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Jean-Baptiste Berruchon

135, rue du Moulin Rouge

85000 La Roche Sur Yon, FRANCE

Tel : (33)6 11 75 62 83

Born 11th, April 1980

French nationality

Preparing a Master Multimédia, Faculté de Bordeaux I, 2005

Sound & Image : Processing & Analysis, equiv. to a Master’s Degree,

Maîtrise en Génie Informatique, IUP La Rochelle, 2004

Computer Science diploma, equiv. to a Bachelor’s Degree

DUT Informatique Systèmes Industriels, IUT La Rochelle, 2001

a two-year undergraduate Computer Science diploma

English : fluent German : conversational

Job Objective

Seek to work on a formative project in a creative atmosphere, where both my computer skills and my passion for music will be useful. I am greatly motivated to team up with high-skilled specialists in sound technology and to be part of a leading company.

Computer Skills


80x86 assembler, C, C++, java, PL7.2, Grafcet, SQL, HTML, ASP

Prefered Domains

Microcontrollers, Signal Processing, Low-Level, Imaging, Real-Time

Operating Systems

Linux, Windows, MacOS 9, UNIX, VxWorks

Signal Processing

Matlab, Simulink, LabView, FFTW

Training Content

The diploma I am currently preparing includes a Sound & Music Analysis & Synthesis course. I also have a traditional Signal Processing background from my previous degrees.

Sound Analysis & Synthesis

spectral analysis

psychoacoustics & compression

musical parameters calculation (harmonicity, brilliance, volume,...)

spatialization perception & emulation

additive and FM synthesis

effects (chorus, flanger, stretching, reverberation, ...)


Signal Processing

Fourrier, Z and Laplace transforms

digital filters design (Finite and Inifinite Response)

electronics (active & passive filters, op. amps, transistors...)

Digital Sound Know-How

Besides this theorical background, I acquired during either projects or practical works specific know-how that you might find relevant.


made a Robotization effect, using Overlap-Add technique


controlled ADC/DAC board at low-level (PCLab 8055)


designed multithread applications with VxWorks, running on Motorolla

created real-time recursive filters, in C and in LabView


FFTW, Jack, MidiShare, faudiostream

Personal Practice

CoolEdit Pro (Audition), Soundforge, Reason

Soon : February-March 2005

implementation of a binaural spatialization software, under the supervision of Sylvain Marchand, LABRI/scrime researcher

Medical Imaging Developer, 5 month

Nuclear Medicine Service

Hotel Dieu Hospital, Nantes

2004, 5 month placement

· Mission :

to develop a toolkit allowing the quality control of gamma-rays cameras, in a practical, portable and norm-compliant implementation, java

· Tasks :

architecture design of the software

implementation of normalized quality-rating algorithms (NEMA, IPEM)

creation of GUI components and input/output classes

· Competence benefit :

ability to work in team

Scientific Software Developer, 2 month

Wind Energy Lab.

Technical Education Institute of Heraklio, Greece

2002, 2 month placement

· Mission :

to restructure and improve a wind turbine blade designer, C++

· Tasks :

cleaning and reshaping of the existing program

3D-mesh generation from the geometric parameters of the blade

addition of an output to a mechanical strain calculation software (ANSYS)

· Competence benefit :

ability to solve algorithmic problems

Game Developer, 6 month, school project

School Project

IUP GI La Rochelle


6 month as a project

· Mission :

to create a 3D "shoot'em up", C++ with openGL

· Tasks :

creation of the engine : classes, motion, collisions, events, scenario…

writing of display functions

· Competence benefit :

understanding of multimedia software architecture



Computer music : composition, audio recording, sound manipulation

Studio engineering : attended a sound technique workshop (80 hours)

Practice of various instruments : drums, guitar (classical & electric), now learning keyboard

Played the drums in an “art rock” band, a traditional Breton music band, and currently playing the bass in a rock/metal band. Use of a Korg AX1000G processor.


Science-fiction, esotericism, music-related


Odd movies (mulholland drive, the wall) and animated films


Greece, United Kingdom, Spain

References available upon request.