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1. Trapped in a Bottle
2. Summertime
3. Alot of Time to Think
4. Beautiful Distortion
5. Eyes
6. Melody of an Elegy
7. The Day
8. Your Regrets and Pain
9. Christ is All
10. Nighttime on the Shore
11. Soundtrack of a Dream

Trapped in a Bottle

When there's so much to say
and never the words to say it
how can I say
stay away
from what is being sold to you
it's as clear as lies
when you're caught inside it
trapped in a bottle
or when that bottle is broken over your head

flee the lies.
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To write again is such a chore
same pen, same reason as before.
I've heard tales from those friends of yours
but I don't want to shut the door.

And now it's summertime
and you're on my mind.
I think you already know
But I'm not convinced so.
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Alot of Time to Think

Her hair hangs over the seat
barely an inch from my knee

I will never hold her
as I once held you

I am beginning to think
you and she are the same
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When I look into your eyes,
I see more than a love that's selfish
saying "Please accept this."

When you look into my eyes,
do you see what you thought you would
or what you should?
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The Day

It's hard to realize all I'm giving up
I first knew you with a baseball.
How'd you hide the pain for so long
When all they showed you was so wrong?

I never thought I would see the day
I never wanted to see the day.

Where have we gone?
When we parted, the door closed.
I wonder why the silence is so long
But it's not you, it's me
I'm gone
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Your Regrets and Pain
Been stabbed in the back
by a friend you didn't trust
ignored by one you love
turning your world inside out
inside out

tempts you to drown your sorrow
and not consider tomorrow

Taunted by your lack
of what you think you must
not have a lack of
and it's yourself you doubt
yourself you doubt

tempts you to drown your sorrow
and not consider tomorrow

but all you'll do is drown yourself
with a stab in the back
be patient with your pain
for without life, there is no pain
for without pain, there is no life.
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Christ is All

Lord, send your spirit to me. Fill my body with your presence. Stillness in the midst of chaos; peace surrounded by troubles. Only you, O Lord, send this comfort to me. Restoration of soul, renewal of mind. Your blood brings my happiness. All is set right, all is true. Christ is all.
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Soundtrack of a Dream

I dreamt a dream last night
a dream of you
I dreamt of what I had not
a dream of you
I dreamt last night of you
of blissful night
A dream of me
a dream of me and you
and how it was so right

Short months ago, I would never forget
But as I woke, one thing I did: forget
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