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*Cannibal Army (National Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Haiti) - militant "gang" located in Gonaives.  Once supported Aristide but switched sides when the leader was supposed shot dead in September 2003 on Aristide's orders.  Rebels took control of Gonaives and then spread to Cap-Haitien, Haiti's second largest city.

    *Rebels reject plan (put forth by the Bahamas,     France, U.S., and Canada) which called for     reduction of Aristide's power and a newly     appointed government that would include the     opposition.

*Rebels march on Port-au-Prince February 29th, 2004 (seven days after Cap-Haitien).  Aristide "departed" the same day.  Aristide insists that he was kidnapped by the U.S.  Colin Powell and Dick Cheney state that he "resigned."



>>>Haiti After Invasion of 1994
