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Obviously, this page has been abandoned. It shall now be a testament of my attempt to avoid blogging sites and my early dabblings into html.

To send this off on a high note:
1. New song: [no link because out of webspace] Had this link worked, it would have pointed to the non-instrumental version of the instrumental song on this site.
2. New forums. It's so quiet there.

Replays!! Well, just one. It was with SC BroodWar 1.11 and I dunno if it'll affect whether or not it plays correctly on earlier versions of broodwar. Anyways, looky how well my map is working =D
I got bored at the end and there were no victory/defeat triggers, so I saved myself the trouble of killing the other players on the map and just "no-cow-level"-ed for the win...

And the _real_ reason for this update...
[.the .product]

So I'm dueling against Pegasus (Yu-Gi-Oh! WWE) (GBA).
Me 2088 LP Pegasus 1450 LP
I've got Orion the Battle King + Fairy Meteor Crush attached, along with 3 other creatures (Beautiful Headhuntress, Hysteric Fairy, Dryad), all attack mode.
Facedown: Solemn Wishes, Aqua Chorus, Imperial Order, Fairy Meteor crush.
Hand: Megamorph, Mirror Wall, Waboku, Harpie's Feather Duster, Messenger of Peace, Solemn Wishes, Swords of Revealing Light.
Opponent's got Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon and Toon World out, 1 card in hand.
Still my turn (Mainphase1).
[Cue dramatic music]
Megamorph facedown, sack Hysteric Fairy & Dryad to Hysteric Fairy's effect, end turn.
Me 3088 LP Pegasus 1450 LP
Opp Draw, return sinister to hand, 3 cards in hand total
Opp attacks me with Toon Dragon (pay 500LP to attack). Opp puts 1 card (Enchanted Javelin) face down. Opp ends turn.
Me 88 LP Pegasus 950 LP
Draw (Solemn Wishes), gain 500LP. Flip & attach Megamorph to Orion the Battle King.
Attack Toon Dragon, Opp flips trap (Javelin), opp gains 3600LP, Toon Dragon dies (loses 600LP) Headhuntress attacks for 1600. End turn. Discard Messenger of Peace.
Me 588 LP Pegasus 2350 LP
Opp draw. Monster (Sinister serpant) face down defence. End turn.
Draw (Bell of Destruction), gain 500LP, attack with Orion (3600atk, trample) for the win =D

Well, if this was TV worthy, I would have gotten the Fairy Meteor Crush on the final turn, play it (attach to Orion) and attack for the win outta nowhere, but meh.

And just how did I get xx88 LP? Solemn Judgments ^_^

Stupid iexplore, won't let me save those lassen pics as jpeg. I had to link to them, then "Save Target As ..."

Stupid me... F/C-C means:
-I play F / bass plays C, then
-I quickly switch to playing C.
No wonder it never sounded right...

umm.. ok. Chibi Kitsune from Love Hina :)
Hmm. I think I know where that mini Naru pic/avatar I found came from... now I just need to find the original one...

wee~~ back from Lassen.
first of all, my ambar empire (solo of course...) SHOULD HAVE BEEN in vacation mode, but it turns out I had to click the "Enter Vacation Mode" button. Which I DID NOT DO. pfft... attacked for 187 acres, robbed of 4mil karats, robbed of 20k gems.
ahh, and I left my ball and cup game in Mr. Grebe's car with Jose. If it wasn't for some damned significance related to that cup game, i wouldn't mind not getting it back, but...
and since everyone's doing this, winamp playlist.
and pimpin' my SOAR Senior Project website (not project), which doesn't count for anything anyways since I've got to do an ESA one (not that I mind).

Cool, my comp opponent has 0 cards left in her deck and a TCG-2 90HP Alakazam (with 30 damage). It's my turn, and i've got every energy, every basic, attached and summoned. One prize left. The field and my team. Yep, it's Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon (all from the Jungle set) and the TCG-2 only Eevee. And that's seven fire and a double colorless on Flareon.
Anyway, i think she(he?)'s in the original tcg game too (psychic gym; long hair, hat, not gym leader).

weeh. vacation time --
Burned out from RO, so i took a step back to good old Starcraft.
So i fired up the old StarEdit and came up with this test map (beta?) over the last two-three days.
Threw in the normal insane campaign ai script and it came out like this.
Saved the replay.
Shoulda played it under an avatar name, but meh.

Oh and remember to Defend Your Castle.

Looks like Ambar reset. I did pretty good this round; only got (sucessfully) attacked once.
Realm stats for this round over here.
They've got a new "domestic advisors" stat page, giving me another +ego thingy.
New Empire is [75:5]; pass: "gogonoto" (no quotes) if anyone wants to join. =/

Lousy Angelfire pop-ups. They're supposed to _go away_ now, since I put in that ad-skins thing.

yep. new name. indie > alt2.
pfft-- i thought kypetzl was taken when i reg. for angelfire, turns out i had a login a year ago...

AP Chem exam tomorrow (today), studying, 1 am. Taking a short break, I finally
a) AAA CANDY(star) and
b) full combo MAX 300 on 1.5x(scroll),Dark,Reverse

*on keyboard*
StepMania CVS 3.9 alpha 13b, Judge Difficulty 4:
[a href="images/thelegendofMAX.jpg"The legend of MAX]

well, at least this page works now... yay!!


Sore Ga, Ai Deshou -instrumental-
