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Rock and roll music kills, I dont hardly think so

Can rock and roll kill someone? No, and if you think it can then ask yourself could one of Shakesphere’s plays kill someone. I’m guessing your answer is no, well what is the difference.

Throughout the history of rock and roll there has been many accounts of people saying the music is responsible for murder and suicide.

There has been many lawsuits that the plaintiffs lost against rock legends such as Judas Pries, AC/DC, and Ozzy Osborne for causing teens kill.

The reason that the rock stars got by with the so call crimes of assisting suicide or murder is because they didn’t do anything wrong.

It was ignorant to even let these people go through with these lawsuits because freedom of expression is a first amendment right.

If they wanted to say suicide and murder is okay they could but at least in Ozzy Osborne’s case the song in question was not even saying suicide was okay, it was a warning against alcoholism leading to suicide.

In more recent years Marlyn Manson got the blame for the Columbine shootings. I don’t personally like his music or him for that matter but it makes me mad that people can blame real violence on art.

Music doesn’t kill people, but people do kill people. I don’t know why exactly, but maybe they were tortured at home and school.

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