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1. Struggle to Submit
2. 33 Ways to Die
3. The Aftermath
4. The End Foreshadowed
5. Human Sickness
6. Little Demon
7. 21 Years of Memory
8. This Fragile
9. Broken
10. You Shouldn't Have to Try
11. Regret
12. Version 3.0
13. Cliffside Victory

Stories, explanations, and personal notes.

1. Struggle to Submit
Lyrics by Dustin Maust

how heavy is the oak?
how long till you cannot carry and how long til
your brow is soaked
in blood of your own
the stones and spit cast
would you be able to parry them
would you struggle or submit
when you die will the earth shake and will day turn
to night and will be buried and 3 days past, rise
for all things have been forgiven, not through you
but through Jesus Christ.
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2. 33 Ways to Die

Will you never know how much you fall away
with every sip you intake?
the bottle says Rolling Rock, 33
but there's more than that inside

I'm watching you
I'm seeing how destructive some things are
if you could see yourself
the way I see you
that paper bag with beer inside would not be with you

Satan hides in the corner
having a laughing fit
as you unknowingly are thrown onto
a bed of nails
the blood flows
you don't notice
you killer
you consumer

Killing this night
killing this friend
the more you have, the more you kill (the real friend I know)

Wake up to a pile of vomit
that sounds like fun
across the hall, a broken figure
let's have some more
down the steps, shattered glass
we're not finished yet
down the steps, shattered lives.
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5. Human Sickness

I'm sick
I'm dying
I'm sick of the human sickness
we're dying from day one
lying on a bed of nails
that pierces without trying.

There's not a reason
for trying
when it's all wasting
and our minds are fading
still ourselves we're hating.

Our minds are filled with liars
and fires
that burn away our purity
and makes the situation dire.

This cycle recycles
every wicked feeling
and reproduces in masses.

My one hope
I've trampled.

To stay as a reminder.
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6. Little Demon

Little demon, what are you trying to do?
You won't deceive me of what's true
I detect a slightly loose screw
I want to spit on you

Satan sucks.

Satan is fearful and weak
Your unprotected spirit he seeks
You have protection if you have Jesus
Little demon, please leave us.
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9. Broken

Of all the questions I could ask
I want the answer to only one
None are more poignant
than "why?"

When you're broken
and your world grows dark
every light shines brighter
and everything is magnified.

This cold heart is waiting for warmth
Every second, anticipating it
Every moment, wishing for it

I resort to sensitive kindness
hoping the favor is returned
But I'm just a mess
And my world grows dark...

I can only go to one place
for the love I need
at the foot of the cross
is where I can rest.

I can only go to one place
for the sacrifice
that can purify my life
in the arms of Christ.
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10. You Shouldn't Have to Try (to think of me)

You're gone
that I can see
but you shouldn't try to think of me.

I wanted to hold you
but I never got the chance to do
what I wanted to
so I always tried to think of you.

The truth was clear to me
but I only tried to deny
what was meant to be
so I always tried to think of you.

Do you remember when the hope was lost?
I thought that it was just a change
in what was really lost
so what's the harm in trying not to try
not to think of me?
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13. Cliffside Victory

I prayed for you
and wept for you
and I couldn't always see the end.

I saw you inches from the cliff
and my heart leapt to see you take a step back
I was humbled.

I left you
to tears

but now
He picked you up
and showed you the road
that was lost for so long.

I'm a privileged spectator
this is a real story
of a real life

Am I to be praised?

Is He to be?
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