michelle say? She stood there frozen knowing he was right. She just looked at him and didn’t respond to his question.

“By not answering you answered my question bitch.”

Michelle watched as one of the other thugs began to dig through the duffle bag and her disbelief that this was happening to her turned to fear as he pulled a video camera from the bag and set it on a bookshelf. She didn’t dare ask why they had a camera, but knew this wasn’t a good sign. The leader looked at his guys with a smile and turned back to Michelle. She stood trembling in an effort to hold back her tears.

“See bitch, my friends like your plump ass but you’re hiding it from them, so how about performing a little strip show for us.”

The leader turned on a mini radio he saw on the boss’s desk and slapped her in the ass as he walked back to the couch and sat with his friends. Michelle didn’t know what to do so she started moving her hips from side to side the best she could. She never went dancing and it was obviously awkward for her to be doing this in front of people. She occasionally ran her fingers through her hair just hoping they would let her go, but the leader snapped her back into reality when he told her to get the shirt off. She knew that if she cried the guys would just get more excited at her humiliation, so she hung her head and pulled the shirt over it and tossed it to her feet. The leader grabbed the shirt and stuffed it into the duffle bag. Michelle continued to swivel her hips to the music just praying this would all end soon. Tears started to form in her eyes as she danced. This was the first time anyone had seen her in a bra other then the mirror and she was embarrassed about the way she looked. Her embarrassment seemed to only excite the guys more. She continued to dance while looking with pleading, begging eyes at the thugs. She knew what she had to do in order for this to be over so she reached around her back to unhook her bra.

“Stop!” shouted the leader.

Michelle was relieved to hear this word. She said thank you a few times. Her humiliation and the fact that she was willing to degrade herself like this excited the guys. They looked at each other and laughed. The leader turned back to Michelle with a look in his eye that didn’t sit well with her.

“How about wiggling that fat ass out of those jeans next?”

The tears started to stream down her face as she kicked off her shoes. She tried her best to keep dancing but the tears and trembling made it difficult. She unbuttoned her jeans and lowered them to her ankles. She sat down and removed her socks and pants and sat them on the floor.

“Bring them to me bitch,” said the leader.

Michelle picked up her clothes and brought them to the leader. She watched as he stuffed those into the duffle bag as well.

“Get back to the middle of the room.”

Michelle stood there in her matching beige panties and bra praying that they wouldn’t make her get completely naked, but she knew in the back of her mind they probably would. It only took about a second before the leader stood up.

“Get that mother fuckin’ bra off bitch.”

Michelle half expected this and without much fuss she reached around her back and unhooked the bra. She hung her head in a feeling of defeat as she slid her bra down her arms and tossed it to the leader. She was quick to cover her breasts and it angered the guys. “Get those hands behind your head so we can so those utters.”

Michelle did what she was told and exposed her chest to the thugs. Her breasts were small at a B Cup, especially against her large frame, but the guys didn’t care. Tits were tits to them. She was embarrassed about the way she looked without a shirt on, but no one had ever called her tits utters. She was reminded again of just how fat she was. She stood in the middle of the room humiliated with her hands behind her head as her stomach hung down over her panties waistband. Her small plump breasts sagged a bit. The thugs laughed at her breasts and her nipples. Her nipples were pretty big and flat on her small breasts. She stood humiliated as the thugs said that her nipples were like plates.

As she stood almost in tears letting these three guys see her breasts she was snapped back into reality when the leader said “Now, let’s see that fat, plump pussy you’ve been hiding from us all night.”

Michelle was scared and humiliated at the same time. Since she never went to the beach and was too embarrassed of her size to wear shorts, she never bothered to trim her pussy. She was all-natural to say the least. She had a sandy blonde jungle of pubic hair and didn’t want to expose her most private area to these thugs. She looked at the leader with begging in her eyes as she slid her fingers into the waistband of her panties.

“Okay stop bitch,” said the leader.

Michelle was a second away from her ultimate humiliation and was so happy to hear the leader tell her to stop until he explained his plans.

“You’ve been looking at us all night with those beautiful eyes of yours just waiting for us to stop this ordeal, but you’re going to have to beg me for it.”

Michelle looked at the leader shocked.

One of the other guys shouted, “You heard the man bitch. Get on those fat knees of yours and start begging us to let you stop humiliating yourself.”

The leader explained, “If you beg good enough for me, maybe this will all end.”

Michelle saw no other choice but to do whatever they said. She was trapped not to mention they had all of her clothes except her panties. She dropped to her knees and degraded herself. She began to cry and plead her case. One of the thugs grabbed the camera and started to film her begging. The others just said in silence as she cried and begged. She told them she was humiliated and learned her lesson, but they just stayed silent. She apologized for being too fat hoping they would feel sorry for her. Her begging went on for a good five minutes before the leader spoke. He started to ask her personal questions.

“Are you A Virgin?”

When Michelle answered yes this seemed to excite the guys.

“How much do you masturbate?”

“Have you ever been with a woman?”

The questions continued and the more they dragged on the more humiliating they got.

“Do you clean your cunt?”

Michelle just kept getting more and more embarrassed as the questions went on and started to cry. She sat on her knees in the middle of the room only in panties not able to answer any of the questions because she was fighting back her tears.

“You’re not very god at begging bitch. You’re just not convincing enough for me and you fucking cry a lot, but I am feeling good today,’ said the leader, “how about I give you one last try.”

Michelle looked up at the three guys and nodded her head in approval and said thank you under her breath.

“Don’t thank me whore! Who in the fuck do you think we are? You’re one dumb bitch aren’t you? You’re not getting shit from us. Get them fucking panties off and show us that pussy of yours.”

Michelle begged them to let her go and to not make her do this. She offered to do anything they wanted if they wouldn’t make her get naked and they would just let her go. They all just laughed and the leader told her she had no way out of the office until they were done with her so she would be doing anything they wanted her to anyway. Michelle knew he was right. There was nowhere that she could go. She stood up and reluctantly reached her fingers into her panties waistband and lowered them to her ankles and stepped out of them exposing her straggly jungle of sandy blonde pubic hair. She picked up her panties and handed them to the leader. She knew they would make comments about her pussy and humiliate her and they did.

“What a fucking mess.”

“She’s too fat to reach that dirty cunt of hers to clean it.”

“No guy would touch that disgusting mound of hair with his tongue let alone his cock”

Michelle just stood there listening to their comments knowing they were right. The leader dropped her panties by her feet. The other thugs now stood up. One grabbed the boss’s leather chair and wheeled it over to Michelle while the other changed the tape in the recorder. Michelle forgot about the video camera until now. There she was for the first time in her life showing off her naked body to someone other then herself and being filmed. The leader began to massage Michelle’s tits, paying attention to her large nipples. He rolled the nipples around in his fingers getting them both erect. She couldn’t help but get a little wet from the rubbing of her nipples. The leader made her nipples so hard they hurt. They had never been harder. The leader told her to sit in the chair. She did exactly as she was told. As soon she sat down she closed her legs together tightly in an effort to cover her hairy cunt. The leader just smiled and ran his fingers through her hair while the other two thugs were digging through the duffle bag. Michelle sat frozen in the chair worried about what they were looking for. It only took a few seconds for Michelle’s fear to be confirmed as they each held a roll of duct tape in their hand and approached the chair. One went to her left side and the other to the right.

“We figured you wouldn’t want to behave bitch,” said the leader, “so we have a little solution.”

With that being said each of the thugs grabbed a leg and picked them up over the arm rests of the chair and duct tape her ankles to each other under the seat of the chair. When they had wrapped the tape around each ankle ten times they were satisfied that she was secure. Her legs were wide open and her pussy completely exposed. The leader double checked by pulling on each leg and was satisfied that those fat legs weren’t moving. Michelle began to cry again but couldn’t understand why they didn’t tie her arms. She pulled her legs at her bonds testing the tightness only to find out that she indeed was trapped.

“You’ve wasted a lot of time getting naked for me and my boys here bitch and then you have the nerve to close those fat legs of yours and cover that fat, hairy pussy. You better wisen up. Your pussy, your tits, and any other part of your body that you think is yours, is ours now,” explained the leader. “You said you masturbated when I asked you before, so that’s the first thing you are going to do for us right fucking now. I want to see those fingers dig deep into that meaty cunt of yours, and saw in and out. I want you to feel your tits with you other hand making sure to keep those nipples nice and fucking hard, but don’t even think about cumming. You get yourself right there, to the point that one more deep thrust of your fingers will make you cum and that’s when you stop. When you do this we will unfasten your legs. Just remember to smile for the camera.”

Here she was strapped to her boss’s chair, completely naked and spread wide open, being filmed, and forced to masturbate. She had no choice so she closed her eyes and started rubbing her breasts with her right hand keeping her nipples hard like the leader instructed. Her left hand found its way to her clit. After a few minutes of massaging her clit she started to breathe heavier. A bead of sweat dripped down her face and fell onto her breast. She started to rub faster and closed her eyes imagining that she was being fucked. She started to lose control and was close to cumming. Her fingers rapidly sawed in and out of her pussy. A few more thrusts and she would be exploding. The leader sensed she was this close and grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away from her clit. She opened her eyes and felt her legs being untapped as promised. She was out of breath and her erect clit was poking out through the bush that hid her cunt. While she was masturbating she lost sight of the fact that she was still their slave. The leader and the other thug cleared her boss’s desk by dumping everything to the floor. Michelle knew when the ordeal was over that she would be the one cleaning up this mess. The leader called Michelle over to the desk. She stood up still a little out of breath and stumbled over to the desk. The other thugs picked up the rolls of duct tape and stood at the desk with smiles on their faces. Michelle notice the bulges in their pants as she stood there needing to cum, but knowing that she couldn’t until they let her. The leader handed Michelle her panties. She wanted to put them on and get the hell out of there, but she knew this wasn’t why he gave them to her.

“Wipe your pussy you sloppy bitch. Then give those panties back to me”

She did as she was told and handed them back to him. The leader went behind Michelle and pushed her forward until her stomach was up against the desk then handed her the panties and told her to hold them. One of the thugs handed the leader a few pieces of tape.

“We’ve had enough of hearing you. Gag yourself with your wet panties and secure them in your mouth with this tape.”

Michelle did what she was told. She had never had the nerve to stick her fingers in her mouth after she cummed, but it always as a major turn on for her to think about tasting her cum, but this wasn’t what she had in mind. She stuck the panties in her mouth as she was told and grabbed the tape and secured them effectively gagging herself. The leader ran his fingers across the tape just to double check.

“Bend forward at your waist over this desk.”

She lay on the desk as instructed and each wrist was grabbed the way her legs were earlier. The two thugs strapped her wrists together with the tape under the desk, mashing her tits on her boss’s desk. Then they grabbed her ankles and fastened them to the legs of the desk. She was bent over her boss’s desk in an L shape and tied to it. The taste of her own juices fresh in her mouth from a gag she put on herself. She was terrified and had no idea what the guys had in mind now.

The all laughed at her predicament as she pulled at the bonds hoping they missed something, but to no avail. She was secure yet again. She could hear them digging through the duffle bag again but because of the way she was strapped to the desk she couldn’t see them. The leader held a hairbrush in his hand, while the thugs each had a yardstick. The leader approached first. He didn’t say anything. He just ran his hand across her ass causing Michelle to jump.

“You were pretty close to cumming when I told you not to. I think you would have if I hadn’t pulled your wrist away from that sloppy cunt.”

Michelle shook her head trying to say that wasn’t the case.

“You were a bit too close for my liking and because of it you will be taught a lesson.”

As the sentence finished her ass was slapped with the back of the hairbrush. The stinging caused her to scream into her gag. The other thugs took turns swatting her with the yardsticks while the leader smacked her with the hairbrush. She must have taken 50 smacks to her now bright red ass within a 3-minute period. They continued to beat her ass and Michelle started to cry from the pain. This continued for about 10 more minutes and ended with the leader hitting her with bristle side of the brush causing her to wince in pain. Michelle heard the thugs ruffling through the bag. Her ass cheeks were beat red. She had never felt pain like she just felt. The thugs took the tape off of her mouth and pulled her panties out. She breathed heavy before regaining her breath. The tape at her ankles and wrists were cut away and the leader pulled her to a standing position by her hair. Her tits hurt as they started to get feeling back into them. The leader pushed her towards the middle of the room where the thugs stood. One of them held a dildo while in the others hand was a chain with three alligator clips on it. Michelle knew that whatever they had planned for her wasn’t good. The leader pushed down on her shoulders forcing her to her knees. He grabbed a roll of tape and pulled her arms behind her back and taped her wrists together tightly. She watched in fear as the thug with the clips approached. He opened two of the clips and attached them to her nipples causing them to instantly become erect. A third chain that had the other clip at the end fell from her chest to the floor between her legs. She knew where that third clip was going and her fears were confirmed when the thug attached the clip to her clit. She yelped in pain. She sat with her nipples and clit clipped and chained to each other. She sat still, knowing if she moved too far one way or the other the chains would pull the clips causing a tremendous amount of pain. The other thug approached with the dildo. She had seen a dildo in the magazines she used to get off, but never had the nerve to buy one. The thug ran his fingers through her pubic hair, occasional sliding a finger across her slit just to make her wet. Michelle’s eyes widened as the dildo was pushed into her cunt. At the base of the dildo was a small piece of rubber that fit perfect over the clip.

“That dildo is not going anywhere now you sloppy, wet bitch,” said the thug.

He ran his fingers through her pubic hair again collecting as much juice as he could and pushed the wet fingers into her mouth forcing her to taste herself again, which made her more wet. He pulled the fingers from her mouth and stood in front of her with the other two. They each undid their pants and lowered them to the ground exposing their hard cocks to her. Their cocks were huge. Michelle thrashed side-to-side and started to beg them not to rape her. As she thrashed the clips pulled and pulled and dug deeper into her causing her pain on her nipples and clit. The leader walked up to her and slapped her face with his cock a few times. She was humiliated.

“You’ve been teasing us all night long and having all of the fun. We let you play with yourself. We gave you a spanking that most fat girls would have to pay for, but now it’s our turn to have a little fun with you. You see bitch, you are going to suck our cocks and take all of our cum in your throat. We expect you to swallow every last drop. If you drip at all you are gonna be punished worse then you can imagine.”

Michelle sobbed as the leader grabbed the back of her head and thrust his cock into her mouth. She closed her eyes hoping that would help her get through this. She felt like she was going to gag. She had never sucked a cock before and she had no use of her hands. As the leader pumped in and out of her mouth, Michelle felt a sensation in her pussy. The dildo vibrated and then stopped. She opened her eyes to see one of the thugs holding a small remote and every time that he hit the button the vibration would start and when he let go of the button it stopped. She knew throughout her cock-sucking ordeal that they wouldn’t let her cum, but that they would make sure she was close more then once. As she was distracted with the sensation in her cunt the leader built up and delivered five or six spurts of cum into her mouth. Her mouth was flooded with cum. Most of it fell out of her mouth and on to her breasts. The leader pulled out of her mouth a shook his head when he saw how much cum she lost. He grabbed the chain in between her tits and pussy and gave it yank just for the fun of it. She screamed out in pain and knew she was going to be in trouble for spilling his cum.

“I can’t believe that a fat whore like you would have such a hard time eating.” Michelle hung her head at his comments.

“You better believe that you will be punished for this one, but first things first you’ve got two more cocks to suck off. Try to keep the cum in your mouth this time bitch.”

Michelle couldn’t believe that she was going to have to suck the other cocks and still be punished when she was done. Wasn’t this enough punishment? She did as she was told and took the next cock in her mouth only to have the same outcome in the end with a majority of the cum on her tits. The same happened when she finished sucking the third cock. When the final cock was pulled out of her mouth she looked down at her tits and saw them covered with cum. The dildo in her pussy kept her on the edge the whole time. She wanted to cum badly. The leader popped the dildo out of her pussy and it was soaked with her juices. The leader ran it over her cum soaked breasts making sure to coat it with all the cum she lost.

“You need some practice in sucking cock bitch.”

He held the dildo in front of her mouth and she reluctantly took it in. She hated the fact that she was being forced to eat her own cum this way. It wasn’t what she fantasized all those times she thought about licking her fingers after masturbating. The leader pulled the clips off her nipples and clit causing her to wince in pain again. He freed her hands of their binds. She put her head in her hands and cried as she sat in the middle of the office praying that they’d let her go.

After a few moments the leader told her to stand up. She did as she was told. She was drained from being brought so close to the edge and not being able to get the release she desperately needed. Her engorged clit poked out through her bush. Her nipples were as hard as rocks. She hated the humiliation and degrading acts they were putting her through, but her body was betraying her a bit. She thought about rubbing her clit quickly to help get her over the edge, but feared what would happen if she did. The leader handed her, her panties. She knew what she had to do. She rubbed her pussy clean of the juices, trying to touch her clit enough to bring out her orgasm, but with the close watch they kept on her she knew better then to cum. The leader handed her a piece of tape and she reluctantly shoved her panties into her mouth and secured them with the tape. She stood naked with the gag in her mouth until one thug approached with a black blindfold. She screamed into her gag but all that came out were muffled cries. The leader took the blindfold and handed it to Michelle. She knew exactly what he wanted her to do, but hesitated hoping he wouldn’t make her. She held the blindfold and gave one last pleading look to the leader. He nodded to one of the thugs who promptly slapped her ass with his open hand.

“Get the fucking blindfold on bitch,” shouted the thug.

Michelle obliged and took away her own sight. She couldn’t see a thing. No light even came in through the blindfold. She felt more vulnerable now then she ever had before. She could hear them digging through the duffle bag again. After a few seconds everything went silent until the leader attached a collar around her neck. It was secured with a padlock. She felt a tug at the collar telling her that they had attached a leash. She was pulled to the foot of her boss’s desk. The leader let go of the leash and poked her stomach, telling her he wanted her to move back and lay down on the desktop belly up. She did as she was told. Each of her arms were grabbed by a thug and pulled over her head. She felt her wrists being taped to the legs of the desk. The leader was doing the same to her ankles. They made her test the bonds knowing they were tight, but just so she knew there was no escape until they were done now. Michelle had no idea what they planned to do with her, but she lay on the desk spread eagle and not able to move at all. She couldn’t see or speak and to add insult to the situation the thugs plugged her ears with earplugs taking away all of her senses completely. She felt strange as she lay there for what seemed like minutes. Unless someone was touching her she had no idea if they were even in the office anymore. She turned her head and tested her bonds hoping one would come lose, but of course it didn’t. She had never felt more alone. She jumped as she felt a touch on her pussy. She didn’t know what it was. It could have been a finger, a cock, but it wasn’t warm at all. It was a rather cold feeling. The first thought in her head was that it could be the guys dripping ice on to her until she felt a pull and then another. The hair felt like it was being pulled out and then she understood what it was. They were running scissors through her thick, hairy pubic mound. They were going to trim her pussy hair. She tugged at her bonds again and started to thrash side-to-side. The pulling at the hair continued for another few minutes before it stopped. She could only imagine what she looked like with her pussy hair trimmed back. The fat lips and engorged clit had to be a sight she thought. She was just happy they were finished. She lay there breathing heavy. The rubbing on her clit got her a bit excited. She was hoping that if she fantasized hard enough she would cum and lost sight of the situation at hand. She focused on her fantasy until she felt more rubbing on her pussy area. This time it was a bit warmer and it didn’t taken her long to figure out what was happening. Scrape by scrape they were going to remove every bit of hair from her pussy. The razor began to work over her plump pussy and it didn’t take too long for them to finish up. They made sure to get all of the hairs in her ass as well. She couldn’t believe how much more vulnerable she now felt. Her pussy must have looked like a baby’s ass. She started to cry under her blindfold.

After the shaving Michelle just laid spread eagle on the desk testing the bonds just trying to get free of her humiliation. A few minutes had gone by and no one had touched her. She began to wonder if they had finished with her now. She thrashed her head from side to side and continued to pull on her bonds for a few more minutes until she felt a warm liquid hit her now shaven pussy. It hit in spurts four then five times then it dawned on her. The guys were in the room the whole time and were masturbating their cocks and shooting their load onto her pussy. She felt the first load drip down her slit and onto her ass crack. She whimpered into her gag much to the delight of the three thugs. Then the next load hit her and started to drip down. She moved her hips from side to side just trying to make the cum drip anywhere but down into slit, but it was no use. The more she moved the faster it dripped. She felt the head of a cock at the top of her pussy hole. She was fearful that the cock was going to be inserted into her, but then after a few strokes of the cock she felt the top of her slit fill up with warm cum. It dripped down and she felt the cock rub up and down paying special attention to her clit. She felt her orgasm build up. Her stomach was going up and down faster and faster as her orgasm drew near. She grabbed the legs of the desk and just as she was about to explode the thug stopped. She couldn’t believe it. She was so close to the orgasm she so badly needed. Her pussy lips quivered and her engorged clit pounded. She lay there for at least 15 minutes not knowing what was happening around her. She wanted so badly to cum. She needed to touch her clit just once and she would explode.

Just as she caught her breath and her orgasm had passed and when she least expected it a tremendous amount of pain shot through both of her hardened nipples. She screamed into her gag. The pain was like no other she ever experienced. As quickly as it came it left. She was sobbing in pain as she felt fingers grab her nipples and attach something. She was a little dizzy from the pain and almost passed out. She had no idea what had just happened, but felt her limbs being unfastened from the desk. She just lay there with her nipples in pain. The thugs now all fully clothed, took off her blindfold, gag, and earplugs and told her to get up. She looked down at her nipples and saw gold rings dangling from them and started to cry.

“Your nipples will be hard all the time you horny bitch. Next time maybe you won’t need to be punished.”

Michelle’s hand went to her pussy now cleaned of all the hair. She ran her hand through all their cum. She knew better then to masturbate in front of the thugs because they were done and hadn’t fucked her nor did she want them to. She just stood in the middle of the room as the leader zipped up the bag.

“You see bitch you’ve been a lot of fun tonight, but it’s getting late and we gotta get home. Your pussy is completely bald of all that ridiculous hair you had hiding it when this night began bitch so enjoy it that way.”

With that said the thugs left the office. She crawled to the window and watched them walk away. She sat in the office and sobbed into her hands, but was so happy that they didn’t take her virginity. She wondered why they hadn’t and then she remembered that they had taken her clothes. How would she go home? Wasn’t she humiliated enough? She cleaned her boss office up and remembered her jacket. That was what she was coming back for to begin with. She went to her chair and grabbed the jacket. It only came down to her waist but she would be sitting in her car so no one would know. She walked slowly down the stairs and out to her car. The cool air chilled her now clean pussy. She sat in her car with tears streaming down her face all the way to her apartment. She ran upstairs and into her apartment without anyone seeing her and quickly ran a bath. She sat on the toilet and dug her fingers into her shaven pussy and finally got the relief she needed. She stuck her cum filled fingers into her mouth and her clit became erected again. How could this ordeal have turned her on so much? She pulled the rings out of her nipples and got into her bath where she masturbated three more times.

PART 2 – MICHELLE BECOMES A SLAVE (More to add soon)

She stayed in her apartment most of the weekend debating going back to work after what happened but she knew she needed the job so she was back at it on Monday. Work went by normally for the next month. Michelle worked hard, made no mistakes, and everything seemed normal. She found that she was hornier then ever since the incident. Her pussy had started to grow back hair and her nipples were erect most of the time from the piercing. Occasionally she would put the nipple rings back in. She didn’t know why the memories of being tortured turned her on so much. It was something she never wanted to experience in her life again.

A month and a half later Michelle’s entire department that consisted of herself and two other ladies, Margaret a 40 something year old brunette and Sue and 27 year old red head, received and email from the boss requesting their presence in his office at 5. They went to the office door together and knocked. The boss yelled come in and they opened the door. Michelle stood in horror as she saw him watching a TV that had her on it. It was the ordeal from a couple of months ago. There she was strapped down to the desk getting her pussy shaved. She was startled. As she turned around to leave Sue and Margaret pushed her into her bosses office and closed the door. Michelle stood in the office scared and horrified as her boss stood up and looked her up and down and then spoke to her.

“I see by this video that you enjoyed yourself bitch!”

They all chuckled at her fear.

Sue stood behind Michelle and smacked her ass as she stood there crying. She now knew that Friday night was only the beginning.

Her boss sat on his desk while Margaret pushed the couch in front of the door and sat on it, leaving Michelle stranded in the middle of the room again.

“I want to see those shiny nipple rings,” said Margaret.

Michelle removed them and hung her head defeated again.

“I don’t have the rings on.”

“You don’t have what rings on bitch.”

“The nipple rings.”

The boss explained that she earned herself her first punishment of the day. She stood waiting to hear what it was, but he didn’t tell her which made her that much more fearful.

“Get that blouse of you fat whore and show Margaret your fat fucking tits.”

Michelle began to take off her blouse when she noticed another camera. She felt shameful as she pulled her blouse over her head and dropped it to the floor.

“The dress to whore.”

Michelle was trapped again and had no choice but to do as they said. She lowered the dress to the floor and handed it to her boss along with her shoes and stockings. Her cheeks turned red from embarrassment as she stood in the middle of the office wearing her beige granny style panties and bra.

“I see you have panties covering that fine ass and pussy of yours and a bra covering those udders. Punishment number 2 has been earned. That is our pussy now bitch and we don’t like it covered. I thought you would have learned that by now. Get that panties and bra off and give them here. “

Michelle did as she was told. Her boss stared in amusement at her humiliation. Her nipples were still hard even though she had no rings in them. Her pussy although recently shaved was almost full of hair again.

Her boss noticed and said, “You are a fat, hairy bitch, aren’t you? Look at her pussy already hairy. We’ll have to take care of that later.”

The boss said, “We are going to get some breakfast. Not that we need to but we are going to set the alarm so if you try to run we will know and the police will show up not to mention a crowd of gawkers. Yeah, I know that sounds good to you now, but we have your clothes. What will they think when they find you in an office naked. Now clean my fucking chair and desk off and find me some new scissors. I don’t want your fucking cum all over my stuff.”

With that said they all exited leaving Michelle standing naked and humiliated in the middle of his office.

Margaret sat on the couch with as the boss spoke to Michelle.

“You see Michelle, Margaret came up with this little plan and knew these three guys and I said yeah let’s teach her a lesson she won’t ever forget.”

Michelle was scared and tried to cover herself up.

“Don’t worry bitch, I’ve seen the video. Get those hands at your side so I can look at your fat, hairy pussy.”

Michelle started to cry and the boss told her to get on her knees. She of course did as she was told.

“Good girl. So far you’ve earned two punishments and we plan to humiliate you until you are completely broken.

Michelle just kneeled and cried. Her boss went into the drawer and got his new scissors and approached Michelle. Margaret stood up and did the same. The boss handed the scissors to Margaret and she grabbed Michelle’s long, blonde hair and snipped a piece off. Michelle began to protest. She begged and pleaded with her boss and Margaret to not cut her hair off. The boss told Margaret to stop and give him the scissors.

“Punishment number 3 has been earned. Don’t you get it we are in control and will do whatever the fuck we want to.”

Michelle started to cry. The boss tipped his desk and dumped everything onto the floor while Sue and Margaret picked her up and led her to the desk. They pushed her down belly up on the desk. The worked quick and with a roll of duct tape her boss had in his drawer Michelle was strapped down to the desk. They even made sure that they put a few pieces of tape across her neck so she couldn’t move her head. Sue grabbed Michelle’s panties from the bag and was going to gag her when Margaret spoke up.

“Just watching her be humiliated like this has gotten me soaked guys. Why don’t we stick my panties in her mouth.”

Michelle began to protest as Margaret slid her wet panties off her ankles and handed them to the boss who was quick to shut up her protests. He secured them with duct tape. Michelle was disgusted that she had just been forced to taste Margaret in this way, but there was nothing she could do. The boss handed Margaret the scissors and told her to continue. Michelle was trapped as Margaret cut away her long, blonde hair. Clip by clip Michelle’s hair was getting shorter and shorter until it was only about an inch or so long. Margaret made a comment that by the time she was completed she would look like a boy. After a few more clips, she was finished. Michelle was unstrapped from the desk and pushed to the middle of the office.

“Maybe next time you’ll listen.”

Her boss decided that it was time for the first punishment to start. He motioned to the Margaret who went into her purse and grabbed a bag of 6 disposable razors.

“Here’s punishment number one. I want you to spread those legs wide open so the camera can get a good shot of that plump, fat, pussy of yours while you shave it clean of that hair.”

Michelle never shaved her pussy before and she knew it would be a difficult task to lean down far enough to do it now due to her size. She looked at everyone in the room and humiliatedly said “I am too fat to shave my own pussy.”

The boss looked at her and said “Margaret is willing to do it for you, but you have to beg her for it.” Michelle looked at Margaret who had a smirk on her face.

The boss then explained “since you can’t shave your own pussy this doesn’t count as a punishment.”

Michelle was shocked at his words. How could anyone be so evil. Margaret told her she better start begging before she earns another punishment. Michelle sat on her knees, crying and begging Margaret to shave her pussy. Margaret told her no every time. Michelle cried and cried some more each time. Here was Michelle on video tape with her new haircut, naked and begging another lady to shave her pussy. She was so humiliated. Margaret lifted up her skirt and revealed her hairy pussy. It was mostly black like her hair, with a bit of grey mixed in. You make this pussy cum in your mouth and I will shave yours for you. Her boss grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back and placed handcuffs on them.

“Crawl on your knees you fat bitch” he told her and slapped her on her ass. She did as she was told and her head found her way to Margaret’s pussy. She could smell that it wasn’t washed for a bit and she could see cum dripping on the outer lips.

“All those friends of mine in that gang from a few months ago came on my pussy when your ass was up here cleaning bitch.”

Michelle then realized that she would not only be eating all the guys cum, but that Margaret had just had an orgasm not too long ago and it would be hard to make her cum again so quickly. Margaret put her hand on the back of Michelle’s head and pushed her face into her pussy. Michelle had no choice but to start licking so she did. Margaret felt Michelle’s tongue flicking her clit back and forth. Michelle just did what she could. She never ate a pussy in her life and she tried to do a good job. She must have because Margaret’s breathing picked up and Michelle felt the cum from the guys slide down her throat followed by a gush of Margaret’s juices. Michelle’s pulled her away as Margaret came down from her orgasm. Her chest was pounding up and down and she was catching her breath. Michelle sat in the middle of the room, with her hands secured behind her back. As Margaret caught her breath and her heart stopped pounding, she grabbed the razor from the leader. Michelle’s boss was taking off her handcuffs. She moved her wrists to get feeling back into them but it didn’t last long as she was pulled over to the leg of the desk and her hands were cuffed above her head to the desk. Margaret’s panties were shoved back into her mouth and taped in. She had no idea what was happening. She watched as the boss took the razor from Margaret and put it away. Sue stood over Michelle as she watched in horror as a ruler was taken from the desk.

“Your first punishment for not obeying us isn’t to shave that fucking pussy, but to give it a spanking it will never forget.”

Michelle closed her legs tightly and begged with her eyes to be let go, but it was no use. She felt her legs being pulled apart and held open wide by Margaret and her boss. Sue smacked her square on the clit with the ruler causing Michelle to scream into her gag. She continued to smack her pussy and inner thighs with the ruler. Michelle was just about to pass out from the pain when it stopped. Her pussy was on fire. The boss sat on her stomach and held paper clips in his hand that he had opened up.

“You forgot your jewelry so the next part of your punishment is to give you some new nipple rings bitch.”

He stuck one end of the paper clip through her right nipple and then tied it to the other end. He did the same to her left nipple effectively giving her nipples new rings and instantly making them hard. She felt another smack of her pussy and inner thighs.This ordeal went on for ten minutes and she passed out from the pain.

When Michelle regained her conciousness she found herself spread- eagle and strapped to the desk again. Margaret stood between her legs with the razor. She looked at her nipples and saw the paper clips. She tried to talk but she was gagged again. Margaret ran the razor through the pubic hair. Michelle screamed as she dry shaved the hair on Michelle’s pussy. Margaret hated Michelle so much that she ran the razor over the bald pussy just so she’d get razor burn. Michelle squirmed in her bonds as the razor slid down her pussy lips. Margaret the whole time laughing, dipped a finger every now and then into Michelle’s pussy. Michelle’s body was betraying her a bit. Margaret took notice of the juices in Michelle’s pussy and brought her to the edge of cumming and then stopped. Michelle just breathed heavy and once again didn’t get her relief. She watched as Margaret went to her purse and pulled out a small bottle of hand lotion. Michelle had no doubts where the lotion was going to be rubbed and she knew this was going to be painful. Margaret stood between Michelle’s legs, licked her fingers, and slid them up and down Michelle’s slit. Once again not letting Michelle cum. In one quick second Michelle’s pleasure turned to pain as the lotion hit her pussy. Margaret rubbed it in causing Michelle to wince in pain. Where her pussy once had a lush jungle of pubic hair, was now red from the razor burn that Margaret initially gave her. Michelle’s pussy was on fire for the second time. Her hips were bucking as far as they could trying to cool down her pussy as Margaret stepped away.

Theboss began to unstrap her legs from the desk. Once her legs were unfastened he yanked on her ankles and pulled her further down the desk. Her ass and pussy were at the edge while her arms were straight out above her head and strapped to the desk. Michelle had no idea what was to come next. The boss and Sue grabbed two chairs and put them on both sides of Michelle’s legs. They wrapped tape around her ankles and fastened her legs to the chairs. Michelle didn’t understand why they would do this until they pulled the chairs out. Her legs were opened wider and wider. She could have easily pulled her legs closed, but they already had an answer for that. When everyone was satisfied that her legs were wide enough they put down the chairs and sat on them. Margaret was digging through the bag and pulled out a strap on dildo and threw it on the couch. She pulled her dress over her head and was completely naked. Michelle watched in fear as she strapped the dildo around her waist. Her boss spoke.

“Punishment # 2 is about to begin.”

Margaret approached and stood between Michelle’s legs with the dildo pointing straight at her pussy.

Without any warning Margaret thrust the dildo into Michelle’s virgin pussy. Michelle was breathing heavy and was in obvious amounts of pain since it was her first time. She needed to cum so badly that she just took the fake cock, even thrusted towards it a bit. Margaret was insulting her the whole time she rode her pussy.

“Your first cock isn’t even a real one you fat whore.”

“Look at you needing to cum so badly bitch.”

As Michelle got close to cumming, Margaret pulled out. Michelle looked deeply into her eyes begging her to let her explode.

“I am not a guy bitch. I can stop whenever I want to and you aren’t going to cum.”

Michelle breathed heavy again as the fake cock was pushed deep into her again. Margaret was right she could stop whenever she wanted to. The brutal taking of her pussy went on for close to a half hour before Margaret got bored. The whole time Michelle was kept from cumming. Margaret pulled the fake cock from Michelle’s pussy. It was coated with juices. The boss stood up and kissed Margaret on the back of her neck and help unstrap the fake cock. Sue removed the panties from Michelle’s mouth and the boss quickly replaced it with the dildo forcing her to lick her own juices from the dildo and she obliged. Margaret commented on Michelle’s pussy quivering and her clit pulsating.

“She’s too close to cumming we need to leave her alone for a bit. Let’s get dinner”

The boss ran a strip of duct tape over the dildo lodged in Michelle’s mouth forcing it to be her gag and placed the blindfold over her eyes. She was way to familiar with this situation and felt earplugs being placed in her ears. Much like that Friday night she had no idea what was going on unless someone was touching her. Her mind was running a million miles a minute. Her pussy needed to cum badly. She had no idea how much time had past when she felt a cock lining up to her pussy and thrusting into her. Her orgasm was building up as the cock was sawing in and out of her. Just as she was on the brink of cumming she felt the cock pull out and a load of warm cum landed just about her shaved pussy. She was bucking her hips hoping to get the cock back into her, but to no use. Maybe they would untie her now she thought, but then some time had past and no one was around. Did they leave her like this after they fucked her? How would she get free? She was getting fearful as she thrashed her head side to side and began to tug at her bonds. She wanted to get free and was pulling hard when Margaret pulled the blindfold off her eyes and the earplugs from her ears. The boss removed the dildo from her mouth and slapped her. Michelle didn’t understand until her boss spoke.

“Did you cum while we were gone bitch?”

Michelle shook her head no.

“Where did all this cum on your stomach come from?”

Michelle then realized that it wasn’t any of these guys that had just fucked her. She began to cry and tell them what had happened. She was raped and has no idea by whom. They all laughed at her, but she was scared. Who did this to her. Who did she just have sex with?

“I guess you earned yourself a fourth punishment now.”

Michelle begged them not to punish her for this. It wasn’t anything she could have prevented. They didn’t care. She was going to be punished for being raped. She started to cry again.

“Gag that bitch so we can give her the third punishment.”

With that being said the boss started to tell her about the great idea that Margaret had while they were out to dinner. Sue put the panties gag in Michelle’s mouth and taped them in.

“The third and fourth punishment will go hand in hand.”

As he said this another lady entered the room. She was dressed in leather and carried a case with her. She was introduced as Dominique.

“You see Michelle, Margaret had this great idea that your body was missing something so we decided to pay to get you a nice new tattoo for your third punishment and since you earned another we will give you some new jewelry for the fourth.”

Dominique opened her case and plugged in her electric tattoo needle. Michelle began to try to escape, pulling harder and harder on her bonds. Dominique slapped her pussy and told her she better sit fucking still and brought the needle to the spot just where the slit ended and began to tattoo. Michelle had no choice but to lay there and let this be done. She knew if she moved she would be cut, but she feared what they would put on her permanently. After about 20 minutes the buzzing of the needle had stopped. It was painful but her plumpness lessoned the blow a bit. Dominique started to rub Michelle’s slit making sure that her clit was as hard as it could get. When she was satisfied that it was she pulled a gold ring from her case similar to those that were placed in her nipples and drove it through Michelle’s clit. Her head thrust back in pain and she almost past out again. Dominique put her supplies away and left. Michelle just lay there in pain as her arms and legs were cut free. The gag was removed and she was ordered by Margaret to stand up. Margaret and the boss gave Michelle another gift. Margaret placed a collar around Michelle’s neck and attached a padlock to it and a leash. Her boss told her to get down on all fours and crawl out of the office with Margaret like the bitch she is. He kissed Margaret and said see you at home and walked out the door. Margaret placed a piece of tape over Michelle’s mouth.

“I don’t want to hear you bitch. Now get on your fucking knees.”

She pulled on the leash and Michelle knew what she had to do. She hung her head and crawled behind her al the way out of the office and into the parking lot. It was still daylight and she prayed no one would see her this way as she crawled behind Margaret to her car completely naked. Margaret drove a SUV and opened up the back. She told Michelle to get in. Michelle did as she was told. Her hands were cuffed behind her back and a blindfold was placed over her eyes. What was Margaret going to do with her? Where were they going, and what the hell did that tattoo say?

They drove for what had to be about a half hour. Michelle only hoped that no one had pulled up next to them and saw her this way. She began to cry in the back and Margaret just turned up the radio to tune her out. The car came to a stop and Michelle heard Margaret exit the car. The back popped open and there was a tug at her leash. Michelle had no idea where she was. She stood up and started to walk behind Margaret, who abrubtly kicked her in her ass and demanded that she get down on all fours. Michelle crawled over what seemed to be gravel. Her knees and palms of her hands were in a tremendous amount of pain. She was led by her leash inside of a building and up a flight of stairs. When they turned right, Michelle recognized the path and realized that she had been taken home. Her initial thought was thank god, then fear that someone saw her like this set in. Margaret unlocked Michelle’s door and pulled her into the bedroom. Where the hell did she get the key? Margaret unlocked Michelle’s handcuffs. She knew better then to run.

“Get on the bed with that fat belly in the air bitch”

Michelle did as she was told and Margaret quickly reattached the handcuffs to her right wrist and then to her headboard. She did the same with her left. Her ankles were next but Michelle half expected this. She was spread eagle in her own bed. Michelle heard Margaret laying things on the nightstand next to her and after a few seconds she whispered to Michelle that she’d be back for her tomorrow. With that said Margaret exited the apartment. Michelle tugged and tugged at her bonds but it was no use. Her mouth was going dry from the gag and she couldn’t see.

She began to cry as she tossed around the bed pulling at her wrists and ankles. When she tired herself out she just cried under the blindfold in screamed into the gag. After what seemed like an hour she heard her front door being opened and felt relief, thinking that perhaps a neighbor had heard her screaming and called for help. Her relief quickly turned to fear as Sue entered the bedroom and said “Margaret’s Bitch! Very nice!” What the hell was she talking about wondered Michelle and as Sue ran her hand up Michelle’s slit and patted the area where she had been tattooed it started to dawn on Michelle what she meant. Sue said, “well you’re my bitch tonight” as she slapped Michelle on her pussy causing her to scream out in pain. Michelle couldn’t believe that she had been tattooed and it finally registered that the words Sue was speaking about were what they had put on her permanently.

As this was dawning on Michelle she felt the bed shift and Sue grabbed her right nipple ring and attached something to it. She did the same to her right when Michelle realized that she attached a chain to her nipple rings, but Sue wasn’t finished. Michelle knew from the night with the thugs that her clit ring was about to clipped to her nipples and with a tug on the chains between her nipples her fears were confirmed as Sue attached a chain to her clit piercing. Without any warning a dildo was thrust into Michelle’s wet, shaved pussy and began to buzz causing Michelle to bounce around the bed and pull wildly at her binds. As her pussy began to juice up, the vibrating stopped. Sue just laughed as she patted Michelle on her pussy and tugged on the chain connecting her nipples to her clit. Michelle winced in pain and cried as Sue stated, “enjoy the dildo fatty, it’s timed to go on for a minute and off for two… that should keep your fat ass from cumming tonight! Bitch! See ya in the morning.” Michelle bounced around the bed as Sue left with a laugh as the buzzing of the dildo began again.