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[Name] - 'God's Gift' Jaime Ryder
[Height] - 5'9"
[Weight] - 168lbs.
[Birth Date] - 28th February, 1985
[Entrance Music] - Air - Sexy Boy
[Training] - PCW Training Camp 2002

[Fighting Style] - Japanese Junior Heavyweight
[Finishing Move] - Ryder Driver (Fisherman's Busta)
[Trademark Manuevers ] - Shiranui
- Brainbuster
- Hurricanrana
- Roaring Elbow
- Shinning Wizard
- Michinoku Driver II
- European Uppercut
- Fisherman's Suplex
- German Suplex with Bridge
- Tiger Suplex / Double Chickenwing with Bridge


[Favourite Workers] - Tiger Mask & American Dragon
[Favourite Promotions] - Ring of Honor & New Japan Pro Wrestling
[Favourite Events] - NJPW - Super J Cup '94

[Favourite Foods] -
Chicken, Salmon, Tuna & Steak.
[Favourite Fast Food] - Subway: Subway Club w/ Chicken Pieces.
[Favourite Drinks] - Protein Shakes & Milk

» I first started watching wrestling in 1988, when I was three years old. Like most young children, I was totally enthrauled by what I saw. I followed wrestling for the next six years, watching all the videos I could find in the local video stores, not to mention trying to sneak out of bed late on Thursday nights to watch the weekly WWF programming. As time went by, I lost interest in wrestling, discouraged from it by my parents and friends. Between the years of 1994 - 1998, I never saw a wrestling video or programme.

» In 1998, Tasmania finally got cable television, and this is when my passion for wrestling was regained. I had all but forgot about my early years of watching wrestling, until the night I stumbled upon the weekly episode of the WWF programme, Raw is War. I was once again hooked.

» From 1998 to 2000 I hardly missed a showing of Raw, and ordered most Pay Per Views, but this was not to be the whole story. In 2000, I got the internet at home. In my mind, this was the most influencial happening of my wrestling life. I began surfing the 'net, visiting such haunts as Wrestling Unleashed, 1 Wrestling and of course, the official WWF web site. These sites allowed me to get an 'inside look' at the business, which further fueled my desire to learn about the 'sport' I'd watched from a distance.

» Between 2001 and 2002, I learnt a great deal about the business and took my learning expereince to a whole new level. WWF became WWE, the business was monopolised and I entered into the realm of American Independents and Puroresu. Various music videos, made by Dave Maynard, Justin Chu and others, influenced me in a big way. The year 2002 also saw me accomplish the first of my long list of goals; those being to get some form of training and to get a build.

» Initially, my training came in the way of the 2002 PCW Training Camp, where I learnt the basics, and began some intermediate training. The camp itself was great fun, and allowed me to realise that I was serious about my aspirations to become a professional wrestler. I met a number of Australian workers, and got in the ring for the first time. I plan to return to Victoria in July of 2003 to work a few matches and catch the WWE Ruthless Aggression Tour. For more information on that trip, visit my commentary page.

» I began weight training after returning from a trip to Queensland, I realised that if I wanted to get anywhere in the business, being 5'8" and 136lbs (61 kilograms) was not going to be good enough. Initially, Simon Reigns and myself started lifting with some uneducated routines at the Launceston PCYC; we saw some small gains in size and strength in the 3 months we were there but realised we had to take a more serious approach. Reigns and I relocated to Launceston's 'Health and Fitness World', a much more advanced gym, and after 7 months of lifting I had put on 22lbs, or 10 kilograms and increased my strength 100%-150%.

» The beginning of 2003 has proved to be fairly eventful. I'm still finding my feet as a young adult and my personal life has been riddled with problems, but I've taken some big steps forward with regard to my wrestling aspirations. I've begun collecting tapes, and am finding it very enjoyable. Collecting tapes allows me to study the world's best wrestlers without any hassle. In my mind, it's one of the best things I can do while I'm in Tasmania. I've also moved out of home, and basically, begun living as an adult. For the first half of 2003, I was employed by the Just Jeans Group, and am now working for Australia Post. As with most job changes, the move was purely financial, obviously this will enable me to save the finances I'll need to achieve my short term goal of continuing training in March of 2004.

» Well, this brings you up to date with my wrestling-related life thus far. Be sure to check back for future installments in the history of Jaime Ryder. If you would like to bookmark this page, click here!

Thanks for reading.