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Many people in all the ignorence actually believe that God hates blacks, homosexuals, the jewish, and anyone else that does't fit the profile of "White Protestent"

The thruth is that God loves all of his children wether they are white, balck, gay, or even racist. Then on the same note hates some of their actions.

That explains why he destroyed Sodem and Gomora(i don't have a bible on hand and don't know how to correctlly spell those places names). Then also why he destroyed the whole Earth with a flood. It's kinda like how parents punish kids.

"God will get you same for lieing as he will stealing," as Ms. McPeaks (my journalism teacher) likes to say. So in the same sense he will get you the same for acts of violance and hatrid towards people of other backrounds as he will for being gay.

yes homosexuallity is a sin but that doesn't give anyone the right to judge gay people or anyone for that matter. You are not the one to say who goes to heaven and who goes to hell.

Thats why i believe that these neo-nazi pigs have just as good of a chance of going to hell as gays or anyone else doe's and they don't know jack about who Godloves and doesnt love. So to put an end to this ramble i would like to quote and a line from the dead kennadys "nazi punk f*ck off"
