WOOOO! You gotta love Simon! Just follow the lights and WOOOOOOOOO.... I really start to hate this game after a while, it gets so damn hard. Oh well, have fun!

Holy Crap, this is so damn addictive. I suck though, I can only keep the ball up for like, 8 times... haha, try to beat that!

South Park Character Maker
Very amusing. The instructions are in German, but it's pretty easy to figure out. Like a doll maker, only with South Park!

Emo Game
Emo Game! Rad! But there's some graphic parts in it... so not for children or anyone with parents watching.

Lite Brite
Lite Brite Rocks!!

Sand Art
Sand Art Rocks!!

Super Mario
Computer equivalent to Super Mario

Love Tester
This isn't really a game... but it's amusing

Guess my number
This is an awesome and addictive game

Tic Tac Toe
Classic game of tic tac toe

Test your reflexes
Also not really a game, but oh well

Weird chat type thing...

Alien Game
Shoot Aliens

Weird ball game.
It's kinda hard, but once you get it, it's addictive

Play Pong!
This game is addicting, I was too lazy to put it on my site, so go play it over there.

Play MASH!
I love this game!

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