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* Welcome to the Lunchbox Tin *
Paragraph Title Here (What's New)
You can use this area to tell your site visitors about new
developments in the life of your band.  Do you have a new
album or video?  Are you starting a new tour?  Did you just
play a big show?  You can keep your site fresh by updating
this section regularly.
Paragraph Title Here (Overview)
Try to give your audience a brief overview of your band:  
Describe your members and music in a sentence or two.  
You can discuss your band in more detail on your About Us
If you have specific details that you'd like to share, try
creating a bulleted list.  You might listed three recent
news items:
Paragraph Title Here (Overview)
Lunchbox Tin is a one man band with a lot of help. We will
do everything in our power to keep it real. Check out the
About Us" page for more info. ~LT~
Lunchbox Tin
Check our music for anything
A few tracks for an EP will be done soon
Almost every song will be for download