Ahh, Coldplay at Earls Court!! 16/4/2003!!!

here are some of the snaps I took! sorry about the dark scans, I still gotta figure out the art of using this! lol, enjoy! if you right-click each pic, and click save-as, you'll be able to save the pic full size to your computer in all its glory :)

Gormless looking chris here!! ^^ ......................................................Jumping MartinG!! ^^

Chris and Will staring out at the audience!! ^^............................................................................................ More jump than jumping beans ^^

Guitar Skillzz ^^......................................................................"I'm king of the worrrrld!! muahahaha"^^

praying to an unknown ^^.........................................................looking to the skies ^^

Feeders lead close up! ^_^

feeder lead, with guitarist looking straight at me :)

a few more to come soon!

Enjoy guys, Jassen :D