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Columbus Day: America is stolen and we still celbrate it

You may get off of work and school for Columbus day. You may think that it is something to celebrate, I mean you get a day off and in history this day celebrates Columbus landing on American soil and opening the door to colonize the Americas.

But some don’t celebrate they mourn because Columbus Day marks they day that opened up the Native Americans homeland to be stolen, raped of it’s beauty, and many men and women killed by Europeans.

They mourn by wearing black armbands and wearing headwraps dipped in ashes. I also wear a black armband because I personally think that the way America was “discovered and civilized” is wrong and sad.

Now let me ask you a question: if someone stole something and gave it to you and said they found it and that makes it theirs would you take it and if you did would you use it. I don’t think so buddy.

But you happily do every day. I mean you do live in America and use it’s resources but, wow they were stolen weren’t they.

I’m not saying you should pack up and move or even hate this place. I am just saying you should realize that it was stolen and people were killed in doing so.

We can’t change what happened, but we can realize that it is the truth and it is wrong that it happened.

Columbus day is just as sad a Pearl Harbor or September 11. We may not think of it that way because we gained from it and it was so long ago, but it never the less is.

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