Title: California Case File - Part 4/4 (Chapters 19 - 24) Author: Margie Rating: R (mostly for violence and/or graphic descriptions of corpses and things) Pairing: MSR UST, M/Sc/Sk friendship Summary: Mulder and Scully are loaned to ISU to help profile and catch a serial killer in Santa Barbara, CA. Disclaimer: I don't own anything. 1013, Fox and Chris Carter have carte blanche on all. (Except maybe Jon Engle) Feedback: Yes please! margaritagomez1@msn.com Archive: If you want it just email me to tell me where it's going. It will eventually be on my own website when I get the chance to update (www.angelfire.com/indie/margarks/index.html) Author's Note: ** Warning ** If you don't like descriptions of serial murders and the affects they have on family members left behind don't read this fic. Otherwise, enjoy. Beta: Thanks to Fran!! My wonderful Beta. This story wouldn't have been anywhere near as well written without your insightful character and storyline comments, and your wonderful grammar skills! *** Ch. 19 Addison Family Home Santa Barbara, CA January 6, 2003 1:49 PM PST "Engle!" Jon whipped his head around at the call of his name. "What's the status? Where is Skinner?" Mulder was running up to him as he fired off his questions, Scully right behind. "Skinner's down, sir." Engle announced. "He took a bullet in the thigh. It must have hit an artery because they had trouble stopping the bleeding." "Where is he now, Jon?" Scully queried. "They took him to Santa Barbara General, ma'am." The EMT answered for him. "His blood pressure was down and he'd lost enough blood to leave him unconscious by the time we arrived." The EMT tied off the bandage to Engle's arm. "He should be fine once they transfuse him; the bullet went clean through. He'll be off the leg for at least 6 - 8 weeks, though, not including the physical therapy." "What the hell happened?" Mulder demanded, returning his focus to Engle and Crane. "The worst fucking timing in history, " Crane mumbled. Before Mulder could reply, Engle spoke up. "We arrived just as the suspect and hostages were exiting the house." Mulder's brow furrowed as he pictured the scene. "It seems that Elizabeth Addison caught sight of us first. J Addison was still turned toward the house, apparently locking up. She tried to grab Mark and make a run toward us, but Mark cried out, and that's when everything went to hell." Engle's gaze swept up to meet Mulder's. "She was running across the lawn when the first shot was fired." Engle's gaze dropped to the ground. "A.D. Skinner was the first to spot Addison's weapon. He yelled for everyone to drop but it was too late. Addison fired and Skinner went down." Crane took up the story from there. "We kept up cover fire as Deputies Bristol and Sloan arrived. They got Skinner to safety, but we couldn't do anything to prevent Addison from recovering Elizabeth and Mark and returning to the house." Engle heaved a tired sigh. "He grazed my arm with the last round. Once they got Skinner out, we retreated. It's been quiet ever since." "Shit!" Mulder cussed under his breath, his fingers running through his hair. Scully watched as Mulder paced before them. "At least we know both Mark and Elizabeth are still alive." "Or at least they were half an hour ago, " Mulder retorted, meeting Scully's gaze. He turned abruptly to regard Engle and Crane. "Did you see whether Addison or the hostages were injured in the exchange?" Both Engle and Crane denied any knowledge of the captives' injuries, though they were sure that if Addison were hit, he had been no more than grazed. Mulder's pacing continued. Scully knew that Mulder was already feeling guilty for Skinner's injuries. She stepped into his path, effectively stopping his motion. "Do you think that Addison might harm them now that we've cornered him?" she asked, trying to focus his mind on Addison. He considered for a moment before shaking his head. "No." He sighed. "Although if they were injured in the crossfire, there's no telling what his reaction will be. Right now he's confused, but he knows that we're a threat. He's trying to defend his family, even though he knows on a subconscious level that we aren't a physical threat to Mark and Elizabeth. He's reacting to the threat we pose to his family as a unit." "So what do we do now?" Engle asked. "We need to bring in a negotiator." Crane suggested. "No! None of that 'honesty, containment, conciliation, and resolution' crap!" Mulder protested. "It's not going to work here." He turned his head, his eyes focusing on Addison's house. "We're a danger to his dream. The only way to get Mark and Elizabeth out safely is to make him believe that his fantasy is real. To get him to let his guard down." Scully laid a gentle hand on his arm, regaining his attention. "But how do you suggest we do that, Mulder?" "By playing into the illusion, Scully." Mulder turned to gaze down the street. *** "Oh, God." The words were whispered from Liz's pale lips. JC stopped his frantic pacing to turn toward his wife. "What?!" he practically screamed at her before his eyes traveled to the spot by her side. He seemed to pause for a moment, his mind taking in the slight form of his son laying still on the floor. And then in the next heartbeat he was there. "Jason!" His broad hands shook as they skimmed over his son's body. A wave of relief swept over him as he registered the quick rise and fall of the boy's chest. The bullet had hit his shoulder. The front and back of his shirt was stained with blood. Liz didn't know anything about bullet wounds, but Mark had already passed out from the pain. "He needs a doctor. We have to get him to a hospital." Liz tried to reason with him. JC was torn. Every nerve in his body was screaming to move, to grab Jason and run to the nearest doctor. But those men…those men wanted Jason. Wanted Liz. He couldn't let that happen either. He'd do whatever it took to protect his family. 'Even letting them die?' a quiet voice in his head questioned. "We can't leave." He grabbed Liz's hand giving it a gentle squeeze in reassurance. "Those men are dangerous. They did this to him! And they're still out there." JC stood again to pace the room. Elizabeth's brow scrunched in frustration. Mark was going to die! And this was a death that definitely deserved to be on her conscience. She was the one that had tried to run. What could she do? "JC, he needs help." She turned to smooth the hair back from Mark's forehead. "He's dying." "Get the first aid kit. It's in the master bedroom bath." JC gestured toward the rear of the house. "That's not going to be enough!" Elizabeth stood to face off with her ex-husband. She took an automatic step back as JC's arm swung up to point the gun at her. "It will be enough, " he stated quietly. 'Oh, God! We're all going to die.' Liz thought as she turned to make her way down the hall. Just then, the phone on the end table began to ring shrilly. JC stopped his pacing to stare at the offending appliance for a moment. He then quickly strode across the room and picked up the receiver. "Who the hell is this?" he demanded. *** Jon's hand shook as he gripped the phone, Mulder's words echoing in his head. "Stay calm. Don't let him get you on the defensive. Just ask him if anybody was injured, but try to stay away from the details of the confrontation. Tell him that we have paramedics here who can help. If he says that no one was injured, try to insist that he let the paramedics in to check for shock, or anything else you can think of. Scully and I need to get inside that house." Stay calm. Stay calm. He cleared his throat. "Hello J. My name is Jon Engle. You can call me Jon. We just want to make sure that everyone is okay. Was anyone injured?" "You bastards shot my son!" Jon could hear the panic in Addison's hoarse exclamation. "It's okay, J. We have paramedics here that can help. How badly is Mark hurt?" Jon glanced up to watch Mulder and Scully pulling on the EMT shirts. Fuck! Mulder was listening in on the conversation as he changed into his gear. "Not Mark, Jason!" he hissed softly. "What the hell are you talking about?" JC demanded. Jon felt his face flush as he realized his mistake. Shit! "J…We just want to help Jason. We can have EMTs there within 10 minutes. Is he still conscious?" He held his breath waiting for J's answer. "No…he passed out a few minutes ago. Liz is getting the first aid kit." JC paused and took a ragged breath. "There's blood everywhere." "Don't worry, J. His body is just trying to conserve energy." Jon wasn't sure how serious the injury really was, but he needed JC to remain as calm as possible. "Will you let the paramedics in?" "Can they…will they help Jason?" JC's voice was hesitant. "Yes. That's what they're trained for, " Jon soothed. "Okay. But just them." Jon heard the phone click in his ear. "You're in." Jon turned to Mulder and Scully. Putting the phone down, he flexed his hand trying to restart his circulation. "You did good, Jon. You kept him fairly level and got him to agree to let us into the home." Mulder encouraged him. "And you didn't let your slip faze you." "Thanks, Agent Mulder." Jon took a few deep breaths, feeling his adrenaline level drop. "I wouldn't have put you through that if I didn't need someone on the outside for Addison to be talking to. Remember that Scully and I will both be wearing our radios, so you should be able to hear what's going on inside." Mulder was shrugging on the EMT jacket as he spoke. "We're going to try to talk him down. He may be agreeable if he thinks it will affect whether 'Jason' lives or dies." Mulder shook his head. "But we can't risk taking in our sidearms. I'll have my ankle holster, but that's it." Jon followed them as they walked toward the sidewalk. "Good luck, " he said as a farewell. Ch. 20 Scully's hand itched to check the holster that was normally clipped just below the small of her back. Knowing it wouldn't be there, she tightened her grip on the medical supplies she carried instead. She studied Mulder as they walked toward the front door. They had both changed into EMT uniforms before heading toward the house. His mop of brown hair was now covered with a dark blue cap. She felt her heart quicken at the sound of the doorbell, and took a few calming breaths. She knew from the debriefing with Jon that Mark had been hurt during the earlier exchange. She would minister to his wounds while Mulder tried to talk with Addison. More than likely, if Mark had been shot, they would have to get him to a hospital as soon as possible. Mulder would need to convince Addison to let them leave with the boy. She heard the click of the dead bolt. She turned to find Mulder giving her a reassuring glance and a nod as the door slowly swung ajar. It was stopped by the chain before it could fully open and a woman's head appeared. Before they could speak, the face disappeared and they heard hushed tones within. "It's just the emergency people, JC. " Scully couldn't hear the mumbled reply, but caught Elizabeth's worried plea. "Please, JC. Jason needs help." A murmured assent and the face reappeared. "Okay, you can come in. Please don't try anything." She gave them a pleading look. "I don't know what he's capable of, " she whispered urgently. They entered the living room together. Scully's eyes surveyed the area, noting the amount of blood loss visible in the puddles gracing the floor. They had placed Mark on the couch by the fireplace where he now lay unconscious. She immediately started for him when she heard a gasp from Elizabeth. "It's okay, sir." Mulder's voice was low and melodic. "My name's Mulder, and this is my partner Scully. She's one of the best. She's only going to try to help him." He indicated Scully and Mark with a gesture of his hand. Scully turned to see Addison pointing the gun at her, his hands shaking. She stood still, letting Mulder soothe the man with his balmy voice. Mulder tensed at Addison's notable agitation. Even if he hadn't spent the last few weeks studying the crime scenes and profiling this man, Mulder would have seen Addison's obvious discomfort with this rarely used weapon. The fact that he was pointing that weapon at Scully made Mulder's own hands clench, but he tamped down on his reaction. "Can you tell us where he was injured?" Mulder questioned him. "H-he was shot in the shoulder, " Liz replied hesitantly when JC remained silent. "They shot him!" JC's face began to turn a dark shade of red, his hand shaking violently. "That's right, JC. They shouldn't have done that." Mulder placated. He tried to assume a less threatening position, lowering his body to seem just a bit smaller and keeping his voice low and even. "Jason's hurt. He needs our help. Scully just wants to take a look at his shoulder." "She…" JC's voice faltered, his hand lowering. "She can help him?" "Yes, just lower the gun and let her examine him." "Don't let him die." His voice was pleading. "We won't. But she can't help him if you don't let her." Mulder reminded JC that he was still holding the gun on Scully's still form. "Okay. Help him already!" JC used the gun he held to point at his son. Mulder gave a slight nod to Scully before she began to make her way toward Mark once again. She knelt down beside the couch, pulling a pair of latex gloves out of her medical bag. Someone had already taken Mark's shirt off, and tried to clean the wound. The bandages were already soaked through with his blood. She lifted the dressing and let out a small sigh of relief. At least the bullet had a clean exit wound. She checked Mark's vitals, noting his pulse was thready at best. Although he wasn't running much of a fever, his skin felt hot to the touch. She knew that if they didn't get him a transfusion soon they would most likely lose him. He'd been bleeding out for at least the last 25 minutes. Scully looked up from her work to catch Mulder's eye. "It's okay, JC. I'm just going to help my partner, " Mulder reassured as JC warily eyed his progress across the room. Once he reached her side, Mulder dropped to his knees next to the couch. "What's the status, Scully?" he whispered under his breath. "His vitals are extremely weak, Mulder. There's no way he'll make it if we don't get him some blood within the next 15-20 minutes. Engle made sure that the second EMT team would bring enough to at least start an IV en route, but we have to get him out of the house first." Mulder nodded, biting his bottom lip. "I'm not sure how he's going to react, Scully, so let me do the talking. Try not to move or draw attention to yourself while I negotiate with him." Scully had replaced Mark's dressings with new bandages while they spoke. She pulled off her gloves and nodded to Mulder to let him know she understood. She reached out quickly and wrapped her hand around his wrist to give him an encouraging squeeze before he could stand up completely. Their eyes met before Mulder turned back toward JC, and Scully took a position between Mark and JC's gun. Elizabeth had been watching the exchange between the two paramedics and knew that Mark was in trouble. A fresh wave of guilt assaulted her. They had to get him out of the house and away from JC if he had a chance of surviving. Before Mulder could speak, Liz's voice echoed through the room. "JC, why don't you let the EMTs take Jason to the hospital. He needs more help than he can get here, " she tried to plead with him. Mulder winced at Liz's choice of words. "No one's taking Jason away from me!" JC roared. His gaze immediately fell on Mulder and Scully, standing only a few feet apart. "Is that why they sent you in here?!" "No, JC. We only want to help." Mulder tried to draw JC's attention away from Scully and Mark. "But Elizabeth is right. Jason needs blood and we don't have any here." Mulder's eyes followed the gun's movement as it went from him to Scully and back again. Shit! He'd never get to his ankle holster before JC could fire off his first round. "You are not taking him away from me!" JC repeated, his gun having settled on Scully, the closer of the two to Jason. Just then the phone let out a sharp ring, before exploding into several parts. JC had fired the second the sound began. Farther off, the ring of the kitchen phone could be heard. "What the hell is this?" JC demanded. "Who the fuck is calling now?! Go get the phone, " JC ordered, pointing the gun at Liz. Both Mulder and Scully let out soft sighs of relief. Still in communication with Engle, they knew he would be the one on the other end of the phone. Mulder was impressed. Firing at the telephone had at least relieved some of JC's tension. Engle's timing was perfect. Liz returned to the room with the cordless phone. "It's Jon Engle, " she informed JC quietly. "What do you want now?" JC demanded. "Hello, JC. I just wanted to let you know that a second ambulance has arrived. Once you told me that your son had been shot, I called to make sure they brought blood and other supplies to help. They have all the equipment set up in the ambulance; we just need to bring Jason out to hook him up to the IV." "Why can't they do that in here?" "Some of the equipment is too large and needs to be hooked up to the ambulance. Plus, we need to start getting Jason to the hospital, and the sooner we get him there the sooner we get him proper care." "You just want to take him away from me!" JC accused. "No, JC. We just want to help." Engle was frantically trying to think of ways to calm the man down. "No one's taking anyone away. We just want to bring Jason to the best care possible." Jon's statement was met with silence. Mulder watched as JC's eyes lit upon Mark's still form. He could see JC's indecision. "JC? Are you still there?" Mulder could hear Jon's hesitant voice through the transmitter in his ear. "Just let Mulder and Scully bring Jason out so that we can help him." Engle's voice was soothing. No! Mulder knew the moment the words had left Jon's lips that JC was beyond reason. JC's eyes shifted to focus on the most immediate threat to his son, Scully. "Down!" Mulder screamed as he threw himself across the room toward his partner. The shots were loud in the small room. Pain exploded in Mulder's abdomen, two bullets ripping through his intestines. He landed in a heap at Scully's feet. Scully automatically reached back for the weapon that wasn't there, her heart trip hammering in her chest. Before he could fire another round, JC was tackled from behind. Liz cried out as she fell toward the floor with him, cracking her head on the end table that formerly housed the telephone. As she watched the couple go down, Scully's gaze fell on Mulder's slumped body, her eye catching on the glint of steel visible. She reached out a hand to snatch at the proffered weapon. Pulling it free from its holster, she leveled the gun and took aim. JC was struggling to free himself from beneath an unconscious Liz, his right hand still clutching the gun. On his knees he turned toward Scully, whipping his right hand around to take aim. "FBI, drop your weapon!" Scully cried as she took notice of JC's freedom of movement. She pulled the trigger. JC went down just as the front door burst open to reveal Engle and Crane. Ch. 21 Santa Barbara General Santa Barbara, CA January 8, 2003 11:23 AM PST Mulder woke to the sound of soft voices. His whole body ached and his mouth felt dry. When he opened his eyes, he was met with an explosion of light that left him dizzy. Scully's head swiveled to focus on her partner when she heard the quiet groan. His eyes were still closed but she could tell that he was regaining consciousness. Without a word she strode toward the bedside and reached for his hand. "Mulder?" She drew soothing circles with her thumb. "Scully?" His eyes blinked slowly open. Across the room, Skinner watched his two agents' impromptu reunion. He reached for his crutches, knowing that neither would notice his retreat from the room. "I'm here." She continued to lightly stroke his hand. "Elizabeth? Mark?" Mulder's voice croaked out a query. "Elizabeth's got a mild concussion. After JC shot you, Elizabeth tackled him and ended up knocking herself out on the end table. She did give me enough time to grab your weapon and take JC down, though." Scully explained as she handed Mulder a cup of ice chips. Mulder took a few moments to ease his parched throat before continuing with the conversation. "Is he in custody?" "Yes. There are two officers guarding him a few floors down. I shot him in the shoulder just as Engle and Crane came through the front door." "What aren't you telling me, Scully?" The line that crinkled her brow told him that she was holding something back, concerned about his reaction. "You should get some more rest, Mulder. You're still weak from surgery. You won't be able to have any solid food for a few weeks. You're lucky they were able to repair the damage, though; it could have been a lot worse." Her eyes relayed the concern and worry she had been shouldering since the shooting. "I'm fine, Scully, " Mulder soothed. "Tell me what happened to Mark." Scully sighed, turning her head to peer out the hospital window. "Mark didn't make it, Mulder. He lost too much blood...there was nothing we could do." She turned back to see her partner's jaw clenched tightly, his eyes dull and dazed. "I see." "It's not your fault, Mulder." "I am feeling a little tired, Scully. I think I'll rest for awhile." Pulling his hand out of her grasp, Mulder turned to lie on his side, forgetting his injured abdomen. He groaned in pain, quickly shifting onto his back and squeezing his eyes shut. "Mulder?" Scully's voice was filled with concern. "Dammit! Why do you have to be so damned stubborn?" She pushed the nurse's call button as she admonished him. A young looking nurse entered the room and looked inquiringly at Scully. "Agent Mulder has regained consciousness and is in some pain. Do you think you can administer a dose of his pain meds?" Scully asked. "Yes, ma'am. I'll inform the doctor that the patient is conscious." The nurse injected a small dose into Mulder's IV as she spoke, then left the room. Scully could see the lines on Mulder's face relax as the medication kicked in. She gave a long suffering sigh before speaking, "Try to get some rest Mulder. The doctor will be in to check on you soon. If all goes well, we should be able to get you out of here within a week." The only response she received was a short grunt of acceptance, but Mulder did not turn to meet her eyes. "I'll be back in about an hour. I'm just going to run back to the motel and grab a change of clothes." She smoothed back the errant lock of hair on his forehead before standing to leave. It was then that Mulder noticed that she was still wearing the same suit she'd had on when they entered JC's home. There were a few scattered drops of blood on her slacks, probably his own. "Thanks, Scully." Mulder's quiet words reached Scully before she could open the door. She turned to give him one of her rare but sincere smiles before walking out, the door clicking softly behind her. *** Down the hall, Scully opened the door to her boss's room. Skinner was lying back on his bed, flipping channels on the television. He clicked the TV off when she entered, giving her his full attention. "How is he, Agent?" he questioned. "As well as can be expected, sir. Physically, he'll be fine. He'll need to be off active duty for at least 3 months, and he'll have to go through some physical therapy, but there shouldn't be any problems." Scully outlined for him. "And mentally?" Skinner knew that Mulder would be blaming himself for the loss of the child. He also knew how close to home this would hit for his recalcitrant agent. "I'm not sure, sir. You know how Mulder feels about any case involving children. He'll need some time to process everything that's happened, but you know that whether we captured Addison or not, Mulder would view this as one of his failures." Scully shook her head in silent rebuke. "I know, Agent. But hopefully, given time and our continued support, he'll eventually understand that there's nothing he did wrong, " Skinner tried to reassure her. "I hope so. Thank you, sir." Skinner spent a moment to study the other half of the X-files team. Scully looked tired, her eyes baggy and dark. Her skin was pale, and her clothes were wrinkled. She hadn't left Mulder's side for more than a few minutes since he'd come out of surgery. "Okay, Agent. I think it's time you got yourself something to eat and then sacked out." "I'm on my way back to the motel now, sir. I told Mulder I'd be back within the hour. I just want to get a fresh set of clothing." She turned to leave the room. "Agent Scully." Skinner stopped her before she could escape. "You will return to the motel, stopping on the way to grab yourself something to eat. You will then lie down and sleep for at least 4 hours before returning to the hospital. That is an order." "Sir, I've told Agent Mulder that I would be back - " "I don't care what you told Agent Mulder. You need some rest. Look at yourself. You still have blood on your clothes!" Skinner pointed to the splattering on her clothing. "I will speak with Agent Mulder to let him know that you will be back here by dinner time. Okay, Agent?" "Yes, sir." Scully turned on her heel and briskly strode out the door. Skinner sincerely hoped she would follow his advice and get some rest. Mulder wasn't the only stubborn agent he had under his supervision. Ch. 22 Santa Barbara General Santa Barbara, CA January 8, 2003 3:04 PM PST Mulder was dozing lightly when Skinner entered the room. He took a seat by the bedside and studied his sleeping agent. He was actually surprised that Scully agreed to leave so soon after the surgery. The fact that Mulder had awakened earlier in the day was a good sign. It had been extremely close for all parties involved. Part of him was glad that he'd been unconscious when they removed him from the scene. He knew that if he'd been awake, there was no way he would have left his agents. As it was, the moment he woke, he'd been filled with anxiety over the seriousness of Mulder's injuries. Scully had been there to debrief him, and to let him know that Mulder was in surgery, that his injuries were life threatening and that the following 24 hours would be critical. Mulder's eyes fluttered open when the presence of another person finally seeped into his subconscious. "Scully?" "She's gone back to the motel to get some rest, " Skinner answered quietly. "Oh." Mulder dry washed the stubble on his chin. "Thank you, sir." Sitting up slightly, Mulder noticed the crutches leaning against the edge of the bed. He glanced up to his boss and gave him a concerned once over. "And how are you feeling, sir?" "Fine, Mulder." He raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm not the one who was shot in the stomach." "Well, other than the fact that I'll be eating jello and chicken broth for the next 2 months, I think I'm fine." Mulder made a face at his choice of menu. There was quiet for a moment before Skinner broke the silence. "That wasn't exactly an SOP move you made back there, Agent." Skinner somehow made this fact sound like a query. "No, sir." Mulder sighed and turned away. "It didn't save Mark either." "No, it didn't." Skinner stated matter-of-factly. Mulder turned back to meet his discerning stare. "But it did save your partner." They locked gazes for a minute before Mulder's eyes fell to his clasped hands. *** Motel 6, Room 143 Santa Barbara, CA January 8, 2003 3:41 PM PST Scully stepped under the warm spray of the shower. She'd taken Skinner's advice and grabbed a salad on the way to the motel. After lunch, she was able to get a few hours sleep before waking up to get ready for her return trip to the hospital. As she reached for the shampoo, she noticed her hands shaking slightly. Her body was finally allowing the shock to register. Since the shooting, Scully had been running on autopilot. Now that Mulder was conscious and she knew that most of the danger had passed, the events of the day were finally catching up to her. Tears slid down her cheek as she thought of Mark. Another child they weren't able to save. She knew how Mulder would take this. When Addison had pulled the trigger she hadn't expected Mulder's move. She had instinctively wrapped her body around Mark to try to protect him. Without a weapon there was nothing more she could do. Mulder had thrown himself in the line of fire. To protect Mark as well as herself, she knew. But procedure dictated that he should have drawn his weapon, letting Addison take his shot and then taking him down. But when was Mulder ever known to follow procedure? A fond smile graced her lips as she thought of her errant partner. She rinsed the lather out of her hair, glad to finally be able to wash the grime of the day away. She was actually surprised that she hadn't gotten more blood on her. But everything had happened so fast. Once Mulder had been shot, her thoughts had to center around getting all of them out. Once she'd seen the weapon, she dove for it and took the first shot she had. By that time, Engle had arrived along with the paramedics. And they had taken over the scene. After Scully had informed them of Mark's condition she had turned, only to find that Mulder had already been settled onto a gurney and was being led out to the first ambulance. Mulder's injuries were life threatening. Sadly, Scully thought, this wasn't a completely uncommon occurrence. But the difference this time was that she had been a main cause of them. He had taken the bullet meant for her. In the back of her mind, she had always known that Mulder wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for her, as she would for him. After all, he had been willing to risk his sister's life in exchange for hers, why not his own? Now she just had the physical proof. *** Santa Barbara General Santa Barbara, CA January 8, 2003 5:15 PM PST Mulder had been watching Skinner carefully since he'd awakened to find the A.D. watching over him. His movements were stiff, and the only time that their eyes had met was during their conversation about Mulder's injury and its consequences. Skinner seemed restless, constantly shifting in the chair. "Sir?" Skinner glanced up but then quickly away. "Is your knee bothering you? You don't have to keep me company if you'd like to go back to your room and lie down, " Mulder tried to reassure his boss. "No, Agent. I'm fine." Skinner's answer was short. "Okay. You just seem a bit restless. I thought you might be feeling uncomfortable in that chair." Mulder tried again. Skinner sighed hard, and then finally looked up to meet Mulder's gaze. "It's not that, Mulder." He looked away again. "I suppose I'm just feeling my age." Mulder's brow rose in question. "I've just been reviewing my involvement, or lack thereof, in the conclusion of this case. I imagine that in my younger days I wouldn't have been taken down so easily." Skinner rubbed at his injured knee absently. "You can't assume that, sir. And whether that is true or not, those circumstances were beyond your control, " Mulder reasoned. "The outcome of the case may not have been affected one way or the other by your shooting." "I suppose a person can't help playing the 'what if?' game in a situation like this, " Skinner supplied. "No, sir. But that game is useless. There are never any winners, " Mulder answered. Skinner met Mulder's eyes once more. Their gazes held for a moment before Skinner spoke again. "You're right, Mulder. I guess we should both remember that." Ch. 23 Santa Barbara General Santa Barbara, CA January 13, 2003 2:01 PM PST Mulder was reading over Scully's notes on the case. Skinner had flown back to DC last night and was expecting their full report by the end of the week. Although Scully was going to be writing the official report, Mulder was adding any comments or significant facts to Scully's notes for the final write-up. He looked up as the door to his room swung open. Expecting to see Scully, he was surprised when Engle's face appeared around the opening. They hadn't spoken since Mulder's surgery, and he had actually thought that Engle might have already returned to DC. "Engle." Mulder greeted the other agent. "Agent Mulder. How are you feeling?" "Still feeling like a gutted fish. Especially since I haven't had anything more than broth and the occasional spoonful of jello in the past 5 days, " Mulder admitted. Engle was fidgeting, shifting from foot to foot and avoiding eye contact with Mulder. "What is it, Agent Engle?" Jon took a breath and blew it out before speaking. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry, sir." "Sorry for what, Engle?" "I feel sort of responsible for having set Addison off with our conversation. I should have let you handle the negotiations instead of having phoned in. I shouldn't have assumed that you needed help with the situation." Jon looked away. Jon's head shot up when he heard Mulder's low chuckle. "Engle, you don't know how relieved I was when that phone rang." At Engle's incredulous look, Mulder continued. "Your call helped defuse the situation. Addison was so wired up that he could have shot any one of us right then. But that call focused his attention on you instead." Jon relaxed slightly. "There might not have been anything that either you or I could have said to resolve this without any injuries. Addison was too unstable. Your call just stalled the inevitable for a few minutes, that's all. And who knows? Those few minutes might have meant one of our lives." "Thank you, sir." Jon was relieved that Agent Mulder didn't blame him for Addison's blow up. "Would you like to sit down now, Engle?" "No. No, thank you, sir. I uhm…" Engle still clearly had something on his mind. "Yes, Engle?" Mulder prompted him. "I also wanted to say I'm sorry about…well…about the other night." "Other night?" "The night you went jogging?" Jon looked away, not wanting to meet Mulder's eye. "What are you sorry for, Engle?" Mulder kept his voice dangerously neutral. "Well, I didn't mean to accuse, that is, assume that something had happened." Jon tried to explain. "You shouldn't believe every rumor you hear, Jon." "Of course. It was just that you and Agent Scully seemed so close and - " "We are close. I told you we've been through a lot together, but it's no more than that, " Mulder interrupted. Jon didn't answer right away. It seemed obvious to him that Agent Mulder's earlier explanation of their relationship was a little lacking. He was sure that he'd been on the receiving end of several decidedly unfriendly glares from the senior agent. "So…you wouldn't mind if I asked her to dinner when we're all back in DC?" Engle prompted. The room was silent, as Engle received another not quite friendly glare. But before Mulder could answer, although to Engle, the answer was obvious, the door swung open once again. Scully walked in with a salad and a sack full of magazines. She stopped when she saw Agent Engle in the room. "Hello, Jon." Scully smiled at him and then continued toward Mulder's side. Mulder watched the interaction as Scully handed him the sack of magazines and then seated herself on the chair beside him to open her salad. "Scully, now I know it's bad when I get jealous of a salad!" The corners of Scully's lips turned up in a conciliatory smile before she turned back to Engle. "What brings you here, Jon?" She poured the light dressing onto her salad before tossing it. "I thought your flight left this afternoon." "It does, Dana. I just wanted to see how Agent Mulder was doing before I returned to DC." "Well you can see that I'm fine, JON." Mulder stressed the use of Engle's Christian name. "O-okay, sir. Well, I better get going. Traffic is going to be hell getting back to LAX." Engle made his way across the room. Jon turned before completely exiting. "I just wanted to say that it was great working with both of you. I've learned a lot and it was incredible to see you both in action. Thanks." Mulder immediately felt guilty for his behavior. "You did a good job, Engle. You did good work and we appreciate it." "Thank you, sir." Engle's face was tinged slightly pink. "Well, see you back in DC." He hadn't meant it as anything more than a parting comment, but caught sight of Agent Mulder's scowl as he walked out. Walking down the corridor he shrugged his shoulders. It wasn't as if he was planning on acting on his 'threat' anyway. Mulder turned to see Scully giving him a questioning stare. "What was that all about, Mulder?" "I think someone's got a crush, DANA." Mulder teased. "That's ridiculous FOX. Jon has been nothing but professional." She took a few bites of salad. "While you've been in here, Jon and I have been wrapping up the paperwork needed for the Sheriff's office. I told him he could call me Dana." She looked up at the rustle of paper as Mulder moved the case notes to the bedside table. "So you wouldn't be interested if he, say, asked you to dinner when we got back to DC?" Mulder asked casually. Scully frowned. "No, Mulder. He's a kid, for goodness sake!" "You sure it's not the buck teeth? They were pretty bad, " Mulder answered nonchalantly, masking his relief. Scully gave him a disbelieving look before shaking her head. "Just finish the case notes so I can get out of here, Mulder. I need to go pack our bags so that we can fly out tomorrow once you've checked out." Mulder just gave her a crooked grin before picking the paperwork back up. Ch. 24 Mulder's Apartment Arlington, VA January 14, 2003 9:51 PM EST "Mulder, there are dead things in here!" Scully's voice carried over into the living room as she scrounged in the refrigerator for something to drink. "Sorry, Scully. I'm sure the ice is okay. Why don't you pour some water from the tap?" Mulder responded. "Aha!" Scully's cry was triumphant as she pulled out a can of Brisk Ice Tea from the back of the fridge. "I don't trust your tap water, Mulder. And you shouldn't either!" she scolded as she returned to the living room. Mulder was stretched out on his couch, his eyes closed. Scully sat on the floor indian style to talk to him. "How are you feeling, Mulder?" "'M fine, Scully. The flight kind of wore me out a bit, having to sit in that position for so long, " Mulder admitted. "You should get some rest, Mulder." She tapped his foot lightly. "In bed and not on this monstrosity." Scully indicated the couch. Mulder shook his head. "I'll be fine, Scully." "No excuses, Mulder. I'm going to turn your bed down right now, and you are going to get in it before I leave." She stood and headed for his room. She returned and shook him slightly from his sleepy state. Helping him stand, she wrapped her arms snugly around his waist to help him walk the rest of the way to his bed. "This wasn't exactly how I pictured luring you into my bedroom with me, Scully." Mulder teased. Scully smiled back at him, but remained silent. She tucked him in and brushed a stray lock of hair off his forehead. Her hand caressed his cheek briefly before she removed it. He'd noticed that she'd been touching him a lot more often since the shooting. He wasn't about to complain, though. It was probably just a knee jerk reaction to almost losing him again. As a psychologist, he knew that a lot of family members seek physical reassurances after this kind of near death experience. A sad expression stole across his face as he remembered that Mark's family wouldn't be allowed those kinds of reassurances. Scully caught the look and her hand came out to rest atop his. "What are you thinking about, Mulder?" "Nothing, Scully. You should go. It's getting late and you're probably tired from the trip, " Mulder deflected. "No, Mulder." Scully was firm. "We have to talk about this. I know you're feeling guilty over Mark's death." "Of course I'm feeling guilty, Scully! It was my fault. If I had just gotten the profile together one day sooner, or even a couple of hours, this wouldn't have happened. Or if I had been able to predict which house Addison would have holed up in, maybe the shoot out that injured Mark could have been avoided, " Mulder lamented. "Could have, should have, would have, Mulder. You can't know that anything would have changed the outcome of the case. You're not to blame." Scully tried to reassure him. "Scully, that boy died because I couldn't save him." Mulder's words were quietly whispered. "You weren't the only one on the case, Mulder." Her hand moved from his to cup his cheek. "And you're not the only one who's lost a child. Don't think you're the only one affected by this." Scully's words were like a slap in the face. "Oh god! I'm sorry, Scully." Mulder knew that Emily's death had torn something vital from Scully. How could he forget that her pain would be just as strong, if not more so, than his own? "Mulder, I didn't remind you of that to make you feel worse. I just wanted you to know that you're not the only one feeling guilty. We all feel that way. If we didn't care, we wouldn't be doing the jobs that we do." Mulder's hand reached up to grasp her own. He brought it forward and laid a chaste kiss on her palm. "Thank you, Scully." "You're welcome, Mulder." She smiled gently down at him. "Now get some rest, I'm sure we've got a stack of x-files sitting in the basement just waiting for one of your insane theories." Mulder relinquished her hand as she stood to leave. He was already feeling drowsy, his painkillers and the effects of a long flight kicking in. "G'night, Scully." "Goodnight, Mulder." She leaned down and gave him a quick peck on the forehead, her lips just brushing his skin. She stood above him for a few moments, until his breathing evened out into a steady rhythm. Her hand stole out once more to caress his cheek. "You did save someone that day, Mulder, " she whispered softly. "Thank you." She smiled softly as she gently repositioned an errant lock of his hair, before quietly stepping out of the room. THE END.